Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Bangalore (Also Technical Advisor in I Phase)
International Institute of Information Technology,Hyderabad (Technical Advisor in II Phase)
Department of Sanskrit,H.S.Gour University, Sagar,Madya Pradesh
French Institute of Indology, Pondicherry (proposed)
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Deemed University, Tirupati - 517 507
Prof. D.Prahladachar, Vice-Chancellor, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (RSVP), (Deemed University) Tirupati - 517 507 Phone No :-0877-2287680(O)
website: http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in E-mail :rsvpvc@nettlinx.com
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati is an institute declared by Govt. of India as Deemed University fully funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The University imparts education in sastras and training in pedagogical aspects of Sanskrit teaching. It is also engaged in research and publication activities and published over 95 books which have acclaimed recognition of scholars and general public. In addition to this, the Vidyapeetha is putting sincere efforts to modernise Sanskrit education by the application of modern technological wonders for the dessemination of knowledge contained in treasure trove of Sanskrit literature. In this venture in the year 1996 it has established a modern computer lab with the generous financial grant of UGC to train the students on the modern lines in Computer Applications and Science.
The Vidyapeetha has a collection of more than 5,000 manuscripts and over 60,000 precious ollection of volumes in addition to rare publications like journals, magazines etc. The library has recently been connected to INFLIB-NET under the project of University Grants Commission.
The Vidyapeetha has been one of the excellent institutes of Sanskrit education throughout India combining traditional and modern methods of learning.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Sutra |
Sulba Sutra |
173 |
with Kapardi bhashya and Karavindiya vyakhya |
Patalas |
Kaumudi |
61 |
to Ajanta parasmaipadi |
Prakaranas |
bhashyam |
30 |
Adhyaya with Vartika. Tika and Parishuddhi |
Adhyaya-Ahnika-Sutra |
Chintamani |
94 |
vada to jatisaktivada |
Khanda-Vada |
Lakshana By Prof. NSR |
50 |
- |
Prakarana |
Sangraha |
496 |
Dipika, Prakasika, Balapriya and Prasarana |
Vishaya |
Vichara- Agnihotram Sri. Ramanujacharya |
32 |
Text |
“” |
Nyayamala |
292 |
Adhyayas |
Adhyaya-Pada-Adhikarana |
Slokavarthikam |
263 |
Slokas ending with
Sambandhakshepa vada |
Varika |
Ratnamala of Parthasarathi Misra |
137 |
with Anga Nirnaya 5th pariccheda |
various sub-divisons |
Mimamsayah Sthanam |
38 |
by Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatacharya |
Vishaya |
Devata Swarupam |
25 |
-do- |
Vishaya |
Paritranam |
94 |
Lakshanakshepah to Parisankhyavidhi Lakshanakshepah |
Vidhi |
Samhita |
117 |
Adhyayas |
Adhyaya-Sloka |
Samhita – Eng Trans |
334 |
Adhyayas |
Adhyaya-Sloka |
Dhvanyaloka |
660 |
with Dhvanyaloka lochani’s Balapriya |
Udyota-Karaka |
Sarasangraha |
73 |
with Kavyalankara Sara Laghu Vritti |
Vargas |
+ Chandrika |
115 |
Alankaras with Chandraloka, Alankara Chandrika, |
Prakarana for commentaries |
Vijaya Natakam |
254 |
Ankas |
Nataka |
- |
1-5 |
Ankas |
Nataka |
- |
only Slokas with Prakasa vyakhya |
Ankas |
Panigrahanam |
- |
Sargas |
for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),
Group Co-ordinator,Indian Heritage Group,
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
CDAC Knowledge Park, No. 1, Old Madras Road,
Opp. HAL Aeroengine Division,
Byappanahalli, Bangalore - 560 038
Phone No : 080-5246350, 5341215/874/909 xtn-305(O),
Fax : 91-080-5247724
E-mail : rama@cdacb.ernet.in
URL :http://cdacb.ernet.in/ihg.htm
for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), is a Scientific Society
under the Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India, being the
national initiative in the area of advanced computing, well-known for its
contributions in High Performance
Computing thru the PARAM series of Supercomputers, Real-Time Systems and
Networking solutions, also renowned for the Language Technology Solutions thru
the GIST range of hardware and software products, ISCII Standard, NLP, MT,
Language learning systems etc. and Indian
Heritage Group, C-DAC, Bangalore, in particular, with contributions like
Computational Rendering of Paninian Grammar, Development of the Natural Language Understanding and Authoring systems
for Sanskrit, the DESIKA package and interfacing it with Rgveda Samhita and many
other analysable Shastraic digital databases, An integrated reference compendium
of original treatises called Sakala-Shastra-Sutra-Kosha
also under development, having its registered office at C-DAC Knowledge Park,
No. 1, Old Madras Road, Opp. HAL, Aeroengine Divn. Byappanahalli, Bangalore -
560 038.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Taittireeya Samhita |
102 |
1-8 2-6 |
Khanda-pada |
Taittireeya Samhita Padapatha |
102 |
1-1 7-1 |
Taittireeya Brahmanam |
326 |
1-8 2-8 3-9 |
Ashtaka-Prapathaka |
Kathaka |
33 |
1-3 |
Kathaka-prashna |
Taittireeya Aranayakam |
125 |
1-8 |
prashna |
Ekagni Kanda |
42 |
1-2 |
Prashna-khanda |
Jata Darpanam and Ghana Darpanam |
61 |
Sloka - Vyakhya |
Taittireeya Pratisakhya |
13 |
1.1-24.6 |
Shiksha |
Bharadvaja Shiksha text and Commentaries |
70 |
1-134 |
Sloka - Vyakhya |
Nyaya Kalpa Sangraha – Text+Eng Tr. |
1.1.1 – 4.4.6 Jigyasadikarnam to
jagadavyaparvarjadhikarnam |
Adhyaya-Pada |
Nyayasutra (Eng.Translation) |
42 |
1.1.1-5.2.25 |
Adhyaya- Ahnika-Sutra |
Tarka Samgraha (Eng.Translation) |
11 |
1 - 81 |
Prakarana |
Gita prasthana |
Gita Bhashya |
1.1-18.78 |
Adhyaya-Sloka |
Vyakarana |
Siddhanta Kaumudi |
42 |
647 - 1071 |
Prakarana |
Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi |
102 |
Samjna to Stri pratyaya prakarana |
Prakarana |
Shishupalavadham |
24 |
01.01 – 20.79 |
Adhyaya-Sloka |
Ahobila Mutt Sanskrit College,
Madhurantakam, Tamil Nadu.PPSM
Dr. Varadagopalan,
Ahobila Mutt Sanskrit College,
Madurantakam, Chenglepet Dist,
Tamil Nadu - 603 306
Phone No: 04115 - 53070
E-mail : amscomkm@vsnl.net
Ahobila Math Sanskrit College (AMSC), Madhurantakam is an institution attached to Sri Ahobila Mutt offering residential, traditional teaching of Sanskrit, veda, divya prabandha and Vishishtadvaita vedanta text. It has a research wing and well equipped computer laboratory. AMSC is currenlty undertaing a project of rendering into electronic form various works of Shastras and Vedas.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Bhashyam |
846 |
1.1-4.4 |
Vyakhya |
Ratnamala |
13 |
2.2.6-(163) 4.4.6 |
Karika |
Deepa |
30 |
1.1.1-1.2.15 |
? |
(Ratnamala Vyakhya) |
3 |
to jijnasadhikaranam |
Adhyaya-Pada-Adhikarana-Mantra |
Sara (Eng. Translation) |
127 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Sutra-Vyakhya |
Sara |
69 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Sutra-Vyakhya |
Bhashya -Tatparya Chandrika |
340 |
Adhyayas available |
Adhyaya-Sloka-Vyakhya |
Shastrartha Deepika |
250 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Adhikarana-Sutra-Vyakhya |
Sangraha |
14 |
with Gitartha Sangraha Raksha |
Adhyaya-Karika-Bhashya |
Shekara |
103 |
(100) prakaranas “Vyakhyanato.. to Prakritigrahane..” |
Prakarana-Sutra-Vyakhya |
(Eng. Translation) |
55 |
1.1-18.78 |
no-Sloka no-Vyakhya |
Bhashya |
1.1-18.78 |
no-Sloka no-Bhashya |
Kalpa Sangraha(Text + Eng.Trans.) |
1.1.1-4.4.6 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Adhikarana-Karika |
Prakasika |
847 |
1.1.1-4.4.22 |
- no- no- Vyakhya |
Prakasika |
847 |
1.1.1-4.4.22 |
- no- no- Vyakhya |
Saravali |
52 |
1.1.1-4.4.6 |
no –no- Karika |
Chintamani |
493 |
1.1.1-4.4.7 |
no- no- Vyakhya |
Padayojana |
325 |
1.1.1-.4.4.6 |
no- no- Vyakhya |
Poorna Prajna Samshodhana Mandiram, Bangalore.
Naga Sampige,
PoornaPrajna Samshodhana Mandiram,
PoornaPrajna Vidyapeetha,
Katriguppa Main Road,
Bangalore - 560 028
Phone No : 080-6694026
E-mail : ppsmb@bgl.vsnl.net.in
Prajna Samshodhana Mandiram (PPSM), Bangalore is an institution attached to
Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha trust, under the chairmanship of H.H.Sri Vishvesha
Tirtha Swamiji of Sri Pejavar Mutt, Udupi offering residential, traditional
teaching of Sanskrit and dvaita vedanta text.
It is a Research Institute and has a well equipped computer laboratory with DTP
facility etc. PPSM is currently undertaking a project of rendering into
electronic form the original works of Madhvacharya.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Brahma Sutra - Madhva Bhashya + Bhashya Deepika -
Jagannatha Yati |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Adhikarana |
Anuvyakhyanam |
93 |
1.1-4.3 |
Adhyayas |
Tatva Manjari |
13 |
1.1.64 |
Adhyayas |
Srimannyaya Sudha |
880 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Adhikarana-Mantra |
Shesha Tatparya Chandrika |
67 |
4th Adhyaya ends with Tadadhigama
uttarapurva.. |
Adhyayas |
Bhava Deepa |
42 |
1-18 |
Adhyaya-Sloka |
Parabrahma Prakasika |
439 |
This is commentary on brhadaranyaka |
Adhyayas |
Brhadaranyaka |
135 |
1-8 |
Adhyaya-Brahmana-Mantra |
Chandogya |
115 |
1-8 |
Adhyaya-Khanda-Mantra |
Aitareya |
58 |
1.1-2.3 |
Praghattaka-Adhyaya-Brahmana-Mantra |
Kena |
135 |
1.1.1-8.4.28 |
Adhyaya-Brahmana-Mantra |
Aitareyatamraparniya |
255 |
Praghattaka-Adhyaya-Mantra |
Gita Tatparya Nirnaya |
58 |
1-18 Adhyayas |
Adhyayas |
Bhagavata Purana |
93 |
10.1-10.48 |
Skandha-Adhyaya |
Vishnu Tatva Nirnaya |
448 |
With Bhavadipa, Bhavabodha, Padavakyartha vivritti and
Laghuprabha 2)
Ends with “Nachanugama virodhe Agamasya Pramanyam” |
Adhyaya-Pada |
Nyaya Muktavali |
168 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada |
Nyaya Vivranam |
23 |
1.1-4.4. |
Adhyaya-Pada |
Nyaya Vivrana Tika |
219 |
1.1-4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada |
Tarka Tandava |
275 |
Pariccheda-? |
Chinmaya International Foundation,
Veliyanad, Kerala.
Dr. A.Ramaswamy Iyengar,
Chinmaya International Foundation,
Adi Shankar Nilayam,
Veliyanad - Ernakulam
Kerala - 682 319
Phone No : 0484-747307(O), 0484-748194(R)
E-mail : chinfo@md2.vsnl.net.in
Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF), is a Research Centre in Sanskrit and Indological Studies recognized by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, a centre of excellence in doctoral and post doctoral levels having its registered address as Chinmaya International Foundation, Veliyanad, Ernakulam (Dist.) 682 319, Kerala.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Brahma Sutra – Shankara Bhashya |
612 |
1.1.1-4.4.4 |
Adhyaya-Pada-Sutra- Bhashya |
Grhya Kosha |
Akilinam to avanejanam |
Alphabetical Order |
Bhagavad Gita – Shankara Bhashya |
173 |
1-18 Adhyayas |
Adhyaya-Sloka-Bhashya |
Khadira Grhya Sutra |
69 |
1.1-4.4 with Khadira Grhyasutra vritti |
Khanda-Patala-Sutra |
Apastamba Grhya Sutra |
238 |
1.1-8.13 with Grhya Tatparya Darsana |
Patala-khanda-Sutra |
Bodhayana Sutra |
273 |
1.1-3.12 |
Prasna-Adhyaya-Sutra |
Asvalayana Grhya Sutra |
35 |
1.16 |
Adhyaya-Khanda-Sutra |
Isavasya Upanishad |
10 |
1.1.1-1.1.18 |
no- no- Karika-Bhashya |
Kenopanishad |
21 |
1.1.1-1.4.9 |
Khanda- no- Karika- Bhashya |
Mundakopanishad |
30 |
1.1.1-3.2.11 |
Mundaka- no- Karika- Bhashya |
Mandukyopanishad |
70 |
1.1.1-3.2.11 |
Prakarana- Karika- Bhashya |
Taittiriyopanishad |
71 |
* Siksha valli (12 anuvaka) * Brahmananda valli (9 anuvaka) * Bhrugu valli (10 anuvaka) |
* Valli - Anuvaka-Mantra-
Bhashya *
Valli - Anuvaka-Mantra- Bhashya * Valli- Anuvaka-Mantra- Bhashya |
Prashnopanishad |
30 |
1.1.1-1.6.8 |
no- Prasna – Mantra-Bhashya |
Bruhad Aranyakopanishad |
373 |
1.1.1-6.5.4 |
Adhyaya-Brahmana-Mantra- Bhashya |
Aitrareyopanishad |
25 |
1.1.1.-3.1.4 |
Adhyaya-Khanda- Mantra |
Chandogya Upanishad |
242 |
1.1.1-8.15.1 |
Adhyaya-Khanda-mantra |
Kathopanishad |
42 |
Two Adhyayas (Each 1,2&3 Vallis) |
Adhyaya-Valli-Mantra- Bhashya |
Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote.
Academy of Sanskrit Research,
Melkote, Mandya Dist,
Karnataka - 571 431
Phone No: 0823-648781/741
E-mail : asrbng@vsnl.com
ASRM is an institution engaged in research in Sanskrit and Allied Scientific studies. It is also publishing various critical editions of series of books on Visistadvaita Vedanta apart from undertaking research work in Visistadvaita and its comparative study with Advaita and Dvaita. It has also undertaken Natural Language Processing (NLP) research work in Sanskrit and Kannada for the last 8 years and has developed various software for the morphological and syntactic analysis of Sanskrit sentences. It is also engaged in Sanskrit speech recognition. Besides, it has got technology to digitise manuscripts and store them on CD-Roms. It has also conducted several seminars and conferences. Apart from this, this organization is recognized as an R&D institution by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It is offering traditional teaching of Sanskrit for Acharya in Visistadvaita Vedanta and Vyakarana. It is also training students for Ph.D., courses being affiliated to the University of Mysore, Mysore, Kannada University, Hampi, and Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan, New Delhi.
Work |
Pages |
Portion |
Structure |
Mundakopanishad |
145 |
1.1-3.1 with Pratipadartha Dipika, Prakasika,
Anandabhashya and Subodhini |
Mundaka-Khanda-Bhshya/Vyakhya |
Kathopanishad |
245 |
1.1-2.3 with Dipika, Prakasika, Anandabhashya and
Subodhini |
Adhyaya-Valli-Mantra |
Kena Upanishad |
48 |
1-4 with Dipika, Prakasika, Anandabhashya and Subodhini |
Khanda-Bhashya |
Mandukyopanishad |
268 |
1-4 with Dipika, kuranarayana Bhashya, Prakasika,
Anandabhashya and Subodhini |
Khanda-Bhashya |
Taittireeyopnishad |
174 |
Shikshavalli (1-12 anuvakas) Anandavalli (1-9 anuvakas) with Dipika, Prakasika,
Anandabhashya, Kuranarayana Bhashya and Subodhini |
Valli- Prasna- Anuvaka-Bhashya |
Prasnopanishad |
143 |
1-6 Mantras with Dipika, Prakasika, Anandabhashya and
Subodhini |
Prasna- Mantra- Bhashya |
Brhad Aranyaka Upanishad |
250 |
3, 4 and 5th Adhyayas with Dipika, Prakasika,
Anandabhashya and Subodhini |
Adhyaya- Brahmana- Bhashya |
Chandogya Upanishad |
445 |
1-6 Prapathakas with Dipika, Prakasika, Anandabhashya
and Subodhini |
Prapathaka-Adhyaya-Khanda-Mantra- Bhashya |
Koushitaki Upanishad |
48 |
1-4 Adhyayas with Prakasika |
Adhyaya-Mantra-Bhashya |
International Institute of Information Technology,Hyderabad (Technical Advisor in II Phase)
Prof.Rajeev Sangal
Hyderabad -500 019
International Institute of Information Technology,Hyderabad is a not-for-profit institute set up with active help of Andhra Pradesh Government in 1998. It conducts research and imparts education in information technology. It has a centre called Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) which conducts research and develops technology related to human languages with particular emphasis on Indian Languages.
Department of Sanskrit,Dr.H.S.Gour University, Sagar (M.P)
Prof.Santosh Kumar
Vice Chancellor
Dr.H.S.Gour University
Sagar-470 003(MP)
Department of Sanskrit, was established at the very inception of Dr.H.S.Gour University (formerly University of Sagar), Sagar in the year 1946. It has a glorious past for imparting higher education in Sanskrit in Central India for over 56 years. Many outstanding scholars of International repute esp.Professor Ramji Upadhyaya, Dr.BanamalaBhavalkar, Prof.R.V.Tripathi et al serve this Departmetn with utmost sincerity and devotion to Sanskrit learning, which earned the recognition of UGC for SAP programme in two consecutive terms of 5 years each since 1994. This time the UGC has specified the area of Natyasastra and Modern Sanskrit Literature as the main thrust area of research. The desideratus of the project is to make the Natyasastra of Bharata along with the Sanskrit Commentaries like Abhinavabharati of Abhinavagupta etc. available in Hypertext format in CD and Internet. Other major research projects like Vyutpattivada also may be presented in the same format for the use of world class researchers.