"1.1.1","I glorify AGNI, the high priest of the scarifice, the divine, the ministrant,who presents the oblation (to the gods), and is the possessor of great wealth."
"1.1.2","May that AGNI who is to be celebrated by both ancient and modern sages conductthe gods hither."
"1.1.3","Through Agni the worshipper obtains that affluence which increases day by day,which is the source of fame and the multiplier of mankind."
"1.1.4","AGNI, the unobstructed sacrifice of which thou art on every side the protector,assuredly reaches the gods."
"1.1.5","May AGNI, the presenter of oblations, the attainer of knowledge, he who is true,renowed, and divine, come hither with the gods."
"1.1.6","Whatever good thou mayest, AGNI, bestow upon the giver (of the oblation), that verily,ANGIRAS, shall revert to thee."
"1.1.7","We approach thee, AGNI, with reverntial homage in our thoughts, daily, both morningand evening."
"1.1.8","Thee, the radient, the protector of scarifices, the constant illuminator of truth,increasing in thine own dwelling."
"1.1.9","AGNI, be unto us easy of access, as is a father to his son; be ever present withus for our good."
"1.2.1","VAYU, pleasant to behold, approach: these libationsa are prepared for thee, drinkof them; hear our invocation."
"1.2.2","VAYU, thy praisers praise thee with holy praises, having poured out the Soma juice,and knowing the (fit) season."
"1.2.3","VAYU, thy approving speech comes to the giver (of the libation), and to many(others who invite thee) to drink of the Soma juicie."
"1.2.4","INDRA and VAYU, these libations are poured out (for you); come hither with food(for us): verily the drops (of the Soma juice) await you both."
"1.2.5","INDRA and VAYU, abiding in the sacrificial rite, you are aware of these libations:come both (then) quickly hither."
"1.2.6","VAYU and INDRA, come to the rite of the sacrificer, for thus, men will completionbe speedily (attained) by the ceremony."
"1.2.7","I invoke MITRA, of pure vigour, and VARUNA, the devourer of foes; the jointaccomplishers of the act bestowing water (on the earth)."
"1.2.8","MITRA and VARUNA, augmenters of water, dispensers of water, you connect thisperfect rite with its true (reward)."
"1.2.9","Sapient MITRA and VARUNA, prosper our sacrifice and increase our strength: you areborn for the denifit of many, you are the refuge of multitudes."
"1.3.1","ASHWINS, cherishers of pious acts, long-armed, accept with outstretched hands thescarificial viands."
"1.3.2","ASHWINS, abounding in mighty acts, guides (of devotion), endowed with fortitude,listen with unaverted minds to our prasies."
"1.3.3","ASHWINS, destroyers of foes, exempt from untruth, leaders in the van of heroes, cometo the mixed libations sprinkled on the lopped scared grass."
"1.3.4","INDRA, of wonderful splendour cone hither: these libations, ever pure, expressed bythe fingers (of the priests), are desirous of thee."
"1.3.5","INDRA, apprehended by the understandiong and appreciated by the wise, approcahand accept the prayers of the priest as he offers the libation."
"1.3.6","Fleet INDRA with the tawny coursers, come hither to theprayers (of the priest), andin this libation accept our (proffered) food."
"1.3.7","Universal Gods, protectors and supporters of men, bestowers (of rewards), come tothe libation of the worshipper."
"1.3.8","May the swfit-moving universal Godes, the shedders of rain, come to the libation,as the solar rays come diligently to the days."
"1.3.9","May the universal Gods, whoare exempt from decay, omniscient, deviod of malice,and bearers of (riches), accept the scarifice."
"1.3.10","May SRASWTHI, the purifier, the bewtower of food, the recompenser of worshipwith wealth, be attracted by our offered viands to our rite."
"1.3.11","SARASWATI, the inspirer of those who delight in truth, the instructress of theright-minded, has accepted our sacrifice."
"1.3.12","SARASWATI makes manifest by her acts a mighty river, and (in her won form)enlightens all understandings."
"1.4.1","Day by day we invoke the doer of good works for our protection, as a good milch-cowfor the milking (is called by the milker)."
"1.4.2","Drinker of the Soma juice, come to our (daily) rites, and drink of the libation;the satisfaction of (thee who art) the bestower of riches, is verily (the cause of)the gifit of cattle."
"1.4.3","We recognize thee in the midst of the right-minded, who are nearest to thee: come tous; pass us not by to reveal (thyself to others)."
"1.4.4","Go, worshipper, to the wise and uninjured INDRA, who bestows the best (of blessingson thy friends, and ask him of the (fitness of the) learned (priest who reciteshis praise)."
"1.4.5","Let our ministers, earnisty performing his worship, exclaim. Depart ye relivers fromhence and every other place (where he is adored)."
"1.4.6","Destroyer of foes, let our enemies say we are prosperous; let men (congratulate us);may we ever abode, in the fe;ocity (derived from the favour of INDRAA."
"1.4.7","Offer to INDRA, the prevader (of every rite of libation), the juice that is present(at the three ceremonies), the grace of the sacrifice, the exhilarator of mankind,the perfector of the act, the favou"
"1.4.8","Havinh drunk, SHATAKRATU, of this (Soma juice), thou becamest the slayer of the Vritras;thou defendest the warrior in battle."
"1.4.9","We offer to thee, SHATAKRATU, the mighty in battle, (sacrificial) food for theacquirement, INDRA, of riches."
"1.4.10","Sing unto that INDRA who is the protector of wealth, the mighty, theaccomplisher of good deeds, the friend of the offerer of the libation."
"1.5.1","Hasten hither, friends, offering praises; sit down and sing repeatedly the praises ofINDRA."
"1.5.2","When the libation is poured forth, repectively praise INDRA, the discomfiter ofmany enemies, the lord of many blessings."
"1.5.3","May he be to us for the attainment of our objects; may he be to us for theacquirement of riches; may he be to us for the acquisition of knowledge; may hecome to us with food."
"1.5.4","Sing to that INDRA, whose enemies in combats await not his coursers harnessed inhis car."
"1.5.5","These pure Soma juicies, mixed with curds, are poured out for the satisfaction ofthe drinker of the libations."
"1.5.6","Thou, INDRA, performer of good works, hast suddenly become of augmented vigour forthe sake of drinking the libation, and (maintaining) seniority (among the gods)."
"1.5.7","INDRA, who art the object of praises, may these pervading Soma jucies enter intothee; may they be propitious for thy (attainment of) superior intelligence."
"1.5.8","The chants (of the Soma) have magnified thee, SHATAKRATU, the hymns (of the Rich)have magnifies thee; may our praises magnify thee."
"1.5.9","May INDRA, the unobstructed protector, enjoy these mainfold (sacrifical) viands,in which all manly properities abide."
"1.5.10","INDRA, who art the object of praises, let not men do injury to our persons:thou art mightly, keep of violence."
"1.6.1","The circum-stationed (inhabitants of the three worlds) associate with (INDRA),the mighty (Sun), the idestructive (fire), the moving (wind), and the lights that shinein the sky."
"1.6.2","They (the charioteers) harness to his car his two desirable coursers, placed oneither hand, bay coloured, high-sprited, chief-bearing."
"1.6.3","Mortals, you owe your (daily) birth (to such an INDRA), who with the rays of themorning gives sense to the senselles, and to the formless form."
"1.6.4","Thereafter verily those who bear names invoked in holy rites (the MARUTS) havingseen the rain (about to be engendered), instigated him to resume his embryo condition(in the clouds)."
"1.6.5","Associated with the conveying MARUTS, the traversers of places difficult of access,thou INDRA, hast discovered the cows hidden in the cave."
"1.6.6","The reciters of praises praise the mighty (troop of MARTUS), who are celebrated,and conscious of the power of bestowing wealth, in like manner as they
(glorify) thecounsellor (INDRA)."
"1.6.7","May you be seen, MARUTS, accopanied by the undaunted INDRA; (both) rejoicing, andof equal splendour."
"1.6.8","This right is performed in adoration of the powerful INDRA, along with theirreproachable, heavenward-tending, and amiable bands (of the MARUTS)."
"1.6.9","Therefore, circumambient (troop of MARUTS), come hither, whether from the region ofthe sky or from the colar sphere; for in this rite (the preist) fully receitsyour praises."
"1.6.10","We invoke INDRA, whether he come from his earthy region, or from the heven above,or from the vast firmament, that he may give (us) wealth."
"1.7.1","The chanters (of the Soma) extol INDRA with songs, the receiters of the Rich withprayers, the priests of the Yajush, with texts."
"1.7.2","INDRA, the blender of all things, comes verily with his steeds that are harnessedat his word: INDRA, the richly_decorated, the wielder of the thunderblot."
"1.7.3","INDRA, to render all things visible, elevated the sun in the sky, and charged thecloud with (abundant) waters."
"1.7.4","Invicible Indra, protect us in battles abounding in spoil, with insuperable defences."
"1.7.5","We invoke INDRA for great affluence, INDRA for limited wealth; (our) ally, and wielderof the thunderbolt aginst (our) enemies."
"1.7.6","Shedder of rain, granter of all desires, set open this cloud. Thou art neveruncompliant with our (requests)."
"1.7.7","Whatever excellent praises are given to other divinities, they are (also the due)of INDRA the thunderer: I do not know his firring praise."
"1.7.8","The shedder of rain, the mightly loard, the always compliant, invests men withhis strength, as a bull (defends) a herd of kine."
"1.7.9","INDRA, who alone rules over men, over riches, and over the five (classes) of thedwellers on earth."
"1.7.10","We invoke for you, INDRA, who is everywhere among men: may he be exclusivelyovur own."
"1.8.1","INDRA, bring for our protection riches, most abundant, enjoyable, the source ofvictory, the humbler of our foes."
"1.8.2","By which we may repel our enemies, whether (encountering them) hand to hand, oron horseback; ever protected by thee."
"1.8.3","Defended by thee, INDRA we possess a ponderous weapon, wherewith we may entirelyconquer our opennents."
"1.8.4","With thee for our ally, INDRA, and (aided by) missile-hurling heroes, we are ableto overcome (our foes) arraved in hosts."
"1.8.5","Mighty is INDRA, and supreme; may magnitude ever (belong) to the bearer of thethunderbolt; may his strong (armies be ever vast as the heavens."
"1.8.6","Whatever men have resourse to INDRA in battle, or for the acquirement ofoffspring,and the wise who are desirous of understanding, (obtain their desires)."
"1.8.7","The belly of INDRA, which quaffa the soma juice abundantly, swells like the ocean,(and is ever) moist, like the ample fluids of the palate."
"1.8.8","Verily the words of INDRA to his worshipper are true, mainfold, cow-conferring,and to be held in honour; (they are) like a branch (loaded with) ripe (fruit)."
"1.8.9","Verily, INDRA, thy glories are at all times the protectors of every such worshipperas I am."
"1.8.10","Verily his chanted and recited praises are to be desired and repeated toINDRA, that he may drink the soma juice."
"1.9.1","Come, INDRA, and be regaled with all viands libations, and thence, mightly instrength, be victorious (over thy foes)."
"1.9.2","The libation being prepared, present the exhilarating and efficacious (draught)to the rejoicing INDRA, the accomplisher of all things."
"1.9.3","INDRA with the handsome chin, be plased with these animating praises: do thou, whoart to be reverenced by all mankind, (come) to these rites (with the gods)."
"1.9.4","I have addressed to thee, INDRA, the showerer (of blessings), the protector (ofthey worshippers), praises which have reached thee, and of which thou hast approved."
"1.9.5","Place before us, INDRA, precious and multiform riches, for enough and more thanenough are assuredly thine."
"1.9.6","Opulent INDRA, encourage us in this rite for the riches, for enough and more thanenough are assuredly thine."
"1.9.7","Grant us, INDRA, wealth beyond measure or calculation, inexhaustible, the source ofcattle, of food, of all life."
"1.9.8","INDRA, grant us great renown and wealth acquired in a thousand ways, and those(articles) of food (which are brought from the field) in carts."
"1.9.9","We invoke, for the preservation of our property, INDRA, the lord of wealth, theobject of sacred verses, the repairer (to the place of sacrifice), praising him withour praises."
"1.9.10","With libations repeatedly effused, the sacrificer glorifies the vast prowess ofINDRA, the mighty, the dweller in (an eternal mansion)."
"1.10.1","The chanters (of the Sama) hymn thee, SHATAKRATU; the reciters of the Richpraise thee, who art worthy of praise; the Brahmans raise thee aloft, like abamboo pole."
"1.10.2","INDRA, the showerer (of blessings), knows the object (of his wroshipper), whohas performed many acts of worship (with the Soma plant gathered) on the ridges of themountain, and (therefore) comes with"
"1.10.3","INDRA, drinker of the Soma, having put to thy long-manes, bigorous,
andwell-conditioned steeds, come nigh to hear our praises."
"1.10.4","Come, VASU, (to this our rite); reply to our hymns, answer (to our praises),respond to (our prayers); be propitious, INDRA, to our sacrifice, and (bestow uponus abundant) food."
"1.10.5","The hymn, the cause of increase, is to be repeted to INDRA, the repeller ofmany foes, that SHAKRA may speak (with kndness) to our sons and to our friends."
"1.10.6","We have recourse to INDRA for his friendship, for wealth, for perfect might;for he, the powerful INDRA, confering wealth, is able (to protect us)."
"1.10.7","INDRA by thee is food (rendered)everywhere abundant, easy of attainment, andassuredly perfect: wielder of the thunderbolt, set open the cow-pastures, and provide(ample) wealth."
"1.10.8","Heven and earth are unabe to sustain thee when destroying thine enemies; thoumayest command the waters of heven: send us liberally kine."
"1.10.9","Oh ! thou whose earshear all things, listen quickly to my invocation; hold inthy heart my praises; keep near to thee this my hyms, as it were (the words of)a friend."
"1.10.10","We know thee, liberal rainer (of blessings), the hearer of our call inbattles;we invoke the thousand-fold profitable protection of thee, the showerer (of bounties)."
"1.10.11","Come quickly, INDRA, sonof KUSHIKA, delighted drink the libation; prolong thelife that merits commendation; make me, who am a Rishi abundantly endowed (withpossessions)."
"1.10.12","May these our praises be on all occasions around thee, deserver of praise; maythey augment the power of thee, who art long-lived, and being agreeable to thee, maythey yield delight (to us)."
"1.11.1","All our praises magnfify INDRA, expansive as the ocean, the most valiant ofwarriors who fight in chariots, the lord of food, the protector of the virtuous."
"1.11.2","Supported by thy friendiship, INDRA, cherisher of streength, we have no fear,but glorify thee, the conqueror, the unconquered."
"1.11.3","The ancient liberalities of INDRA, his protectections, will not be wanting tohim who presents to the reciters of the hymns, wealth of food and cattle."
"1.11.4","INDRA was born the destroyer of the cities, ever young, ever wise of unboundedstrength, the sustainer of all pious acts, the wielder of the thunderbolt, themany-praised."
"1.11.5","Thou, wielder of the thundrbolt, didst open the cave of VALA, who had thereconcealed the cattle; and the godswhom he had opperessed, no longer feared whenthey had obtained thee (for their ally)."
"1.11.6","(Attracted) by thy bounties, I agin come, Hero, to thee celebrating (thyliberality) while offering this libation; the performers of the rite approach thee,
whoart worthy of praise, for they have known"
"1.11.7","Thou slewest, INDRA, by stragements, the willy SHUSHNA: the wise have knownof this thy (greatness); bestow upon them (abundant) food."
"1.11.8","The reciters of sacred hymns praise with all their might, INDRA, the ruler ofthe world, whose bounties are (computed by) thousands, or even more."
"1.12.1","We select AGNI, the messenger of the gods, their invoker, the possessor ofall riches, the perfecter of this rite."
"1.12.2","(The offerers of oblations) invoke with their invocations, AGNI, AGNI, thelord of men, the bearer of offereings, the beloved of many."
"1.12.3","AGNI, generated (by attrition), bring hither the gods to the clipped sacredgrass; thou art their invoker for us, and art to be adored."
"1.12.4","As thou dischargest the duty of messanger, arouse them desirous of the oblation;sit down with them on the sacred grass."
"1.12.5","Resplendent AGNI, invoked by oblations of clarified butter, consume ouradversaries who are defended by evil sprits."
"1.12.6","AGNI, the ever young and wise, the guardian of the dwelling (of the sacrificer),the bearer of offerings, whose mouth is (the vehicle) of oblations, is kindled by AGNI."
"1.12.7","Praise in the sacrifice, AGNI, the wise, the observer of truth, the radiant, theremover of disease."
"1.12.8","Resplendent AGNI, be the protector of that offerer of oblations who worshipsthee, the messenger of the gods."
"1.12.9","Be propitious, Pavaka, to him who, presenting oblations for the gratification ofthe gods to our sacrifice, to our oblations."
"1.12.10","Praised with our newest hymn, bestow upon usriches and food, the source ofprogeny."
"1.12.11","AGNI, shining with pur radiance, and charged with all the invocations of thegods, be pleased by this our praise."
"1.13.1","AGNI, who art SUSAMIDDHA, invoker, purifier, bring hither the gods to theofferers of our oblation, and do thou sacrifice."
"1.13.2","Wise (AGNI), who art TANUNAPAT, present this day our well-flavoured sacrificeto the gods for their food."
"1.13.3","I invoke the beloved NARASHANSA, the sweet-tongued, the offerer of oblations,to this sacrifice."
"1.13.4","AGNI, (who art) ILITA, bring hitier the gods in an easy-moving chariot, forthou art the invoker instituted by men."
"1.13.5","Strew, learned priests, the scared grass, well bound together (in bundles),and sprinkled with clarified butter, the semblance of ambrosia."
"1.13.6","Let the bright doors, the augmenters of sacrifice, (hitherto) unentered,be set open, for certainly to-day is the sacrifice to be made."
"1.13.7","I invoke the lovely night and dawn to sit upon the sacred grass, at thisour sacrifice."
"1.13.8","I call the two eloquent divine and sage invokers (of the gods), that theymay celebrate this our sacrifice."
"1.13.9","May the three undecaying godesses, givers of delight, ILA, SARASWATI, and MAHI,sit down upon the sacred grass."
"1.13.10","I invoke the cheif and multiform TWASHTRI; may he be solely ours."
"1.13.11","Present, devine VANASPATI, our oblation to the gods, and may true knowledgebe (the reward) of the giver."
"1.13.12","Perform the sacrifice conveyed through SWAHA to INDRA, in the house of theworshipper: therefore I call the gods hither."
"1.14.1","Come, AGNI, to our adoration, and to our praises, with all these gods, to drinkthe Soma juice; and (do thou) offer sacrifice."
"1.14.2","The Kanwas invoke thee, sapient AGNI, and extol thy deeds: come, AGNI withthe gods."
"1.14.3","Sacrifice, (AGNI), to INDRA, VAYU, BRIHASPATI, MITRA, AGNI, PUSHAN, and BHAGA,the Adityas, and the troop of Maruts."
"1.14.4","For all of you are poured out these juices, satisfying, exhilarating, sweetfalling in frops, or gathered in ladles."
"1.14.5","The wise priests desirous of the protection (of the gods), having spread thesacred grass, presenting oblations, and offering ornaments, praise thee."
"1.14.6","Let the coursers who convey thee, glossy-backed, and harnessed at will, bringthe gods to drink the Soma juice."
"1.14.7","AGNI, make those objects of veneration,, augmenters of pious acts, (participantof the offering), together with their Wives; give them bright tongued, to drinkof the Soma juice."
"1.14.8","Let those objects of verneration and of praise, drink with thy tongue, ofthe Soma juice, at the moment of libation."
"1.14.9","Let the wise invoker (of the gods) bring hither from the shining (spree) ofthe sun, all the diviinites awaking with the dwan."
"1.14.10","With all the gods, with INDRA, VAYU, and the glories of MITRA, drink, AGNI, thesweet Soma juice."
"1.14.11","Though, AGNI, appointed by man as the invoker (of the gods), art present atsacrifices; do thou present this our oblation."
"1.14.12","Yoke, divine AGNI, thy fleet and powerful mares, Rohits, to thy chariot,and by them hither bring the gods."
"1.15.1","INDRA, drink with RITU the Soma juice; let the satisfying drops enter intothee, and there abide."
"1.15.2","MARUTS, drink with RITU from the sacrificial vase; consecrate the rite,for you and bountiful."
"1.15.3","NESHTRI, with thy spouse, commend our sacrifice to the gods; drink withRITU, for thou art possed of riches."
"1.15.4","AGNI, bring the gods hither, arrange them in three places, decorate them;drink with RITU."
"1.15.5","Drink the Soma juice, INDRA, from the precious vase of the Brahmana,after RITU, for whom thy freindship is uninterrupted."
"1.15.6","MITRA, and VARUNA, propitious to pious acts, be present with RITU atour sacrifice, efficacious and undeisturbed (by foes)."
"1.15.7","The (priests) desirous of wealth, holding stones in their hands, praise thedevine (AGNI) DRAVINODAS, both in the primary and subsidiary sacrifices."
"1.15.8","May DRVINODAS give us riches that may be heared of: we ask them for the gods."
"1.15.9","DRAVINODAS desires to drink with the RITUS from the cup of NESHTRI: hasten,(priests, to the hall of offering); present the oblation, and depart."
"1.15.10","Since DRAVINODAS, we adore thee for the fourth time along with RITUS;therefore be a benefactor unto us."
"1.15.11","ASHWINS, performers of pious acts, bright with sacrifical fires, accepters,with the RITUS, of the sacrifice, drink the sweet draught."
"1.15.12","Giver of rewards (AGNI), being identified with the household fire, andpartaker with RITUS, of the sacrifice, worship the gods on behalf of their adorer."
"1.16.1","INDRA, lwet thy coursers hither bring thee, bestower of desires, to drinkthe Soma juice: may (the priests), radaint as the Sun, (make thee manifest)."
"1.16.2","Let his Coursers convey INDRA in an easy moving chariot hither, where thesegarins (of parched barely), steeped in clarified butter, are strewn (upon the altar)."
"1.16.3","We invoke INDRA at the morning rite, we invoke him at the succeeding sacrifice,we invoke INDRA to drink the Soma juice."
"1.16.4","Come, INDRA, to our libation, with thy long-maned steeds; the libation beingpoured out, we invoke thee."
"1.16.5","Do thou accept this our praise, and come to this our sacrifice, for which thelibation is prepoared; drink like a thirsty stag."
"1.16.6","These dripping Soma Juices are effused upon the sacred grass: drink them,INDRA, (to recurit thy) vigour."
"1.16.7","May this our excellent hymn, touching thy heart, be grateful to thee, andhence drink the effused libation."
"1.16.8","INDRA, the destroyer of enemies, repairs assuredly to every ceremony wherethe libation is poured out, to drink the Soma juice for (his) exhilaration."
"1.16.9","Do thou, SHATAKRATU, accomplish our desire with (the gift of) cattle andhoreses: profoundly meditating, we praise thee."
"1.17.1","I seek the protection of the sovereign rulers, INDRA and VARUNA: may
theyboth favour us accordingly."
"1.17.2","For you are ever ready, guardians of mankind, to grant protection on theappeap of a minister such as I am."
"1.17.3","Satisfy us with wealth, INDRA and VARUNA, according to our desires: wedesire you ever near as."
"1.17.4","The mingled (libations) of our pious rites, the mingled (laudations) ofour right-minded (priests, are prepared); may we be (included) among thegivers of food."
"1.17.5","INDRA is a giver among the givers of thousands; VARUNA is to be praisedamong those who are deserving of laudation."
"1.17.6","Through their protection, we enjoy (riches), and heap them up, and still thereis abundance."
"1.17.7","I inove you both, INDRA and VARUNA, for mainfold opulence: make usvictories (over our enemies)."
"1.17.8","INDRA and VARUNA, quickly bestow happiness upon us, for our minds aredevoted to you both."
"1.17.9","May the earnest praise which I offer to INDRA and VARUNA reach both,- that conjoint praise which yu (accepting), dignify."
"1.18.1","BRAHMANASPATHI, make the offerer of the libation illustrious among the gods,like KAKSHIVAT, the son of USIJ."
"1.18.2","May he sho is opulent, the healer of disease, the acquirer of riches,the augmenter of nourishment, the prompt (bestower ofrewards), be favourable to us."
"1.18.3","Protuct us, BRAHMANASPATHI, so that no calumnious censure of a malevolentman may reach us."
"1.18.4","The liberal man, whom INDRA, BRAHMANASPATHI, and SOMA protect, never perishes."
"1.18.5","Do thou, BRAHMANASPATHI, and do you, SOMA, INDRA, and DAKSHINA, protect thatman form sin."
"1.18.6","I solicit understanding from SADASASPATI, the wonderful, the friend of INDRA,the desirable, the bountiful."
"1.18.7","Without whose aid the sacrifice wven of the wise is not perfected: he [revadesthe association of our thoughts."
"1.18.8","He rewards the presenter of the oblation; he brings the sacrifice to itsconclusion; (thou him) our invocation reaches the gods."
"1.18.9","I have beheld NARASHANSA, the most resolute, the most renowned, and radiantas the heavens."
"1.19.1","Earnestly art thou invoked to this perfect rite, to drink the Soma juice: come,AGNI, with the MARUTS."
"1.19.2","Nor god nor man has power over a rite (dedicted) to thee, who art mightly: come,AGNI, with the MARUTS."
"1.19.3","Who all are devine and devoid of malignity, and who know (how to
causethe descent) of great waters: come, AGNI, with the MARUTS."
"1.19.4","Who are fierce, and send down rain, and are unsurpassed in strength: come,AGNI, with the MARUTS."
"1.19.5","Who are brilliant, of terrific forms, who are possessors of great wealth,and are devourers of the malevolent:"
"1.19.6","Who are divitinities abiding in the radiant heaven above the sun: come, AGNI,with the MARUTS."
"1.19.7","Who scatter the clouds, and agitate the sea (with waves): come, AGNI, withthe MARUTS."
"1.19.8","Who spread (through the firmament) along with the rays (of the sun) and withtheir strength agitate the ocean: come, AGNI, with the MARUTS."
"1.19.9","I pour out the sweet Soma juice for thy drinking, (as) of old: come, AGNI, withthe MARUTS."
"1.35.1","I inovke AGNI first, for protection: I invoke for protection, MITRA andVARUNA: I invoke Night, who brings rest to the world: I invoke the devine SAVITRI formy preservation."
"1.35.2","Revolving through the darkened firmament, arousing mortal and immortal, thedivine SAVITRI travels in his gloden chariot, beholding the (several) worlds."
"1.35.3","The divine SAVITRI travels by an upward and by a downward path: deservingadoration, he journeys with two white horses: he comes hither from a distance,removing all sins."
"1.35.4","The many-rayed adorable SAVITRI, having power (to disperse) darkness fromthe world, has mounted his nigh-standing chariot, decorated with many kinds of goldenornaments, and furnished with golden yokes"
"1.35.5","His white footed coursers, harnessed to his car with a golden yoke, havemanifested light to mankind. Men and all the regions are ever in the presence of thedevine SAVITRI."
"1.35.6","Three are the spheres; twoare in the proximity of SAVITIR, one leads men tothe dwelling of YAMA. The immortal (luminaries) depend upon SAVITRI as a car upon thepin of the axle; let him who knows (the"
"1.35.7","Suparna, (the solar ray), deep-quivering, life-bestowing, weel-directed, hasilluminated the three regions. Where now is SURYA ? Who knows to what sphere hisrayshave extended ?"
"1.35.8","He has lighted up the eight points of the horizon, the three regions ofliving beings, the seven rivers: may the golden-eyed SAVITRI come hitier, nestowingupon the offerer of the oblation desirable ric"
"1.35.9","The gold-handed, all-beholding SAVITRI travels between the two regions ofheaven and earth, dispels diseases, approaches the sun, and overspreads the sky withgloom, alternating radiance."
"1.35.10","May the golden-handed, life-bestowing, well-guiding, exhilarating,
andaffulent SAVITIR, be present (at the sacrifice); for the deity, if workshipped inthe evening, is at hand, driving away Rakshasas a"
"1.35.11","Thy paths, SAVITRI, are prepared of old, are free from dust, and wellplaced in the firmament; (coming) by those paths easy to be traversed, preserve usto-day. Deity, speak to us."
"1.85.1","The MARUTS whoare going forth decorate themselve, like females: theyare gliders (through the air), the sons of RUDRA, and the doers of good works, bywhich they promote the welfare of the earth and hea"
"1.85.2","They, inaugurated by the gods, have attained majesty; the sons RUDRA haveestablished their dwelling above the sky: glorifying him (INDRA) who merits to beglorified, they have inspried him with vigour:"
"1.85.3","When the sons of earth embellish themselves with ornaments, they shineresplendent in their persons with (brilliant) decorations; they keep aloof everyadeversary: the waters follow their path."
"1.85.4","They who are worthily worshipped shine with various weapons: incapable ofbeing overthrown, they are the over-throwers (of mountains): MARUTS, swift as thought,instrusted with the duty of sending rain"
"1.85.5","When, MARUTS, urging on the cloud, for the sake of (providing) food, youhave yoked the deer to your chariots, the drops fall from the radiant (sun), andmoisten the earth, like a hide, with water."
"1.85.6","Let your quick-paced, smooth-gliding coursers bear you (hither); and,moving swiftly, come with your hands (filled with good things): sit, MARUTS, uponthe broad seat of sacred grass, and regale yoursel"
"1.85.7","Confiding in their own strength, they have increased in (power); theyhave attained heaven by their gratness, and have made (for themselves) a spaciousabode: may they, for whom VISHNU defends (the sacr"
"1.85.8","Like heroes, like combatants. like men anxios for food, the swift-moving(MARUTS) have engaged in battles: all beings fear the MARUTS, who are the leaders(of the rain), and awful of aspect, like prince"
"1.85.9","INDRA, wields the well-made, golden, many bladed thunderbolt, which theskilful TWASHTRI has framed for him, that he may achieve great exploits in war.He has slain VRITRA and sent forth an ocean of wat"
"1.85.10","By their power, they bore the well aloft, and clove asunder the mountainthat obstructed their path: the munificent MARUTS, blowing upon their pipe,have conferred, when exhilarated by the Soma juice, d"
"1.85.11","They brought the crooked well to the place (where the Muni was), andsprinkled the water upon the thirsty GOTAMA: the variously-radiant (MARUTS), cometo his succour, gratifying the desire of the sage w"
"1.85.12","Whatever blessings (are diffused) through the three worlds, and arein your gifit, do you bestow upon the donor (of the oblation), who addresses youwith praise;
bestow them also, MARUTS, upon us, and g"
"1.154.1","Earnesty I glorify the exploits of VISHNU, who made the three worlds;who sustained the lofty aggreate site (of the spheres); thrice traversing (the whole);who is praised by the exalted."
"1.154.2","VISHNU is therefore glorified, that by his prowess he is like a fearful,ravenouns, and mountain-haunting wild beast, and because that in his three paces allworlds abide."
"1.154.3","May acceptable vigour attend VISHNU, who abides in prayer, the hymned many,the showerer(of benifits), he alone made, by three steps, this spacious and durableaggregate (of the three worlds)."
"1.154.4","Whose three imperishable paces, filled with ambrosia, delight (mankind)with sacred food; who verily alone upholds the three elements, and earth and heaven."
"1.154.5","May I attain his favourite path, in which god-seeking men delight (mankind)with sacred food; who verily alone upholds the three elements, and earth and heaven."
"1.154.6","We pray (to VISHINU) that you may both go to those regions where themany-pointed and wide-spreading rays (of light expand); for here the supreme stationof the many-hymned, the showerer (of benefits),"
"1.160.1","Those two, the divine Heaven and Earth, are the diffusers of happiness on all,encouragers of truth, able to sustain the water (of the rains), auspicious of birth,and energetic (in action): in the inte"
"1.160.2","Wide-spreading, vast, unconnected, the father and mother (of all beings), heytwo preserve the worlds. Resoulte, as if (for the good) of embodied (beings0, are Heavenand Earth, and the ather has invest"
"1.160.3","The pure and the resolute son of (these) parents, the beatrer (of rewards),sanctifies the worlds by his intelligence; as well as the milch cow (the earth), andthe vigorous bull (the heavean), and dail"
"1.160.4","He it is, amongst gods (the most divine), amongst (pious) works the mostpious, who gave birth to the all-delighting heven and earth; who measured them both,and, for the sake of holy rites, propped the"
"1.160.5","Glorified by us, grant to us, Heaven and Earth, abudant food and greatstrength; wherby we may daily multiply mankind: bestow upon us commendable vigour."
"2.12.1","He, who as soon as born, is the first (of the deities); who has donehonour to the gods by his exploits; he at whose might heaven and earth are alarmed,and (who is known) by the greatness of his streng"
"2.12.2","He, who fixed firm the moving earth; who tranquillized the incensed mountains;who spread the spacious firmament; who consolited the heaven; he, men, is INDRA."
"2.12.3","He, who having destroyed AHI, set free the seven rivers; who recovered thecows detained by BALA; who generated fir in the clouds; who is invincible in battel;he, men, is INDRA."
"2.12.4","He, by whom all these perishable (regions) have been made; who consginesthe base servile trible to the cavern; who seizes triumphant the cherished (treasures)of the enemy, as a hunter (strikes) his pr"
"2.12.5","He whom, terrible, they ask for, (saying), where is he ? or,verily, theysay of him , he is not (in any one place); but who, inflicting (chastisement), destroysthe cherished (treasures) of the enemy;"
"2.12.6","He, who is the encourager of the rich, and of the poor, and of the priest,who receits his praise, and is a sippliant; who of goodly features, is the protectorof him, who with ready stones, express the"
"2.12.7","He under whose control are horeses and cattle, and villages, and allchariots; he who gave birth to the sun and to the dawn: and who is the leader of thewaters; he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.8","Whom (two hosts), calling and mutually encountering, call upon; whomtwo (charioteers), standaing in the same car, severally invoke; he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.9","Without whom men do not conquer; whom when engaged in conflict, theyinvoke for succour; he whi is the prototype of the universe and the caster dwon ofthe umyielding; he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.10","He, who with the thunderbolt has destroyed many committing great sin, andoffering (him) no homage; who grants not success to the confident; who is the slayerof the Dasyu; he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.11","He, who discoverd SHAMBARA dwelling in the mountains for forty years;who slew AHI, growing in stength, and the sleeping son of DANU; he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.12","He, the seven-rayed, the whowerer, the powerful, who let loose the sevenrivers to flow; who, armed with the thunderbolt, crushed RAUHINA when scaling heaven;he men, is INDRA."
"2.12.13","He, to whom heaven and earth bow down; he at whose might the mountainsare appalled; he who is the drinker of the Soma juice, the firm (of frame), theadamant-armed, the wielder of the thunderbolt; he m"
"2.12.14","He, who protects (the worshipper) offering the libation, or preparing(the mixed curds and butter), repeating his praise and soliciting his assistance; he,of whom the scared prayer, the (offered) Soma"
"2.12.15","INDRA, who art difficult of approach; thou verily, art a true (benefactor),who bestowest (abundant) food upon him who offers the libation, who prepares(the mixed curds and butter); may we, enjoying th"
"2.33.1","Father of MARUTS, may thy felicity extend to us: exclude us not from thesight of the sun: (grant that) our valiant (descendants) may overcome (these) foes,
andthat we may be multiplied, RUDRA, by (our"
"2.33.2","Nourished by the sanatory, vegetables which are bestowed by thee, mayI live a hundred winters: extirpate mine enimes, my exceeding sin, and my manifoldinfirmities."
"2.33.3","Thou, RUDRA, art the chiefest of beings in glory: thou, wielder of thethunderbolt, art the mightiest of the mighty: do thou waft us in safety over (the ocdan)of sin: repel all the assaults of inquity."
"2.33.4","Let us not provoke thee, RUDRA, to wrath byour (imperfect) adorations;nor, showerer (of benefits), by our unworty praise, nor by our invocation(of other deties): invigorate our sons by thy medicinal p"
"2.33.5","May I pacify by my praises that RUDRA, who is worshipped with invocations andoblations; and never may he who is soft-bellied, of a twany hue, and handsome chin;who is reverently invoked; subject us to"
"2.33.6","May the showerer of benifits, the lord of the Maruts, gratify me his suppliantwith invigorating food: may I, free from sin, ss propitiate RUDRA, that I may attain tohis felicity, as man, distressed by"
"2.33.7","Where, RUDRA, is thy joy-dispensing hand, which is the healer and delighter(of all): showerer (of benefits), who art the dispeller of the sins of the gods, quicklyhave compassion upon me."
"2.33.8","I address infinite and earnest praise to the showerer (of benefits), thewhite-complexioned: adore the consumer (of sin), with prostrations: we glorify theillustrious name of RUDRA."
"2.33.9","(Firm) with strong limbs, assuming many forms, fierce, and twany-coloured,he shines with brilliant golden ornaments: vigour is inseparable form RUDRA, thesupreme ruler and lord of this world."
"2.33.10","Worthy (of reverenve), thou bearest arrows and a bow; worthy (of praise),thou wearest and adorable and omniform necklace: worthy (of adoration), thou preservestall this vast universe: there is no one"
"2.33.11","Glorify the renowned RUDRA, riding in his car, ever youthful, destructive,fierce like a formidable wild beast: RUDRA, propitiated by praise, grant happiness to himwho praises (thee), and let thy hosts"
"2.33.12","I bow, RUDRA, to thee, approaching (our rite), as a boy to his father whenpronouncing a blessing upon him: I glorify thee, the giver of much (wealth),the protector of the virtous; do thou, thus glorif"
"2.33.13","MARUTS, I solicit of you those medicaments which are pure; thoseshowerers (of benifits), which give great pleasure; those which confer felicity;those which (our) sire, MANU, selected; and those (medic"
"2.33.14","May the javelin of RUDRA avoid us: may the great displeasure of the radiantdeity pass away (form us); showerer of benifits, turn away thy strong (bow) from thewealthy (offerers of oblations), and best"
"2.33.15","Cherisher of the world, showerer (of benefits), omniscient and divine (RUDRA),hearer of our invocation, so consider us on this occassion, that htou mayest not beirate, nor slay us; but that, blessed w"
"2.35.1","Desiring food, I put forth this laudatory hymn: may the sounding andswift-moving grandson of the waters bestow abundant food upon me his worshipper: mayhe make us of goodly appearance, for verily he i"
"2.35.2","Let us address to his the prayer that is conceived in our hearts, and mayhe fully understand (its purport); for he, the lord, the grandson of the waters, hasgenerated all beings by the greatness of hi"
"2.35.3","Some waters collect together (from the rain); others, (already collected onearth), unite with them; as rivers, they flow together to propitiate the ocean-fire:the pure waters are gathered round the pu"
"2.35.4","The young and modest (waters) wait upon the youth, assidious in bathing him,and he, although unfed with fuel, yet cleanesed with clarified butter, shines with brightrays amidst the waters, that abunda"
"2.35.5","Three divine feamels present food to that uninjurable divinity; as if formedin the waters they spread abroad, and he drinks the ambrosia of thefirst-created (element)."
"2.35.6","In him is the birth of the horse; of him is (the orgin of) the world: dothou, grandson of the (waters), protect the pious worshippers from the malevolanceof the oppresor: those who give no offerings,"
"2.35.7","He, the grandson of the waters, who abides in his own dwelling; of whom is thereadily-milked cow; who augments the nectar ( of the skies), and (thence) eats thesacrifical food; he, gathering strength"
"2.35.8","All other beings are, as it were, branches of him, who, truthful, eternal,and vast, shines amidst thewaters with pure and divine (radiance); and the shrubs, withtheir products, are born (of him)."
"2.35.9","The grandson of the waters has ascended the firmament aboe (the region) of thebroad and golden-coloured (rivers) spread around, bearing (to all quarters) hisexceeding glory."
"2.35.10","The grandson of the waters is of golden form, of golden aspect, ofgolden hue, and (shines) seated upon a seat of gold: the givers of gold (at solemn rites)present to him (sacrificial) food."
"2.35.11","Beautiful is his form (of aggregated lustre, beautiful) is the name of thegrandson of the waters; (both) flourish, though hidden (by the clouds); the youthfulwaters collectively kindly the golden-colo"
"2.35.12","To him our friend, the first of many (deities), we offer worship withsacrifices, oblations, and prostration: I decorate the high place (of his presence):I nourish him with fuel: I sustain him with (sa"
"2.35.13","Vigorous, he has generated himself as an embryo in those (waters): heis
their infant; he sucks them; they bedew him (with moisture); the grandson of thewaters of untarnished splendour has descended to"
"2.35.14","The abundant waters, bearing sustenance to their grandson, flow round him withspontaneous movements; when abiding in his supreme sphere, and shining daily withimperishable (rays)."
"2.35.15","I have come, AGNI, to thee, (the giver) of good dwellings, for the sake ofthe opulent (offeres of oblation): may all the good which the gods defend (be ours);that, blessed with excellent descendants,"
"3.59.1","MITRA, when praised, animates men to exertion: INDRA sustains both the earthand heaven: MITRA looks upon men with unclosing eye: offer to MITRA the oblations ofclarified butter."
"3.59.2","May that mortal enjoy abundance, MITRA, who presents thee, ADITYA,(with offerings) at the sacred rite; protected by thee he is not harmed, he is notovercome by any one; sin reaches him not, either fr"
"3.59.3","May we, exempt from disease, rejoicing in (abundant) food, roaming freeover the wide (expanse) of the earth, diligent in the worship of ADITYA, ever be inthe good favour of MITRA."
"3.59.4","This MITRA has been engendered adorable and to be served, the sovereign(over all), endowed with vigour, the creator (of the universe); maywe ever be in thegood favour, in the auspicious approbation, o"
"3.59.5","The great ADITYA, the animator of men to exertion, is to be approachedwith reverence: he is the giver of happiness to him who praise him: offer with firethe acceptable libation to that most glorifiabl"
"3.59.6","Desirable food and most renowned wealth are (the gifits) of the divineMITRA, the supporter of man."
"3.59.7","The renowned MITRA, who by his might presides over heaven, is he who presidesover the earth by (the gifit of) food."
"3.59.8","The five classes of men have repaired to the victorious MITRA, for hesupports all the gods."
"3.59.9","MITRA is he who amongst gods and men bestows food as the reward of piousacts upon the man who has prepared (for him) the lopped sacred grass."
"4.50.1","The ancient sages, illustrious, intelligent, have placed before (them)the pleasing-tongued BRIHASPATI, who propped up by (his) strength the ends of the earth,and who abides with noise in the three reg"
"4.50.2","BRIHASPATI, protect the fruit-yielding, progressive, uninjured, amplesacrifice of this (thy worshipper, at which) they who are the terrifiers (of foes),the delighters of thee who art possessed of grea"
"4.50.3","Those (steeds), BRIHASPATI, which had come from that distant (region), thebest (of all), have sat down in connection with the seremony, and to thee the Somajuices expressed by the stones flow copiousl"
"4.50.4","BRIHASPATI, when first being born in the highest heaven of supreme light,seven-mouthes, multiform, (combined) with sound, and seven0rayed, has subduedthe darkness."
"4.50.5","(Aided) by the praised and brilliant troop (of the Angirasas), he destroyedwith sound the mischievous BALA: BRIHASPATI, shouting aloud, set free theboon-bestowing, oblation-suppling kine."
"4.50.6","Thus may we offer worship with sacrifices, with oblations, with praise, tothe paternal, universal deity, the showerer of (benifits); and may we BRIHASPATI,become possessed of riches, and be blessed wi"
"4.50.7","That prince overcomes by his strength and powess all hostile people, whocherishes liberally BRIHASPATI, and glorifies and honours him as the first sharer(of the offering)."
"4.50.8","Verily he abides prosperous in his own abode; for him the earth bears fruitat all seasons; to him (his) subjects willingly pay homage, the prince, to whom theBrahmana first, (duly reverenced), repairs"
"4.50.9","Unopposed he is the master of the riches of hostile people, and his ownsubjects: the Rajs who bestows upon the Brhamana seeking his protection, himthe gods protect."
"4.50.10","BRIHASPATI, do thou and INDRA, both exulting and showering riches, drink theSoma at this sacrifice: may the all-pervading drops enter you: bestow upon us richescomprising of all male descendants."
"4.50.11","BRIHASPATI, INDRA, elevate us: may the favourable disposition of you bothbe combined for us: protect our rites: be awake to our laudations, donfound thearrogant (foes) of us who are the donors (of obl"
"4.51.1","This widely-spread and sense-bestowing light has sprung up in the east fromout the darkness: verily the brilliant Dawns, the daughters of heaven, are giving toman (the faculty to act)."
"4.51.2","The many-limbed Dawns rise up in the east, like the pillars planted atsacrifices (round the altar); radiant and purifying, they are manifested, opening, thegates of the obstructing gloom."
"4.51.3","The gloom-dispelling, affluent Dawns animate the pious worshippers to offer(sacrifical) treasure: may the churlish (traffickers) sleep on unawakened, in theunlovely depth of darkness."
"4.51.4","Divine Dawns, may your chariot, whether old or new, be frequent at this day's(worship, wherewith, affluent Dawns, possessing riches, (you shine) upon theseven-mouthed (troop of the) Angirasas, the obs"
"4.51.5","Divine Dawns, with horses that frequent sacrifices you quickly travel roundthe regions (of space): awake the sleeping being, whether biped or quadrupped, to purse(his functions)."
"4.51.6","Where is that ancient one of those (Dawns), through whom the works of
theRIBHUS were accomplished ? for as the bright Dawns happilly proceed, they are notdistinguished, being alike and undecaying."
"4.51.7","Verily those auspicious Dawns have been of old, rich with desired blessings,truthful (bestowers) of the results of sacrifice; at which the sacrificer, adoringwith (silent) praise, glorifying (with hym"
"4.51.8","They spread around of similar form, (coming) from the east, (coming) fromthe same region alike renowned: the divine Dawns, arousing the assembly of thesacrifice, are glorified like the (rays) creative"
"4.51.9","Those Dawns proceed verily all alike, of similar form, of infinitehues, pure, bright, illumiming, concealing by their radiant person the very great gloom."
"4.51.10","Divine, resplendent daughters of heaven, bestow upon us wealth, comprehendingprogeny: awaking you for our benefit, may we be the lords of excellent descendants."
"4.51.11","Daughters of heaven, resplendent Dawns, I address you (as) the announcer ofthe sacrifice: may we be (the possessors) of celebrity amongst men. andmay heaven andthe divine earth prepetuate (it)."
"5.11.1","The vigilant, the powerful AGNI, the protector of man, has ben engendered forthe present prosperity (of the world): fed with butter, (blazing) with intense (radiance)reaching to the sky, the pure AGNI"
"5.11.2","The priests have first kindled, in three places, AGNI, the banner ofsacrifice, the family priest, (riding) in the same car with INDRA and the gods: he theperfomer of pious acts, the invoker (of the go"
"5.11.3","Thou art born unobstructed of two mothers: pure, adorable, wise, thou hastsprung up from (the devotion of) the householder: they have augmented thee withbutter: AGNI, to whom burnt-offerings are made,"
"5.11.4","May AGNI, the fulfiller (of all desires), come to our sacrifice: men cherishAGNI in everydwelling: AGNI, the bearer of oblations, has become the messenger (of thegods): those adoring AGNI adore him as"
"5.11.5","To thee, AGNI, this most sweet speech (is addressed); may this praise begratification to thy heart: pious hymns fill thee, and augment thee with vigour, aslarge rivers (replenish) the sea."
"5.11.6","The Angirasas discovered thee, AGNI, hidden in secret, and taking refugefrom wood to wood: thou art generated, being churned with great force; therfore theyhave called thee, ANGIRAS, the son of streng"
"5.83.1","I address the mighty PARJANYA who is present: praise him with these hymns;worship him with reverence, him who is the thunderer, the showerer, the bountiful, whoimpregnates the plants with rain."
"5.83.2","He strikes down the trees, he destroys the Rakshasas, he terrifies the wholeworld by his mighty weapon: even the innocent man flies from the sender of rain; whenPARJANYA, thundering, slays the wicked."
"5.83.3","As a charioteer, urging his horses with his whip, brings into view themessenger (of war), so PARJANYA, (driving the clouds before him), makes manifest themessengers of the rain: the roaring of the lio"
"5.83.4","The winds blow strong, the lightnings flash, the plants spring up, thefirmament dissolves: earth becomes (fit) for all creatures when PARJANYA fertilizesthe soli with showers."
"5.83.5","Do thou, PARJANYA, through whose function the earth is bowed down; throughwhose function hoofed cattle thrive; through whose function plants assume all kindsof forms, grant us great felicity."
"5.83.6","Send down for us., MARUTS, the rain from heaven: rops of the rainy chargerdescend: come down PARJANYA, sprinkling water by this thundering (cloud); thou who art thesender of rain, our protector."
"5.83.7","Cry aloud over (the earth); thunder; impregnate the plants; traverse (the sky)with thy water-laden chariot, draw open the tight-fastened, downward-turned water bag, andmay the high and low places be m"
"5.83.8","Raise on high the mighty sheath (of rain), pour down (its contents); let therivers flow unimpeded to the east; saturate with water both heaven and earth, and letthere be abundant beverage for the kine"
"5.83.9","When, PARJANYA, sounding loud and thundering, thou destroyest the wicked(clouds), this whole (world) rejoices, and all that is upon the earth."
"5.83.10","Thou hast rained: now check well the rain: thou hast made the deserts capableof being crossed: thou hast given birth to plans for (man's) enjoyment: verily thou hastobtained laudation from the people."
"6.54.1","Bring us PUSHAN, into communication with a wise man who may rightly directus, who may even say, this is so."
"6.54.2","May we, by the favour of PUSHAN, come in communication with (the man) who maydirect us to the houses (where our goods are secreted), and may say, verilythese are they."
"6.54.3","The discus of PUSHAN does not destory; its sheath is not discarded, its edgeharms not us."
"6.54.4","PUSHAN inflicts not the least injury on the man who propitiates him byoblations: he is the first who acquires wealth."
"6.54.5","May PUSHAN, come to (guard) our cattle, may PUSHAN protect our horses; mayPUSHAN give us food."
"6.54.6","Come, PUSHAN, to (guard) the cattle of the institutor of the rite presentinglibations, and also of us repating (thy) praises."
"6.54.7","Let, not PUSHAN, our cattle perish; let them not be injured; let them not behurt by falling into a well; come therefore, along with them unharmed."
"6.54.8","We solicit riches of PUSHAN, who hears (our eulogies); who is the averter(of poverty); the preserver of that which is not lost, the ruler (over all)."
"6.54.9","May we never suffer detriment when engaged, PUSHAN, in they worship: we areat this time thine adorers."
"6.54.10","May PUSHAN put forth his right hand (to restrain our cattle) from goingastray; may he bring again to us that which has been lost."
"7.49.1","The waters, with their ocean-cheif, proceed from the midst of the firmament,purifying (all things), flowing unceasingly: may the divine waters, whom the thunder-bearingINDRA, the showerer, sent forth,"
"7.49.2","May the waters that are in the sky, or those that flow (on the earth), those(whose channels) have been dug, or those that have sprung up spontaneously, and those thatseek the ocean, all pure and purif"
"7.49.3","Those who sovereign, VARUNA, passes in the middle sphere, discriminating thetruth and falsehood of mankind; those shedding sweet showers, pure and purifying; may thosedivine watrers protect me here (o"
"7.49.4","May they in which their king VARUNA, in which SOMA, abides, in which the godsdelight (to receive) the sacrifical food, into which AGNI VAISWANARA entered, may thosedivine waters protect me here (on ea"
"7.61.1","Spreading around the beautiful light, MITRA and VARUNA, of you two divinities,SURYA rises; he who beholds all existing beings apprehends the acts of mortals."
"7.61.2","The sage, the solemnizer of sacrifice, the ancient hearer (of holy prayer),earnestly repeats, MITRA and VARUNA, your praises: he whos prayers, doers of good deeds,you favour, whose acts (of worship) y"
"7.61.3","You are vaster, MITRA and VARUNA, than the sample earth, vaster, bounteousdonors, than the golorius and expansive heaven: you maintain beauty in plants and inpeople, diligent observers of truth, and v"
"7.61.4","Praise the splendour of MITRA and VARUNA, whose strength, by its mightiness,keeps heaven and earth asunder: may the days of those who offer not worship pass without maledescendants: may he who delight"
"7.61.5","Unperplexed, all-pervading showerers (of benefits), these (praises) are foryou, in which nothing surprising, no adoration (worthy of you), is beheld: the insincerecommendations of men serve as offence"
"7.61.6","I offer sacrifice to you two with praises, I invoke you, MITRA and VARUNA, whenin trouble: may the present hymns be capable of gratifying you: may these (my) prayers beacceptable to you both."
"7.61.7","To you, divine MITRA and VARUNA, to you this adoration at sacrifices isaddressed: remove from us all difficulties, and ever cherish us with blessings."
"7.63.1","The auspicious SURYA rises, the eye of all, the commom (parent) of men: thedivine eye of MITRA and of VARUNA, who breaks through the glooms as through (investing)skin."
"7.63.2","The animator of men arises, the great rain-shedding banner of SURYA
rollingon the universal wheel, which the white steeds yoked to his car drag along."
"7.63.3","Delighted by the praises (of his worshippers), the radiant sun raises fromthe lap of the dawns: that divine sun gratifies my desires, who limits not the lustrethat is common (to all)."
"7.63.4","The bright and glorious sun rises from the firmament far-going, traversing(the heavens), diffusing light: verily all beings animated by SURYA proceed and executetheir assigned labours."
"7.63.5","He travels the path which the immortals have prepared for his course, dartingalong like a hawk: we worship you, MITRA and VARUNA, when the sun has risen, with praisesand oblations."
"7.63.6","May MITRA, VARUNA, ARYAMAN grant affluence to us and to our posterity: mayall paths be easy of access to us, and do you ever cherish us with blessings."
"7.71.1","Night retires before the dawn, the sister (of the ASHWINS): the dark nightleaves the path clear for the radiant (sun): upon you, who are affluent in horses,affluent in cattle, we call day and night: k"
"7.71.2","Come to the mortal, the donor (of oblations), bringing desired wealth inyourchariot: keep afar from us famine and sickness: day night, MADHWIS, protect us."
"7.71.3","May you docile and vigorous (horses) bring hither your chariot at theapproaching dawn: conduct hither, ASHWINS, your radiating, wealth-laden chariot,with your rain-bestowing steeds."
"7.71.4","With that chariot, lords of men, which is your vehicle, which has three benches,is laden with wealth, and is the precursor of day, come NASATYAS, to us; with thatchariot which traverses (the sky) as y"
"7.71.5","You exempted CHYAVANA from decay: you mounted PEDU upon a swift charger: youextricated ATRI from torture and darkness: you replaced JAHUSHA in hisrebellious kingdom."
"7.71.6","This adoration, ASHWINS, this praise (is for you): be gratified, showerer (ofbenefits), by this laudation: may these eulogies, addresseed to you, reach you:and do you ever cherish us with blessings."
"7.86.1","Permanent in greatness are the births of that VARUNA who propped up the vastheaven and earth, who appointed to (their) two-fold (task) the glorious sun and beautifulconstellations, who spread out the"
"7.86.2","When may I in my person converse with that deity ? when may I (be admitted) tothe heart of VARUNA ? by what means may he, without diospleasure, accept my oblations?when may I, rejoicing in mind, beh"
"7.86.3","Desirous of beholding thee, VARUNA, I inquire what is mine ofence: I have goneto make inquiry of the wise: the sages verily have said the same thing to me:-this VARUNAis displeased with thee."
"7.86.4","What has that great wickedness been, VARUNA, that thou shouldst seek to destroythe worshipper, thy friend ? Insuperable, resplendent VARUNA, declare it to me, so that,freed from sin, I may quick appro"
"7.86.5","Relax (the bonds) imposed by the ill deeds of our forefathers, and those incurred(by the sins) which we have committed in our persons: liberate, royal VARUNA, like a calffrom its tether, VASISTHA, lik"
"7.86.6","It is not our own choice, VARUNA, but our condition, (that is the cause of oursinning); it is that which is intoxicatio, wrath, gambling, ignorance; there is a seniorin the proximity of the junior: ev"
"7.86.7","Liberated rom sin, I may perfoem diligent service, like a slave, to the divineshowerer (of benefits), the sustainer ofthe world : may he, the divine lord, giveintelligence to us who are devoid of unde"
"7.86.8","May this laudation, food-conferring VARUNA, be taken to thy heart: may sucessesbe ous in retaining what we have, and in acquiring more: and do you, (deities), evercherish us with blessings."
"7.103.1","The frogs, like Brahmans, observant of their vows, practising penancethroughout the year, utter aloud paises agreeable tp PARJNYA."
"7.103.2","When the waters of the sky fall upon (the troop of frogs) sleeping in the(exhausted) lake like a dry water-skin; then rises together the croaking of the frogs,like the bellowing of cows when joinf by"
"7.103.3","When the rainy season has arrived, and (PARJANYA) has sent the rain uponthem, thristy and loging (for its coming), then one frog meets another croaking(his congratulations) as a child (calls to) its f"
"7.103.4","One of these two congratulates the other as they are both delighting in theforthcoming of rain; the speckled frog, leaping up repeatedly when moistened (by theshower), joins greetings with the green o"
"7.103.5","When one of you imitates the croaking of another as learner (imitates) histeacher, when, loud crying, you conserve (leaping) uponthewaters, then the entire bodyis as it were developed."
"7.103.6","One frog has the bellowing of a cow, another the belating of a goat, one ofthem is speckled, one is green: designated by a common appellation, they are of variouscolours, and, croaking, shew themselve"
"7.103.7","Like Brahmans at the Soma libation, at the Atiratra sacrifice, you are nowcroaking around the replenshied lake (throughout the night), for on that day of the yearyou frogs are everywhere about, when i"
"7.103.8","They utter a loud cry, like Brahmans when bearing the Soma libation, andreciting the perennial prayer: like ministrant priests with the gharma offering, theyhid (in the hot weather) perspiring (in the"
"7.103.9","These leaders of rites observe the institutes of the gods, and disregard notthe (appropriate) season of the twelvemonth; as the year revolves, and the rains
return,then, scorched and heated, they obta"
"7.103.10","May the cow-toned, the goat-toned, the speckled, the green (frog, severally)grant usriches ! May the forgs in the fertilizing (season of the rain), bestowing upon ushunderds of cows, prolong (our) li"
"8.29.1","One (SOMA) brown of hue, all-prevading, leader of the nights, ever young,decorates (himself) with golden ornaments."
"8.29.2","One (AGNI) intelligent, resplendent among the gods, is seated in his place(the altar)."
"8.29.3","One (TWASHTRI) immoveably sationed among the gods, holds his iron axe in his hand."
"8.29.4","One (INDRA) holds his thunderbolt wielded in his hand, by which he slays theVRITRAS."
"8.29.5","one (RUDRA) brilliant and fierce, (yet) the distributor of healing medicines,holds his sharp weapon in his hand."
"8.29.6","One (PUSHAN) watches the roads like a robber, and is cognizant of hidden treasures."
"8.28.7","One (VISHNU) wide-steeping, has traversed the three worlds where the gods rejoice."
"8.29.8","Two (the ASHWINS) travel with swift (horses) along with one (bride SURYA), liketravellers to foreign countries."
"8.29.9","Two of like beauty and of royal rank (MITRA and VARUNA), worshipped withoblations of clarifies butter, have taken their seat in heaven."
"8.29.10","Some (the ATRIS) when worshipping, call to mind the great soman, wherewiththey light up the sun."
"8.48.1","May I, the wise and devout, enjoy the delicious, abundantly, honoured Soma food,which all gods and mortals, pronouncing sweet, seek to obtain."
"8.48.2","Thou enterest within, and unimparied, thou avertest the anger of the gods; Soma,enjoying the friendships of INDRA, mayest thou bring us to wealth as a swift (horse)its burden."
"8.48.3","We drink the Soma, may we become immortal; we have attained the light of(heaven), we have known the gods; what now should the enemy do to us, or what, O immortal,should the aggriver do to the mortal ?"
"8.48.4","O Soma drunk by us be bliss to our hearts, as a father is indulgent to a sonor a friend to a friend; O Soma, worthy of wide praise, do thou, wise one, extend ouryears that we may live."
"8.48.5","May these glory-conferring protecting Soma-streams knit together my jointsas cows draw together a chariot falling in pieces; may they keep us from a loosly-knitworship; may they deliver me from sickne"
"8.48.6","Soma, kindle me like the fire ignited by attrition, brighten (our eyes) andmake us rich; I praise thee now for exhilaration; come now, full of wealth, to
nourish us."
"8.48.7","May we partake of thee, effused, with a longing mind as (men enjoy) paternalwealth; King Soma prolong our lives, as the sun the world-establishing days."
"8.48.8","King Soma, bless us for our welfare; we worshippers are thine, do thourecognize it; the enemy goes strong and fierce, O Soma; give us not over to him ashe desires."
"8.48.9","O Soma, thou art the guardian of our bodies, thou dwellest in each limb as thebeholder of men; though we impair thy rites, yet, divine one, bless us, thou who artpossessed of most excellent food and g"
"8.48.10","May I obtain a wholesome friend who, when quaffed, will not harm me, O lordof bay horses; I ask of INDRA a long permanence for this Soma which has beenplaced within us."
"8.48.11","May those irremovable sicknesses depart; let those strong (pains) which havea made us tremble, be afraid; the mighty Soma has climbed into us, -we have attainedthat (draught) by which men prolong life"
"8.48.12","That Soma which, drunk into our hearts, has entered, immortal, into usmortals, --to him, fathers, let us do worship with oblations; may we abide in hisbliss and favour."
"8.48.13","Soma, thou in conjunction with the athers dost stretch out successivelyheaven and earth, --to thee let us do worship with oblations, maywe be lords of wealth."
"8.48.14","Guardian gods, speak favourably to us; let no dreams nor the censureroverpower us; may we be ever dear to Soma; possessed of brave offspring, mayweutter our hymn."
"8.48.15","Thou, Soma, givest us food from every side; thou art the bestower of heaven;enter us, beholder of men: O Soma, rejoicing with thy protecting powers, guard us frombehind and before."
"9.14.1","The wise (Soma) flows widely round, betaking itself to the waves of theriver, and uttering a sound desired by many."
"9.14.2","When the five kindred sacrificing races, desirous of accomplishing piousrites, honour the sustaining (Soma) with their praise."
"9.14.3","Then all the gods rejoice in the juice of this powerful (libation), whenit is enveloped with milk and curds."
"9.14.4","Descending from the filters it hastens (into the vessel), and passingthrough the cloth's interstices, it becomes united in this (sacrifice) withits freind (INDRA)."
"9.14.5","He who is rubbed down by the grandchildren of the sacrificer like a handsomeyoung (horse), and renders his form like the produce of the kine."
"9.14.6","Expressed by the fingers, he proceede obliquely to the produce of the cow tomix with it; it utters a sound which (the worshipper) recognizes."
"9.14.7","The fingers combine expressing the lord of food, and they grasp the back ofthe vigorous (Soma)."
"9.14.8","Soma, who holdest all the treasures of heaven and earth, come favourablydisposed to us."
"9.15.1","This heroic Soma expressed by the fingers proceeds by the sacrifice, hasteningwith swift chariots to INDRA'S abode."
"9.15.2","This Soma engages in many holy rites for the great sacrifice where theimmortals sit."
"9.15.3","Placed (in the cart) he is brought by a brilliant path, when the offerers ofthe libation present him."
"9.15.4","He tosses his horns as a bull, the lord of the herd, sharpens his, -- bearingtreasures (for us) by his might."
"9.15.5","He proceeds along impetous with golden brilliant rays, the lord of streams."
"9.15.6","Overpowering at the juncture of time the discomfited concealers (the Rakshasas), hedescends upon those doomed to destruction."
"9.15.7","The priests express into the vessels this juice which is to be purified, thebestower of abundant food."
"9.15.8","The ten fingers, the seven preists, express this (juice) well-weaponed, andyeilding great exhilaration."
"10.90.1","PURUSHA, who has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet, investingthe earth in all directions, exceeds (it by a space) measuring ten fingers."
"10.90.2","PURUSHA is verily all this (visiblw world), all that is, and all that is to be; heis also the lord of immortality; for he mounts beyound( his own condition) for the food(of living beings)."
"10.90.3","Such is his greatness; and PURUSHA is greater even than this; all beings areone-forth of him; his other three-forths, (being) immortal, (abide) in heaven."
"10.90.4","Three-fourths of PURUSHA ascended; the other fourth that remained in thisworld proceeds repeatedly, and, diversified in various orms, went to all animate andinanimate creation."
"10.90.5","From him was born VIRAJ, and from VIRAJ PURUSHA; he, as soon as born, becamemanifested, and afterwards (created) the earth (and) then corporeal forms)."
"10.90.6","When the gods performed the sacrifice with PURUSHA as the offering, thenSpring was its ghi, Summer the fule, and Autumn the oblation."
"10.90.7","They immolated as the victim upon the sacred grass PURUSHA, born before(creation); with him the deities who wer Sadhyas and those who were Rishis sacrificed."
"10.90.8","From that victim, in whom the universal oblation was offered, the mixture ofcurds and butter was produced, (then) he made those animals over whom VAYU
presids, thosethat are valid, and those that are"
"10.90.9","From that victim, in whom the universal oblations was offered, the Richasand Samans were produced; from him the metres were bron; from him the Yajush was bron."
"10.90.10","From him were born horses and whatsoever animals have two rows of teeth; yea,cows were bron from him; from him were bron goats and sheep."
"10.90.11","When they immolated PURUSHA, into how many portions did they divide him?What was his mouth called; what his arms, what his thighs, what were his feet called ?"
"10.90.12","His mouth became the Brahmana, his arms became the Rajanys, his thighs becamethe Vaishya; the Shudra was bron from his feet."
"10.90.13","The moon was bron from his mind; the sun was born from his eye; INDRA and AGNIwere bron from his mouth, VAYU from his breath."
"10.90.14","From his navel came the firmament, from his head the heaven was produced, theearth from his feet, the quarters of space from his ear, so they constituted the world."
"10.90.15","Seven were the enclosures of the sacrifice, thrice seven logs of fuel wereprepared, when the gods, celebrating the rite, bound PURUSHA as the victim."
"10.90.16","By sacrifice the gods worshipped (him who is also) the sacrifice; those werethe first duties. Those great ones became partakers of the heaven where the ancientdeities the Sadhyas abide."
"10.127.1","The divine Night approaching looked upon many places with her eyes, hasassumed all beauties."
"10.127.2","The immortal goddess has filled the expanded (firmament), the low placesand the high paces, she fights the darkness with lustre."
"10.127.3","The advancing goddess prepared (the way for) her sister Dawn, and thendarkness departs."
"10.127.4","May she be favourable to us to-day uponwhose approach we re-enter (our dwellings),as birds (re-enter) their nest upon the tree."
"10.127.5","Men have re-entered (their-dwellings), and beasts and birds and the swfit hawks."
"10.127.6","Keep off, O URMYA, the she-wolf, keep off the wolf and the robber, and be safelypassed by us."
"10.127.7","The all-embracing black diffused darkness has approached me, dischargeit, USHAS, as if it were a debt."
"10.127.8","I have brought (these verses) before thee like milch kine;accept, O Night, daughter of the sky, (my oblation) as the eulogy of one about to conquer."
"10.129.1","The non-existent was not, the existent was not; then the world was not, northe firmament, nor that which is above (the firmament). How could there be anyinvesting envelope, and where ? Of what (could"
"10.129.2","Death was not nor at that period immortality there was no indication of dayor night; THAT ONE unbreathed upon breathed of his own strength, other than THAT therewas nothing else whatever."
"10.129.3","There was darkness covered by darkness in the beginning. all this (world)was undistingushable water; that empty united (world) which was covered by a merenothing, was produced through the power of aus"
"10.129.4","In the beginning there was desire, which was the first seed of mind; sageshaving meditated in their hearts have deiscovered by their wisdom the connexion of theexistent with the non-existent."
"10.129.5","Their ray was streched out, whether across, or below, or above; (some) wereshedders of seed, (others) were mighty; food was inferior, the eater was superior."
"10.129.6","Who really ? who in this world may declare it ? whence was thiscreation, whence was it engendered? The gods (were) subsequent to the (world's)creation; so who knows whence it arose ?"
"10.129.7","He from whom this creation arose, he may uphold it, or he maynot (no, one else can); he who is its super-intendent in the highest heaven, heassuredly knows, or if he knows not (no one else does)."
"10.135.1","In that leafy tree where YAMA drinka with the gods, there theprogenitor, the lord of the house, invites us to join the men of old."
"10.135.2","(At first) I beheld him with anguish inviting me to join the menof oldentime, and walking with that fell design; but afterwards I longed for him."
"10.135.3","The new chariot, wheelless, single-poled, but turning everywhere, whichthou, my child, hast mentally formed--thou standest thereon though thou seest it not."
"10.135.4","The chariot which thou, my child, hast driven down to me from the sagesabove, the Saman has driven it backagain from hence placed on a ship."
"10.135.5","Who has begotten the you ? Who has driven the chariot off ? Who can tellus how restitution was made ?"
"10.135.6","How restitution was made appeared from the (command given) at first; beforethat the depth was out-stretched, afterwards a means of returning (from YAMA)was provided."
"10.135.7","This is the dwelling of YAMA, which is called the fabric of the gods; thispipe is sounded for his (gratification), he is propitiated by hymns."
"10.168.1","I (proclaim) the greatness of the impetuous VAYU; his voice spreads thunderingaround; he moves along sweeping the sky, tinting purple (the quarters of the horizon), headvances,raising the dust of the"
"10.168.2","Solid masses advance to meet the wind; the mares come to him to battle;associated with them and in the same car the divinity proceeds, the soverigen of allthis world."
"10.168.3","Traversing the firmanent by its paths, (VAYU) rests not for a single day;the friend of the waters, the first-born, the utterer of truth--where has he beengenerated, whence was he manifested ?"
"10.168.4","The soul of the gods, the germ of the world, this divinity movesaccording to his pleasure; his voices are heard, his form is not (seen); letus worship that VATA with oblations."