(Quellen zu den Antiken Naturwissenschaften)
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I hope to make available public domain materials that are essential for the study of ancient and early modern mathematics and mathematical astronomy. Google, for example, has done some things to achieve this through its books.google.com project. However, like most other efforts at digitally copying non digital materials, "mistakes were made". For example, Google currently has several (all incomplete) versions of Teubner's's edition of Euclid available for download. Most of these unfortunately contain page after page that are illegible, missing, out of order or otherwise unusable.
Most of the works available here were made by repairing the imperfect Google scans. This repairing has taken the form of replacing illegible or missing pages of one Google text with readable pages from another Google scan of the same text, splicing together readable portions of pages with Photoshop, replacing missing pages with scans from a local library, and replacing missing pages with transcriptions in TeX, a mathematical typesetting software, from copies that are too brittle to scan
Other sources of texts include the Digital Library of India [DLI] , the former Sansknet project, the Gallica website, the Babson website and others, as well as privately owned public domain material.
The PDFs of the manuscripts of al-Khazini's Zij as-Sanjari were made from photocopies that were kindly given to me by the late Dr. David Pingree.
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Please report broken links, illegible pages of PDFs, etc. to the maintainer of this site, Joseph Leichter, at wilbourhall@gmail.com. The contents of this page - including but not limited to the source code - are protected by US copyright.
Description |
Online instruction by the maintainer of this site in reading Euclid (and other authors) in Latin and Greek |
Euclid's Elements (digitized) in Greek, Latin, Arabic, Sanskrit and Chinese from the University of Oslo |
Elements, Books 1-4 ( 28Mb ) (Greek) [Google Books] |
Elements, Books 1-4 ( 31 Mb ) (Greek) [ECHO] |
Elements, Books 1-4 (Greek) [ECHO] (118 Mb) |
Elements, Books 1-4 ( 17.4 Mb ) (Greek) [Million Books Project] |
Elements, Books 5-9 ( 19 Mb ) (Greek) [Google Books] |
Elements, Books 5-9 ( 46 Mb ) (Greek) [ECHO] |
Elements, Books 5-9 (Greek) [ECHO] (177 Mb ) |
Elements, Books 5-9 ( 22.5 Mb ) (Greek) [Million Books Project] |
Elements, Book 10 (18 Mb) (Greek) |
Elements, Book 10 (Greek) [ECHO] (162 Mb) |
Elements, Books 11-13 ( 7 Mb ) (Greek) |
Elements, Books 11-13 (Greek) [ECHO] (163 Mb) |
Elements, Books 14 and 15, Scholia (Greek) (18 Mb) [Google Books] |
Elements, Books 14 and 15, Scholia (Greek)[ECHO] (330Mb) |
Data (Greek) [Google Books] |
Data (Greek) (13.9 MB )[Million Books Project] |
Data (Greek) [ECHO] (330Mb) |
Optica (Greek) [Google Books] |
Optica (Greek) (19.8 MB)[Million Books Project] |
Optica (Greek) (19.8 MB)[ECHO] (153Mb) |
VOL VIII | Phaenomena et Scripta Musica [ECHO] |
VOL VIII | Phaenomena et Scripta Musica (12.6 MB)[Million Books Project] |
VOL VIII | Phaenomena et Scripta Musica [ECHO](137 Mb) |
Gherard of Cremona's Latin Translation of Al-Nairizi's (now fragmentary) Arabic commentary on Euclid I - X. This contains portions of Simplicius' lost commentary on Euclid. (Latin) . |
A list a changes made to the original Google scans. (61 Kb) (Greek) |
Euclid Campanus | Campanus. The Latin editio princeps of the Elements. Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi.. Venice, 1482. 250 Mb. |
Euclidis Elementorum libri XV una cum scholiis antiquis a Frederico Commandino nuper in Latinum conversi. [The Fifteen Books of Euclid's Elements along with Ancient Scholia]. Fredericus Commandinus. Latin 1572. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
Pappus of Alexandria's Commentary on Book X of Euclid - Arabic Text and (English) Translation.(Abu Uthman al-Dimishqi) Junge, Thompson. This scan is missing introductory materials ( pp. 1- 62) and page 178. It does, however, contain the entire Arabic and English texts. |
Pappus of Alexandria's Commentary on Book X of Euclid - Arabic Text and (English) Translation.(Abu Uthman al-Dimishqi)Junge, Thompson.Complete Scan [Million Books Project] | |
اوقليدس. كتاب تحرير اصول لاوقليدس Euclid. Kitāb Taḥrīr uṣūl li-Ūqlīdis. Romæ : In Typographia Medicea, 1594. Latin Title page. (Arabic edition of Euclid's Elements, mostly likely by a student or associate of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a.k.a. Psuedo -Tusi ) | |
اوقليدس. كتاب تحرير اصول لاوقليدس Euclid. Kitāb Taḥrīr uṣūl li-Ūqlīdis. Romæ : In Typographia Medicea, 1594.Arabic title page. (Arabic edition of Euclid's Elements, mostly likely by a student or associate of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a.k.a. Psuedo -Tusi ) [World Digital Library] | |
Pseudo-Tusi Article | Article on the two editions above and the question of their authorship |
Euclid. Hādhā kitāb Uqlīdis. [Tehran, 1880]. The tahrir of Euclid's Elements by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. | |
Euclid. Hādhā kitāb Uqlīdis. [Istanbul : Dār al-Ṭibāʻah lil-Dawlah al-ʻAlīyah al-ʻUthmānīyah, 1216 [1801 or 02]. The tahrir of Euclid's Elements by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. | |
A Sanskrit translation of Euclid's Elements (made from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Arabic recension). Books 1-6 |
A Sanskrit translation of Euclid's Elements (made from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Arabic recension). Books 7-15 |
Eulcid (Simpson) | Euclidis Elementorum Libri Priores Sex Item Undecimus et Duodecimus ex Versione Frederici Commandini a Roberto Simpson (1756) [Million Books Project] (19Mb) |
Description |
English Translation of Books I, II [Million Books Project] | |
English Translation of Books I, II Uncorrected [Google Books]Amazon |
English Translation of Books III-IX [Million Books Project] | |
English Translation of Books III-IX Uncorrected [Google Books] |
English Translation of Books I, II [Million Books Project] | |
English Translation of Books X-XIIIUncorrected [Google Books] |
Description |
Extra Features |
الكتاب المجسطي (Μαθηματικἠ Σύνταξις) . The complete Almagest (books 1- 13). Requires Adobe Acrobat reader version 8 or higher. (17 Mb). This copy was used by Dr. David Pingree. (Greek) |
The Opening of the Almagest in Latin (George of Trebizond) |
This pages were missing in the previous version available. If you are downloading the Almagest for the first time, there is no need to download these pages as well. (Greek) |
Almagest, books 1-6 (Greek) [Million Books Project] | ||
Almagest, books 7-13 (Greek) [Million Books Project][Google] | ||
Opera Minora (Greek, Latin German)[Google] |
De Iudicandi Facultate et Animi Principatu et Pseudo-Ptolemaei Fructus sive Centiloquium (Greek / Latin introduction )[Million Books Project] |
Analemma [Million Books Project] |
Ptolemy's Optics. Latin translation by Eugenius Siculus of the Arabic version. (The Greek version is lost). Introduction in Italian.Uncorrected [Google Books |
Ptolemy's Geography, Vol I.. Greek with Latin introduction.Uncorrected [Google Books] 1843 |
Ptolemy's Geography, Vol II.. Greek with Latin introduction.Uncorrected [Google Books] 1843 |
Ptolemy's Geography, Vol III.. Greek with Latin introduction.Uncorrected [Google Books] 1843 |
The Latin translation of the Arabic version, made by Plato of Tivoli in 1138. Basel 1533. | ||
Translations of the Almagest |
Des Claudius Ptolemäus Handbuch der astronomie .Volume 1. German translation of the Almagest. Manitius. [Million Books Project] |
Des Claudius Ptolemäus Handbuch der astronomie. Volume 2 . German translation of the Almagest. Manitius. [Million Books Project] |
Printed Text |
Prof. Gerald Toomer's English translation of the
Almagest.[ Amazon ] |
Almagest (Latin) | Latin editio princeps of the Almagest (1515). Translation from an Arabic version. (157 Mb) | |
Claudii Ptolemaei Phelvdiensis Alexandrini Almagestum. 1528. George of Trebizond's Latin translation of the Almagest from the Greek. (109Mb) | ||
Almagest (Latin) Copy2 | Claudii Ptolemaei Phelvdiens Alexandrini Almagestum. 1528. George of Trebizond's Latin translation of the Almagest from Greek. Copy 2 (87Mb) | |
Greek editio princeps of the Almagest (1538) - Part I - Greek Text (91 Mb); Part II - the commentary of Theon of Alexandria (73Mb) | ||
Almagest | Greek editio princeps of the Almagest (1538), with the commentary of Theon of Alexandria. Some introductory material is missing. High resolution: (212 megabytes) | |
Almagest | Greek editio princeps of the Almagest (1538), with the commentary of Theon of Alexandria. High resolution: (706 megabytes) | |
Description |
Procli Diadochi Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum. Manitius. Teubner. 1902.[Corrected Google Scan] |
Procli Diadochi Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum. Gyraneaus. 1540[Corrected Google Scan] | |
Proclus'Commentary on Euclid, Book I/ Procli Diadochi in Primum Euclidis Elementorum Librum Commentarii[Million Books Project] |
The complete Commentary of Proclus on Euclid I . Changes that were made to the original Google scan are listed on the first page. Requires Adobe Acrobat reader version 8 or higher. (15Mb ) (Greek) |
Latin Versions of Proclus |
Procli Diadochi Philosophi Platonici ac Mathematici Probatissimi in Primum Eulcidis Elementorum Librorum Commentarium. Franciscus Barocius. Proclus' Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements. trans.Francesco Barozzi. 1560 [Google Books] | |
Procli Diadochi Philosophi Platonici ac Mathematici Probatissimi in Primum Eulcidis Elementorum Librorum Commentarium. Franciscus Barocius. Proclus' Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements. trans.Francesco Barozzi. 1560 [Google Books] | |
Description |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol I. Pneumatica et Automata. Greek with German translation. ed Schmidt. Uncorrected Google version. (Only one copy on Google as of August, 2008) |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol I. [Gallica] |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol I, supplement. Description of the manuscripts and a Greek word index. German. ed. Schmidt. Uncorrected Google version. (Only one copy on Google as of August, 2008) |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol I, supplement [Gallica] |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol II, Fasc I. Mechanica et Catoptrica. Greek and Arabic with German translation. ed. Schmidt. Uncorrected Google version. (Only one copy on Google as of August, 2008) |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol II. [Gallica] |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt. Vol III. Rationes Dimetiendi et Commentatio Dioptrica . Greek with German translation. ed. Schmidt. Corrected Google version. |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt: Hieronis Definitiones cum Variis Collectionibus Heronis Quae Feruntur Geometrica. Greek with German translation. ed. J.L. Heiberg. Vol IV [Gallica] |
Heronis Alexandrini Opera Quae Supersunt: Heronis Quae Feruntur Stereometrica et De Mensuris. Vol V. Greek with German translation.. ed. J.L. Heiberg [Gallica] |
dissertation | De Heronis Aetate. A doctoral dissertation from Germany on Hero. Rupdolph Meier. Latin. 1905. Uncorrected Google version. (Only one copy on Google as of August, 2008) |
Description |
Arithmeticorum Libri VI. (Greek) |
Scholia Vetera, Testimonia Veterum etc. (Greek) |
Diophantus of Alexandria (English) [Google][Amazon] |
Diophantus of Alexandria (English) [Million Books Project] [Amazon] |
Description |
On the Sphere and the Cylinder, etc. (Greek) |
On Spiral Lines . (Greek) |
The Commentary of Eutocius (Greek) |
The Works of Archimedes (English) [Google][Amazon] |
The Works of Archimedes (English) [Million Books Proj.][Amazon] |
The Method of Archimedes Recently Discovered by Heiberg - A Supplement to the Works of Archimedes (1897). T. L. Heath, 1912 [Million Books Proj.] | |
Quaestiones Archimedeae. ("Investigations of Archimedes"). This is the doctoral dissertation of J .L. Heiberg. 1872. Latin. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Description |
Conics, Books I-III (Greek) [Google] |
Conics, Books I-III (Greek) [Gallica] |
Conics, Books I-III (Greek) [Million Books Project] |
Conics, Book IV, etc (Greek) [Google] |
Conics, Book IV, etc (Greek) [Gallica] |
Conics, Book IV, etc (Greek)[Million Books Project] |
Das Fünfte Buch Der Conica Des Apollonius von Perga in Der Arabischen Ueberseztung Des Thabit ibn Corra (Book Five of the Conic Sections of Apollonius of Perga in the Arabic Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra.) Arabic with German translation. Uncorrected version from [Google Books] |
Das Fünfte Buch Der Conica Des Apollonius von Perga in Der Arabischen Ueberseztung Des Thabit ibn Corra (Book Five of the Conic Sections of Apollonius of Perga in the Arabic Translation of Thabit ibn Qurra.) Arabic with German translation. Uncorrected version from [Million Books Project] | |
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri et coni libri duo [ edited by E. Halley]. Published 1710 Uncorrected[Google Books] Copy 1. |
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri et coni libri duo [ edited by E. Halley]. Published 1710 Uncorrected[Google Books] Copy 2 |
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri et coni libri duo [ edited by E. Halley]. Published 1710 Uncorrected[Google Books] Copy 3 |
APOLLONII CONICA | APOLLONII CONICA: Methodo Nova Illlustrata, & Succin&e Demonstrata. Isaac Barrow 1675. |
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum Libri Octo. (Book V) Edmund Halley's Latin translation of the Arabic version of book V of the Conics | |
APOLLONIUS Pergaeus (ca. 260-ca. 200 B.C.) Conicorum lib. V. VI. VII.
The Arabic paraphrase by Abalphatus Asphahanensus [Abū 'l-Fath Mahmūd Ibn Muhammad al-Isfahānī] translated into Latin by Abraham Ecchellensis (d. 1664) - ARCHIMEDES (ca. 287-212 B.C.) Liber Assumptorum. The Arabic version of Thebit Ben-Kora [Thābit ibn Qurra] translated into Latin by Abraham Ecchellensis. Both texts edited by Giovanni Alfonso Borelli (1608-1679). Florence: Giuseppe Cocchini, 1661. Unocorrected [Google Books] |
Apollonii Pergaei de Sectione Rationis Libri Duo ex Arabico MS Latine Versi . Halley's Latin translation of the Arabic version of Apollonius' De Sectione Rationis. 1706. Uncorrected [Google Books] |
Apollonii Pergaei de Sectione Rationis Libri Duo ex Arabico MS Latine Versi . Halley's Latin translation of the Arabic version of Apollonius' De Sectione Rationis. 1706. Corrected [Google Books] |
Apollonii Pergei... Opera per doctissimum philosophum Joannem Baptistam Memum... de graecon latinum traducta Publisher : [B. Bindonum] ([Impr. Venetiis]). 1537. A 16th century Latin translation of (portions of ?) the first four books of the Conics. Poor quality.[Gallica] |
Apollonii Pergaei Concirorum Libri Quattuor una cum Pappi Alexandrini Lemmatibus et Commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitae. Sereni Antinensis Philosophi Libri Duo Numc Primum in Lucem Editi Quae Omnia Nuper Fredericus Commandinus Mendis Quamplurimis Expurgata e Graeco convertit et Commentariis Illustravit. The Four Books of Apollonius' Conics, with Serenus of Antissa, the lemmas of Pappus and the Commentary of Eutocius. Latin translation of Fredericus Commandinus. Bologna, 1566. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Conics(I-IV) Commandinus | Apollonii Pergaei Concirorum Libri Quattuor, Serenissimo Principi Ioanni Gastoni ab Etruria Dicatiuna una cum Pappi Alexandrini Lemmatibus et Commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitae:Quae olim primus vulgavit omnia Fredericus Commandinus Urbinas e Graeco a se Conversa., Expurgata Mendis et Commentariis Illustrata: Nuperrime autem in Lucem Prodeunt, ab Aliis Erratis Longe Plurimis, Quae, ut Primum Edita sunt, identidem irrepserunt, vindicata. Latin. 1696. Uncorrected [Google Books] |
Sieben Bücher über Kegelschnitte, nebst dem durch Halley wieder hergestellten achten Buche;Paul Heinrich Belsam (1861) . German translation of Halley's edition of the Conics [Million Books Project] | |
Treatise on the Conic Sections (English) [Google][Amazon] |
Treatise on the Conic Sections (English) [Million Books Project] [Amazon] |
Description |
On the Moving Sphere - [Million Books Project] (Greek) |
Description |
Eratosthenica - composuit Godofredus Bernhardy Berlin, 1822 Greek, Latin [Google Books] |
Description |
Aristarchus of Samos - Million Books Project (Greek/English) . [Amazon]. |
Description |
The Zij as Sanjari of Gregory Chioniades: Greek text, English Translation and Greek to Arabic Glossary- The doctoral dissertation of Joseph G. Leichter (your's truly!) written under the direction of the late Dr. David Edwin Pingree of Brown University. The Greek text is Chioniades' translation of al-Khazini's Arabic text of the same title, available in manuscript form below. Million Books Project (Greek/English/Arabic) . |
Description |
Sereni Antinoensis Opuscula: De Sectione Cylindri, De Sectione Coni. Greek with Latin Translation. Teubner. [Google Books] (uncorrected but seems OK) |
Serenus | Serenus von Antissa über den Schnitt des Cylinders . German translation with Latin exposition. 1866 [Million Books Project] |
Description |
Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. - Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. Hiller.Teubner.1878. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Theon | Exposition des connaissances mathematiques utiles pour la lecture de platon. Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. J. Dupuis, French introduction and translation. Greek Text.Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Theon | Exposition des connaissances mathematiques utiles pour la lecture de platon.Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. J. Dupuis, French introduction and translation. Greek Text. [Million Books Project] |
Theon | Liber de Astronomia. Greek edition with Latin translation. 1949. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Description |
Curtze M 1897 Petri Philomeni de Dacia In Algorismum vulgarem Johannis de Sacrobosco commentarius |
Curtze 1868 | Curtze M 1868 Oresme-Algorismus proportionum |
Curtze 1899 | Curtze M 1899 Anaritii in Elementorum commentarii |
Curtze 1902 | Curtze M1902 Urkunden |
Govi G 1885 | Govi G 1885 L'Ottica di Claudio Tolomeo |
Archimedes I | Heiberg 1880 Archimedes I |
Archimedes II | Heiberg 1880 Archimedes II |
Archimedes III | Heiberg 1880 Archimedes III |
Euclidis Elementa 1 | Heiberg JL 1883 Euclidis Elementa 1(I-IV) |
Euclidis Elementa 2 | Heiberg JL 1883 Euclidis Elementa 2(V-IX) |
Euclidis Elementa 3 | Heiberg JL 1883 Euclidis Elementa 3(X) |
Euclidis Elementa 4 | Heiberg JL 1883 Euclidis Elementa 4(XI-XIII) |
Euclidis Elementa 5 | Heiberg JL 1883 Euclidis Elementa 5(XIV-XV+scholia) |
Euklid Optica Catoptrica | Heiberg JL 1895 Euklid Optica Catoptrica |
Ptolemaios-Almagest | Heiber JL 1897 Ptolemaios-Almagest 1+2(Pingree's) |
Heron 4 | Heiberg JL 1912 Heron 4 |
Heron 5 | Heiberg JL 1914 Heron 5 |
Pappos-1 | Hultsch 1876 Pappos-1 |
Pappos-2 | Hultsch 1876 Pappos-2 |
Pappos-3-1 | Hultsch 1876 Pappos-3-1 |
Pappos-3-2 | Hultsch 1876 Pappos-3-2 |
Griechische und römische Metrologie | Hultsch F 1862 Griechische und römische Metrologie |
Heroni Geometrica-Stereometrica | Hultsch F 1864 Heroni Geometrica-Stereometrica |
Griechische und römische Metrologie 2 ed. | Hultsch F Griechische und römische Metrologie 2 ed. |
Description |
This is the (fragmentary) Arabic of al- Nairizi's commentary on Euclid, book I. It is based on the Arabic translation of Euclid by al-Hajjaj. Digitial photographs of pages 188 and 189, which were missing in the original Google scan, have been inserted. |
Digitial photographs of vol. 1, fasc. II pages 188-189, pages which were missing from the original Google scan. |
This is the (fragmentary) Arabic of al- Nairizi's commentary on Euclid, book II.It is based on the Arabic translation of Euclid by al-Hajjaj. Fascicle I covers through proposition 13 of book II. |
This is the (fragmentary) Arabic of al- Nairizi's commentary on Euclid, book III. |
Gherard of Cremona's Latin Translation of Al-Nairizi's (now fragmentary) Arabic commentary on Euclid I - X. This contains portions of Simplicius' lost commentary on Euclid. (Latin) . |
Printed Text |
Commentary of Al-Nayrizi on Book I of Euclid's Elements of Geometry: An
Introduction on the Transmission of Euclid's Elements in the Middle
Ages(English Translation of the Arabic) (Amazon) |
Printed Text |
of Cremona's Translation of the Commentary of Al-Nayrizi on Book I of
Euclid's Elements of Geometry (English Translation of the Latin) (Amazon) |
Description |
The Algebra of Al-Khwarizmi (Arabic with English translation). The (English) introduction to this edition frequently cites the text Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanskrit of Bhramagupta and Baskaracharya available below [Google
Books][Amazon]. [MuslimHeritage.com
entry on al-Khwarizmi] |
The Algebra of Al-Khwarizmi (Arabic with English translation). The (English) introduction to this edition frequently cites the text Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanskrit of Bhramagupta and Baskaracharya available below [Million Books Project][Amazon]. [MuslimHeritage.com
entry on al-Khwarizmi] |
Algebra (Latin) | Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of al-Khwarizimi's Algebra [Google Books] |
Description |
al-Fārābī's Abhandlung der Mustersaat ( The Virtuous City)..German introduction with Arabic text.[Google Books](A more recent edition with English translation is
available at Amazon ) |
Description |
Chronology of Ancient Nations.English Translation. Corrected version from [Google Books] [ Amazon ]
entry on al-Biruni ] |
Chronologie Orientalischer Vöker von Alberuni ( Chronology of Ancient Nations). German introduction with Arabic text. Uncorrected Google version. (Only one copy on Google books as of August, 2008). [Google Books] |
Chronologie Orientalischer Vöker von Alberuni ( Chronology of Ancient Nations). German introduction with Arabic text[Gallica] |
Description |
L'algèbre D'Omar al Khyamm. F. Woepcke. Paris. 1851. Arabic with French Translation [Google Books] | |
Omar Khayyamm | L'algèbre D'Omar al Khyamm. F. Woepcke. Paris. 1851. Arabic with French Translation [Gallica] |
Description |
Introductionum in Astronomias. Latin translation. Late 15th early 16th century edition. Some pages damaged [Gallica] | |
Albumasar | Introductionum in Astronomias. "This edition is the 1140 translation into Latin by Hermann of Carinthia, first printed by Erhard Ratdolt in Augsburg, Germany, in 1489." [World Digital Library] |
Albumasar | Albumasar de magnis conjunctionibus, annorum revolutionibus ac eorum profectionibus, octo continens tractatus. 1489. Latin[Gallica] |
Description |
Kitab al-Fihrist mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Gustav Flügel. Leipzig 1872. Arabic text of the Fihirst, with introduction and notes in German.[Google Books] | |
According to a citation in the French version of the Wikipedia entry on Ibn al-Nadim, this Arabic edition of the Fihrist was first published in Teheran in 1971-1973 and reproduced in Beirut/Cairo, 1988.[Million Books Project] | |
Description |
“Key to the Sciences” كتاب مفاتيح العلوم | Mafatih al-'Ulum (Key to the Sciences) Leiden. 1895. Uncorrected [Google Books] |
“Key to the Sciences” كتاب مفاتيح العلوم | Mafatih al-'Ulum (Key to the Sciences) Leiden. 1895. Uncorrected [Million Books Project] |
Description |
Collection of Treatises | Collection of the Treatises of al-Ṭūsī. Arabic. Vol 1 of 2.
The complete two volume set contains On the Book “Data”by Euclid; On the Book “Spherics” by Theodosius; On the Book “On the Moving Sphere” by Autolycus; On the Book “On Habitations” by Theodosius; On the Book “Optica” by Euclid; On the Book “Phenomena” by Euclid; and On the Book “On Days and Nights” by Theodosius. Hyderabad. 1938-40. [World Digital Library] |
Six Essays | Six Essays from the Book of Commentaries on Euclid. "This work consists of six essays from al-Tusi’s book Kitab usul al-hindasa wa al-hisab (The book of the origins of geometry and arithmetic, also known as Commentaries on Euclid), an illustrated treatise on the Greek mathematician’s work." [World Digital Library] |
Euclid. Hādhā kitāb Uqlīdis. [Tehran, 1880]. The tahrir of Euclid's Elements by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. | |
Euclid. Hādhā kitāb Uqlīdis. [Istanbul : Dār al-Ṭibāʻah lil-Dawlah al-ʻAlīyah al-ʻUthmānīyah, 1216 [1801 or 02]. The tahrir of Euclid's Elements by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. | |
اوقليدس. كتاب تحرير اصول لاوقليدس Euclid. Kitāb Taḥrīr uṣūl li-Ūqlīdis. Romæ : In Typographia Medicea, 1594. Latin Title page. (Arabic edition of Euclid's Elements, mostly likely by a student or associate of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a.k.a. Psuedo -Tusi ) | |
قليدس. كتاب تحرير اصول لاوقليدس Euclid. Kitāb Taḥrīr uṣūl li-Ūqlīdis. Romæ : In Typographia Medicea, 1594.Arabic title page. (Arabic edition of Euclid's Elements, mostly likely by a student or associate of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a.k.a. Psuedo -Tusi ) [World Digital Library] | |
Pseudo-Tusi Article | Article on the two editions above and the question of their authorship. |
Elucidation on the Memoir of Astronomy | The Elucidation of the Memoir on Astronomy by Ṭūsi. "This <Arabic> manuscript is a commentary on Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsi's al-Tadhkira fī al-‘ilm al-hay’a (Memoir on astronomy)....This commentary is by Niẓām al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Muḥammad al-A‘raj al-Nīsābūrī al-Qummī (died after 1311)" [World Digital Library] |
Taḥrīr Kitāb Mānālāwis | Taḥrīr Kitāb Mānālāwis fī al-ashkāl al-kurīyah, Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī. Arabic edition of the Spherics of Menelaos of Alexandria mentioning the editions by al-Māhānī, Aḥmad ibn AbīSaʻd al-Harawī and Manṣūr ibn ʻAlī ibn ʻIrāq. 13th century manuscript. |
Tahrir al-Majisti | Anonymous, Tahrir al-Majisti [SBB: Ahlw. 5655 = Sprenger 1838], ca. 1800. Manuscript. [ECHO] [Tahrir of the Almagest] ECHO lists the authorship of this manuscript as anonymous.The note below from page 6 of the PDF may indicate some kind of connection to Tusi, though I am not certain. Any information on the authorship of this manuscript would be greatly appreciated (wilbourhall@gmail.com/Twitter: @wilbourhall) |
Description |
Farghani Elements | Muḥammad al-Farghānī’s Elements of Chronology and Astronomy. Arabic with Latin translation. Amsterdam,, 1669. [World Digital Library] |
Description |
English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri (1861). PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India |
English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and of the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri (1861). [Google Books] |
Surya Siddhanta | (English) Translation of the Surya Siddhanta: A Text Book on Hindu Astronomy Burgess.[Google Books] |
Surya Siddhanta with the Gudarthaprakashika
commentary of Raganatha (Sanskrit). All introductory matter is missing
from the scan. [Million Books Project - which lists it as being in Telegu
for some reason] [Another version of this text and commentary is available
at Biblia
Imex] |
Surya Siddhanta 1-11 (Sanskrit) with the Sauravasana
tika.. PDF assembled from images available at the Digital Library of
India. Page 96 is missing. |
Surya Siddhanta 1-11 (Sanskrit) with the Sauravasana tika.. PDF assembled from images available at the Digital Library of India. Page 96 is missing. |
Description |
Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta. PDF compiled from images available at the Digitial Library of India. (Sanskrit with English introduction) . English introduction and complete text of the BSS as found in a manuscript at the Bhandarkar Research Institute, Poona. Index of slokas. |
Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta. PDF compiled from images available at the Digitial Library of India.(Sanskrit/Hindi). Chapters 1-9 of the BSS with the Vasana commentary of Prthudaka Swami and Vigyan Bhashya in Sanskrit with Hindi translation. |
Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta. PDF compiled from images available at the Digitial Library of India.(Sanskrit/Hindi). Chapters 10-16 of the BSS with the Nutan Tilak commentary of Sudhakar Dwivedi and Vigyan Bhashya in Sanskrit with Hindi translation. |
Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta. PDF compiled from images available at the Digitial Library of India. (Sanskrit). Chapters 17-24 of the BSS. |
Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta. PDF of Dvivedi's 1902 edition of the BSS. [Million Books Project] |
Description |
English translation and notes by Walter Clark [Million Books Project] [Amazon]. |
Arybhatiya with the commentary of Bhaskara I and Someavara. .PDF compiled from files available at GRETIL. (Romanized Sanskrit). |
Kalakriyapada with the bhashya of Nilakanthasomasutvan. PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India. Other parts of this work are not yet available at the DLI. (Sanskrit). |
With the commentary Bhatadipika of Paramadishwara. (PDF) (Sanskrit).
[DLI?] |
With the commentary Bhatadipika of Paramadishwara. (PDF) Same as above. Better scan. [Million Books Project] |
Printed Texts |
Several printed versions of the Aryabhatiya are
also available at Vedic Books. |
Description |
Siddhanta Siromani in Sanskrit. PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India. |
English translation of the Siddhanta Siromani. PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India. A printed Sanskrit version is available at Vedic Books. |
English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri (1861). PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India |
English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and of the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri (1861). [Google Books] |
Description |
The Pancasiddhantika of Varahamihira. Sanskrit text and commentary with English translation. Thibaut. 1889.[Google books] |
The Pancasiddhantika of Varahamihira. Sanskrit text and commentary with English translation. Thibaut. 1889.[Digital Library of India] |
The Pancasiddhantika of Varahamihira. Sanskrit text and commentary with English translation. Thibaut. 1889.[Gallica] | |
The Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira (English translation). [Google Books]. |
The Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira (Sanskrit Text). Several pages are illegible. PDF compiled from images available at the Digital Library of India. |
The Brhat Jataka of Varahamihira (English translation) 1885. [Google Books]. |
The Brhat Jataka of Varahamihira (English translation) 1905. Same text as above, different edition .[Google Books]. |
The Brhat Jataka of Varahamihira (English translation) 1905. Same text as above. [Million Books Project]. |
The Brhat Jataka of Varahamihira (Sanskrit). Volume I of a two-volume set. PDF compiled from a DjVu file availabe at the Million Books Project. (The title given is the Hora Shastra). |
Printed Texts |
Several printed versions of the Brhat Jataka and Brhat Samhita available at Vedic
Books. |
Description |
The Astadhyayi of Panini, with the Kashika commentary, and the Nyasa and Padamanjara commentaries on the Kashika. PDF compiled from files once available at the now apparently defunct Sansknet project. |
The Mahabhashya, or Great Commentary on Panini. PDF compiled from files available at GRETIL.
Original input by George
Cardona |
The Mahabhashya, or Great Commentary on Panini, with two Sanskrit commentaries(One volume).PDF compiled from files available at the Digital Library of India |
The Mahabhashya, or Great Commentary on Panini, with two Sanskrit commentaries.(Six volumes).PDFs compiled from files available at the Digital Library of India | |
The Ashtadhyayi Of Panini.Srisa Chandra Vasu. Sanskrit sutras with an English translation and notes based on the Kashika. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
The Amarakosha. PDF compiled from files available at GRETIL |
Amarakosha with the Commentary of Maheshwara. [Google] Uncorrected | |
Kosha or Dictionary of the Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit with English Notes. Colebrook. Calcutta, 1891. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
The Dhatupatha. Input by Bhagwan Sing at Sanskritdocuments.org |
Dhatupatha with the Dhātvartha Prakāshikā Notes. 1969. PDF made from DjVu file.[Million Books Project] | |
The Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi . Sanskrit with Sanskrit/Hindi commentary. PDF compiled from images available at the DLI |
The Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi. Sanskrit with English translation. Ballantyne. 1867. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
The Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi. Sanskrit with Sanskrit commentary. From somewhere on the internet. | |
The Siddhānta-Kaumudī by Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita, with the Tattvabodhinī and Subodhinī commentaries. Bombay.1908. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Pāṇinis Grammatik: Herausgegeben, übersetzt, erläutert und mit verschiedenen Indices versehen. Otto Von Bohtlingk.1887
Only one copy on Google as of Oct. 2008[Google Books]
Pāṇinis Grammatik: Herausgegeben, übersetzt, erläutert und mit verschiedenen Indices versehen. Otto Von Bohtlingk.1887.[Million Books Project] | |
Description |
Hymns of the Rig Veda in the Samhita and Pada Texts. Müller. Vol I. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Hymns of the Rig Veda in the Samhita and Pada Texts. Müller. Vol II. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Description |
Aitareya Brahmana of the Rig Veda.Vol I. Sanskrit text. 1863. Uncorrected [Google Books] |
Aitareya Brahmana of the Rig Veda. Vol II. English translation and notes.. Uncorrected [Goolge Books] |
Description |
Bālakāṇḍa |
Ayodhyākāṇḍa |
Aranyakāṇḍa |
Kiṣkindhākāṇḍa |
Sundarakāṇḍa |
Yuddhakāṇḍa |
Uttarakāṇḍa |
Index of Verses |
Sanskrit Prose Version of the Bālakāṇḍa and Ayodhyākāṇḍa |
Sanskrit Prose Version of the Bālakāṇḍa and Ayodhyākāṇḍa [Million Books Project] |
Schlegel's Sanskrit edition and Latin Translation of the Bālakāṇḍa |
Schlegel's Sanskrit edition of the Bālakāṇḍa. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Schlegel's Latin translation of the Bālakāṇḍa. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Description |
Claudii Ptolemaei Phelvdiensis Alexandrini Almagestum. 1528. George of Trebizond's Latin translation of the Almagest from the Greek. | |
Description |
Epitoma in Almagestum.Epitome of the Almagest. 16th century edition. A much better qualityPDF scan of the same text is available from the Vienna University Library. [Gallica] |
Description |
Institutionum Calculi Integralis Vol I. (Methods of Integral Calculus). (Latin) [Google Books] |
Institutionum Calculi Integralis Vol II. .(Methods of Integral Calculus). (Latin) [Google Books] |
Institutionum Calculi Integralis Vol III. .(Methods of Integral Calculus). (Latin) [Google Books] |
Institutionum Calculi Integralis Vol IV . (Methods of Integral Calculus). (Latin) [Google Books] |
Adnotationes ad Calculum Integralem. (Notes on Integral Calculus)Euler (Latin) [Google Books] |
Institutiones Calculi Differentialis. Volume I. Chapters 1-9. (Latin) [Google Books] |
ICD US | Institutiones Calculi Differentialis. Chapters 1-18. (Latin) [University of Strasbourg] |
Methodus Inveniendi Lineas Curvas......Sive Solutio Problematis Isoperimetrici (A Method of Finding Curved Lines.....or A Solution to [an] Isoperimetric Problem[s]. (Latin) [Google Books] |
Theoria Motus Corporum Solidorum. (Theory of the Motion of Solid Bodies) (Latin) [Google Books] |
Theoria Motus Lunae. (Theory of the Motion of the Moon) (Latin) [Google Books] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen II. Leonhardi Euleri commentationes arithmeticae / edidit Ferdinand Rudio [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen III, Leonhardi Euleri commentationes arithmeticae / edidit Ferdinand Rudio [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen sextum, Leonhardi Euleri commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam aequationum pertinentes / ediderunt Ferdinand Rudio et Adolf Krazer. Teubner, 1821. [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen VIII, Leonhardi Euleri introductio in analysin infinitorum. Tomus primus / ediderunt Adolf Krazer et Ferdinand Rudio [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen undevicesimum, Leonhardi Euleri commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes. Volumen tertium / ediderunt Alexander Liapounoff et Adolf Krazer [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen septimum decimum, Leonhardi Euleri commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes. Volumen primum / edidit August Gutzmer [Gallica] |
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia: Opera mathematica. Volumen XVIII, Leonhardi Euleri commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes. Volumen secundum / ediderunt August Gutzmer et Alexander Liapounoff [Gallica] |
Description |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Erster Band, Berlin 1849.(The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 1/2). Latin, German. Uncorrected [Google Books] Copy I |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Erster Band, Berlin 1849.(The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 1/2). Latin, German. Uncorrected [Google Books] Copy II |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Dritter Band, Berlin 1856.(The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 3). Latin, German. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Vierter Band. Berlin 1859.(The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 4). Latin, German. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
VOL V | Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Fünfter Band. Berlin 1858. (The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 5). Latin, German. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Sechester Band. Berlin 1860 (The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 6) Latin, German. Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Leibnizs gesammelte Werke, Dritte Folge, Mathematik, Siebenter Band. (The Collected Works of Leibniz: Part Three - Mathematics. Vol. 7) Berlin 1863. Latin, German.Uncorrected. [Google Books] |
Description |
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium. (Latin) Copernicus [Google Books] |
Description |
Printed Text |
History of Ancient Mathemematical Astronomy. O.
Neugebauer. The magnum opus of one of the greatest historians of
science, and the first chair of Brown's History of Mathematics department.
[Amazon] |
Printed Text |
The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. O. Neugebauer.
An introduction to the history of mathematics and mathematical astronomy. [Amazon] |
Printed Text |
History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. Evans.
[ Amazon] |
Printed Text | Mathematics in India by Kim Plofker. 2008. [A review of Plofker's book by Fields Medal recipient David Mumford] |
Printed Text | A Survey of the Almagest (Acta Historica Scientarium Series No. 30) (Odense University Presindexs) |
VOL I | History of Greek Mathematics T.L. Heath. Vol I: Thales to Euclid [Million Books Project] |
VOL II | History of Greek Mathematics T.L. Heath. Vol II: Aristarchus to Diophantus [Million Books Project] |
Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanskrit of Bhramagupta and Baskaracharya. This text is cited in the above edition of al-Khwarizmi's Algebra . [Google Books] Uncorrected |
The Shulba Sutras [Google Books] |
On Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology.Friedrich Max Müller. 1862.[Google Books] | |
Rodet, Léon (1850-1895). Leçons de calcul d'Âryabhata [Gallica] |
L'algèbre d'Al-Khârizmi et les méthodes indienne et grecque / par Léon Rodet [Gallica] |
Analyse algébrique / Augustin-Louis Cauchy [Gallica] |
Handbuch der Mathematischen und Technischen Chronologie. Band I. Zeitrechnung der Babylonier, Ägypter, Mohammedaner, Perser, Inder,Südostasiaten, Chinesen, Japaner und Zentralamerikaner. Ginzel. German. Corrected Google version. [Google Books] |
Naturwissenchaften und Mathematik im classischen Atertum.[Mathematics and Physical Science in Classical Antiquity] ](German) J.L. Heiberg. Teubner 1912. Copy 1. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Naturwissenchaften und Mathematik im classischen Atertum.[Mathematics and Physical Science in Classical Antiquity] ](German) J.L. Heiberg. Teubner 1912. Copy 2. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Mathematics and Physical Science in Classical Antiquity (English translation of the above). J.L. Heiberg. Oxford 1920. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
From Religion to Philosophy -F.M. Cornford. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Copernicus and his Islamic Predecessors. F. Jamil Ragep (2004) [local copy] | |
New Links 3/8/2020 |
Sanskrit Lexica | Sanskrit lexicons by the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies, Cologne University. |
Glossarium Sanscritum | Glossarium Sanscritum in quo omnes radices et vocabula usitatissima explicantur et cum vocabulis Graecis, Latinis, Germanicis, Lithuanicis, Slavicis, Celticis comparantur. |
Diogenes Web | DiogenesWeb - an web application, optimized for handheld devices, for reading XML files of Latin and Ancient Greek. |
Bhāskara | Bhāskara's works Texts & Translations |
Studies on Bhāskara | Studies on Bhāskara |
Śiṣya Dhī Vṛddhida Tantra | Sanskrit Astronomy text by Lalla (6th century) with English commentary by Bina Chatterji [archive.org] |
Vaṭeśvara Siddhānta | English commentary on Sanskrit Astronomy text of Vateshvara (9th century) [archive.org] |
These files provided courtesy of Chris Brennan of HellenisticAstrology.com |
Description |
Sanskrit Language |
A downloadable and searchable version of Monier-Williams'
Sanskrit Dictionary. dictionary. Searches can be by exact match, initial,
medial or final letters.Users of Vista need this
fix for the dictionary to work properly. |
Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar [DLI] |
Sanskrit Grammar: Including both the Classical
Language and the Older Dialects [Million Books Project] [Amazon] |
Roots, Verb-Forms, and Primary Derivatives of the
Sanskrit Language - Whitney [Million Books Project] |
Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung VOL 1-4 Böhtlingk, Otto, 1815-1904 [Million Books Project] |
Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung VOL 5-7 Böhtlingk, Otto, 1815-1904[Million Books Project] |
Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung (suppl) Böhtlingk, Otto, 1815-1904 [Million Books Project] |
Kale - A Higher Sanskrit Grammar [Million
Books Project] |
Macdonell - A Sanskrit Grammar for Students [Million Books Project] |
Macdonell - A Sanskrit Grammar for Students (higher quality than the above--from somewhere on the internet) | |
Macdonell - A Vedic Grammar for Students [Million Books Project] | |
Macdonell - A Vedic Reader for Students [Google Books] | |
Macdonell IV | Macdonell - A History of Sanskrit Literature [Google Books] |
Schlegel's edition and Latin translation of the Bhagavad Gita. Corrected.(p.292, p.293 were missing in the original. They have been added)[Google Books] | |
Schlegel's edition and Latin translation of the first book of the Ramayana. Two parts. Corrected.(p. 76, which was partially obscured in the original, was replaced.) [Google Books] | |
Schlegel's edition of the second book of the Ramayana. (I believe no more volumes were published.) Uncorrected.[Google Books] | |
H.H. Wilson's English Translation (with notes) of the Vishnu Purana (uncorrected)[Google Books](1864-1870) | |
Kalidasa - Sakuntala, a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts.
The Deva-Nagari recension of the text, ed. with literal English
translations of all the metrical passages, schemes of the metres and
notes, critical and explanatory (1876) [Million Books Project] |
sansknet.org mirror | A mirror of the sansknet.org project made sometime during 2004-2005 using HTTrack. Several works are incomplete or missing. I do not know if this is due to network errors during the process of mirroring, or if the works had not yet been added to the site. This link is to an ISO file (~330 Mb) of the entire sansknet.org site. Please install the fonts from the downlaod page on your system first before attempting to view the works on the site. |
Dowson, John, 1820-1881 A Classical Dictionary of
Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature (1888) (Amazon) |
Prasnopanishad | Prasnopanishad Bhashya - Sanskrit edition and commentary, with English translation and notes. 1951. PDF produced from DJVU file at the Million Books Project |
Kathopanishad | Sanskrit edition, with English translation and notes. Chandra Vasu [Google Books] |
Description |
Wright's Arabic Grammar Vol I Corrected Google
Scan |
Wright's Arabic Grammar Vol I [Million Books
Project] |
Wright's Arabic Grammar Vol II Corrected Google
Scan |
Wright's Arabic Grammar Vol II[Million Books
Project] |
201 Arabic Verbs fully conjugated [Million Books Project] | |
Hans Wehr's Arabic- English Dictionary [Million
Books Project] |
Lexicon Arabico-Latinum (Arabic to Latin Dictionary) George W. Freytag (1830-37) [Million Books Project] | |
Lexicon Arabico-Latinum ex opere suo maiore in usum Tironum excerptum.(An abridgement of the edition above for the use of students)George W. Freytag (1837)[Google Books] | |
Van Dyke Bible (Arabic). Microsoft Word. |
Chrestomathia Arabica. Arabic reader with Latin notes. Kosegarten 1828[Google Books] | |
Van Dyke Bible (Arabic). PDF |
Van Dyke MP3 | Van Dyke Bible recited in Arabic (mp3 format). [From somewhere on the web circa 2005] |
Concordance to the Quran and Van Dyke Bible. (Lists
occurrences and morphology of all words in both texts) |
Lexicon | |
Editio princeps of the Latin Quran. 1543. Uncorrected.[Google Books] | |
One Thousand and One Nights (Arabic: كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة Kitāb 'alf layla wa-layla; ) Edited by W.H.McNaughten, Esq. Four Volumes. Arabic. London/Calcutta. 1839-1842. Uncorrected.[Google Books] | |
Tausend und Eine Nacht Arabisch Nach einer Handschrift aus Tunis.[One Thousand and One Nights - Arabic: كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة Kitāb 'alf layla wa-layla; )]Ed. Habicht. German introduction. Arabic Text. 12 volumes. 1825-1838.Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
The Book of The Thousand Nights and One Night English translation by John Payne. London: 1901. Volumes I-IX: The Thousand Nights and One Night Volumes X-XII: Tales From the Arabic Volumes XIII: Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp [Million Books Project] | |
The Book of a Thousand Nights and One: Its History and Character. John Payne 1884 [Google Books] | |
Link to various English translations of the the Thousand and One Nights | |
Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome |
The late G.M. Browne, former professor
of Classics at Harvard and of the Classics and Linguistics at the
University of Illinois, suggested that a good way for non-Muslims to learn
pointed Arabic is by reading the Van Dyke Bible. It is useful to compare
the Arabic constructions with those of the Latin Vulgate, hence its
inclusion in the above list. |
Description |
The De Caelo of Aristotle (Aristotelis De
Coelo et De Generatione et Corruptione recensuit Carolus Prantl,
Teubner 1881)Uncorrected [Google Books] |
Theaetetus | The Theaetetus of Plato ( أفلاطون )[Google Books] |
Meno I | The Meno of Plato I( أفلاطون ) |
Meno II | The Meno of Plato II (Notes)( أفلاطون ) |
Republic VOL I | The Republic of Plato ( أفلاطون ) Jowett. VOL I - Greek Text (Google Books) |
Republic VOL II | The Republic of Plato ( أفلاطون ) Jowett. VOL II - Essays (Google Books) |
Republic VOL III | The Republic of Plato ( أفلاطون ) Jowett VOL III- Notes (Google Books) |
Charmides, Laches and Lysis | Plato's Charmides, Laches and Lysis. Newhall. Greek text with English notes. 1899. Uncorrected[MBP] |
Apology | Plato's Apology of Socrates, with notes, vocabulary and a digest of Platonic Idioms. James Riddell. Some pages illegible.1877 [MBP] |
Apology I, Apology II | Plato's Apology of Socrates, with notes, vocabulary (I) and a digest of Platonic Idioms (II). James Riddell. 1877. No pages missing or illegible (I hope!) |
Apology | Plato's Apology of Socrates, with notes and vocabulary (A.M. Adam). Uncorrected.[Google Books]. |
Euthyphro | Plato's Euthyprho, with notes and vocabulary (A.M. Adam). Uncorrected.[Google Books]. |
Plato's Parmenides, Greek text with introduction and notes. 1882[Million Books Project] | |
Plato's Parmenides, Greek text with introduction and notes. 1894[Google Books] | |
Divi Platonis Opera Omnia quae Extant Marsilio Ficino Interprete.(1590)Ficino's Latin translation of the works of Plato [Million
Books Project] (local copy) |
Omnia Divini Platonis translatione Marsilii Ficini. Gyraneus. Basileae. (1546) [Google Books] | |
Platonis Dialogi Latine iuxta Interpretationem Ficini Aliorumque. (1826) Plato's Dialogues according to the translation of Ficino and others. (VOL X and VOL XI--the other volumes of the set --available at Google Books--are in Greek) [Google Books] | |
The Philebus of Plato, Greek text with English notes. Badham. 1878. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
The fragments of Parmenides, in Die Fragmente Der
Vorsokratiker [Google Books] |
Book Lambda of Aristotle's Metaphysics |
Description |
Greek Literature |
Iliad I-XII. Comm. Leaf (1900); Iliad XII-XXIV. Comm. Monro (1903) [Google Books] | |
Odyssey. comm. Merry, Riddell, Monro (1885-1901) [Google Books] | |
Homeri Opera Omnia. Samuel Clark. 1814. Greek edtion of Homer with notes and Latin translation [Million Books Project] | |
Homeric Grammar | Grammar of the Homeric Dialect. Monro. 1891 [Million Books Project]. Suggested by the late Prof. Seth Benardete to his students of Homer. |
The Latin translation of Thucydides by Valla. Basileae, 1564. Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Thucydidis Historia Peloponessiaci. Haas. 1840. Edition and Latin translation of Thucydides [Google Books]. | |
Thucydidis Historia Peloponessiaci. Haas. 1840. Edition and Latin translation of Thucydides [Gallica]. | |
Thucydides Marchant's Greek 'school' edition from the late 1800's. [Million Books Project] | |
Sophoclis Tragoediae Oedipus Tyrannus, Philoctetes et Oedipus Coloneus, Thomas Johnson, London, 1746- Greek with Latin translation. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. Goodwin. 1872. Uncorrected. [Google Books] | |
Biblical Literature in Latin, Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit |
Novum Testamentum Graece The Greek New Testament. Tischendorf. 1877 [Google Books] | |
Novum Testamentum Graece The Greek New Testament. Nestle. 1899 [Google Books] | |
Novum Testamentum Latine The Latin New Testament. Nestle. 1899 [Google Books] | |
A Short Grammar of the New Testament. Robertson. 1909. [Google Books] | |
Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome |
Sophocles - The Plays and Fragments (Greek) Text, Notes, Translation and Commentary R.C. Jebb | |
Oedipus Rex. Uncorrected[Google Books] | |
Oedipus Rex. Abridged "school" edition of the above.Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Oedipus Coloneus Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Antigone Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Philoctetes Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Trachiniae Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Electra Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Ajax Uncorrected [Google Books] | |
Latin Literature (Allen and Greenough Series) All Uncorrected from Google Books |
A Manual of Instruction in Latin (Latin I) | |
Second Year Latin | |
An Elementary Guide to Writing in Latin | |
A Full Preparatory Course of Latin Prose (Caeser, Cicero, Sallust) | |
Caesar's Gallic War I-IV | |
Caesar's Gallic War I-VII | |
Sallust - Conspiracy of Cataline | |
Livy BooksI, II | |
Livy Books XXI, XXII | |
Select Orations of Cicero | |
Select Orations and Letters of Cicero | |
Selections from Ovid | |
The Annals of Tacitus | |
Latin Literature (Allen and Greenough Series) |
Description |
A downloadable and searchable version of Monier-Williams'
Sanskrit Dictionary. dictionary. Searches can be by exact match, initial,
medial or final letters.Users of Vista need this
fix for the dictionary to work properly. |
Website with a downloadable sexagesimal calculator |
The David E. Pingree Collection at Brown University (Link I)(Link 2) | Propositions in Apollonius' Conic Sections |
Ptolemy's Table of Chords | A Survey of the Almagest (Acta Historica Scientarium Series No. 30) (Odense University Press) |
Arabic Morphological Analyzer (Xerox) | |
Quran Links | |
studyquran.org | http://tanzil.info/ |
Quran Grammatical Analysis | Quran Reciter Software |
Quran in different formats and translations | |
of booksellers from Columbia University |
In 1947, Dr. Otto Negebauer, who had been a student and later a colleague of David Hilbert and Richard Courant at the University of Göttingen, established and became the first chair of Brown's History of Mathematics Department. The department's faculty came to include Abraham Sachs, Gerald Toomer, and David Pingree, Neugebauer's student and successor as department chair. |
A short history of the History of Mathematics department | |
A list of the research projects that were in progress at the time of Dr. Pingree's - and the departments - untimely death. | |
Graduates |
A list of the graduates of the department (currently incomplete): Asger Aaboe; |
A biograpaphy of Otto Neugebauer by Noel Swerdlow. | |
An abridged version of the above. | |
A brief autobiography of David Pingree, edited by William Calder, III | |
A brief biography of David Pingree by Charles Burnett of the American Philosphical Societyy | |
After the death of Dr. Pingree in 2005, the History of Mathematics department was closed by the administration of Ruth J. Simmons-[Non] primum facinus novi principatus. |
Wilbour Hall at Brown University - former home to the History of Mathematics Department
-In Memoriam- Manibus Davidi Pingree STTL (Sit tibi terra levis) |
© 2008-2015 by the maintainer of Wilbourhall.org, Dr. J. Leichter JD, PhD., Esq. Contact: Wilbourhall@gmail.com