THE TEXT OF THE AMARU-SATAKA BY SUSHIL KUMAR DE THE UNCERTAINTY of the text of the Amaru-sataka is an undoubted proof ofits currency and popularity, but it is also one of the difficult problems of textual criticism in the history of Sanskrit Literature. The various editions that have been published of this work, with or without commentary, do not agree in the number and order of stanzas included, as well as in the readings of the text. The number of stanzas common in them hardly goes beyond seventy-five, while thenumber given in the individual manuscripts and commentaries fluctuates between 90 and 115, although the descriptive title Sataka ('a century'), as well as the designation Sata-sloki, would indicate that the original work probably contained about one hundred stanzas. In the older Sanskrit Anthologies and Alamkara worksagain,many stanzas are found ascribed to Amaru which are missing in most MSS andeditions of the Sataka, while conversely many stanzas occurring in the latter are either quoted anonymously or attributed to other poets in the former. In this way a total of 188 stanzas stands credited to the authorship of Amaru. It is not possible, therefore, to maintain that the existing MSS and editions represent the original text of Amaru; for it must have undergone considerable interpolation andreshuffling, which was made easy by the form of the work itself asa collection of detached stanzas. Nor is it possble to rely entirely on the notoriously careless or divergingly uncertain attribution of Anthologies and Alamkara texts. It is difficult for these and other reasons to separate the additionsor adjust the variations with certainly and arrive at a definitive text. No pretension is made in the following pages to reconstitute the text finally; but an attempt is made to study the question from the point of view of textual criticism,collect such facts as may throw some light on the problem of reconstitution, and present a resultant tentative text. The materials available for such a study consist of MSS or editions of texts printed from MSS. This constitutes our primary evidence so far as it goes. But,as we have said above,there is also the secondary evidence which consists of testimonia furnished by citation of stanzas and attribution to Amaru or to the Amaru-sataka in older Antholgies and Alamkara works. . MANUSCRIPTS A reference to the New Catalogus Catalogorum would show the existence ofmore than 450 MSS of the Amaru-sataka scattered in the different MS libraries, but there also exists a good number hidden away in private collections. Since notwo MSS, unless theyare meticulous copies of each other, agree in all details, it is only choice of stanzas,especially when they are unaccompanied by commentaries. The totality of the MSS is indeed so large and their variability is so considerable that it is hardly possible to fix upon any particular MS or group of MSS as definitely or even fairly representative. As in the case of Bhartrhari's Sataka, so also here , the problem of reconstruction from diverging MSS becomes difficult, especially because of the particular character of the work as a collection of selfstanding stanzas, in which there never was anything to prevent all possible degree of variation,omission and inclusion, and in which there is for the text-critic no guiding thread of narrative, no connecting link between the detached stanzas and no means of determining their logical grouping. With such a large number and confusing variety of MSS which it is hardly possible to exhaust, one may think that a critical reconstitution of the text is not a practicable proposition. But after examining a good number of carefullyselected MSS from different sources it has been found in most cases that it is not necessary to collate all MSS in existence; for actual experience would show that two blish generally the text of that particular class or version. It is true that two MSS are seldom identical, as every scribe makes his own mistakes, indulges in petty alteration, amends, interpolates or omits stanzas here and there;but after establishing the text in the manner indicated above it will be found thaton the whole the deviations between MSS of the same type are often so trifling that nothing is gained by a further collction of fresh MSS of the same type. A proper grouping or classification ofMSS, therefore, on the basis of their textual agreements and differences becomes necessary and importantat the outset. In the case of the Amaru-sataka one of the most remarkable features of its MSS is that, barring occasional individual variations, they generally group themselves according as thier texts are fixed more or less by some of the older and more well-known commentaries. The grouping corresponds roughly to the areas covered by the devanagari (western), Telugu-Grantha (Southern) and Bengali (Eastern+ characters respectively, although the groups are by no means localised by the scripts. The provenance of theoriginal work is not known. But in striking contrast to the wealth of MSS in these characters, the MSS in Sarada and Malyalam characters are exceedingly few, and only one MS in Nevari characters has been,so far, reported and utilised. The oldest knownMSS do not go beyond the 16th century; that is to say,none of them is older than the earlier commentaries of Arjunavarmadeva (1st quarter of the 13th century) and vema-bhupala (1st quarter ofthe 15th century). It is quite natural,therefore,that most ofthe existing later MSS should accept and follow the versions fixed by one or other of the commentaries belonging to the particular regions. EDITION AND PUBLISHED COMMENTARIES Ever since 1808 the Amaru-sataka has been published, with or without commentary, from various parts of India in various characters, but some of these editions have gained importance from the commentaries accompanying the text. The editio princeps of 1808, which gives the Bengali or Eastern version,was printed at Calcutta in Devanagari characters; it contains the kamada commentary of Ravicandra Jnanananda Kaladhara, which explains the accompanying text in the double sense of passion (kamananda) and dispassion (paramananda). After this we have the Grantha-telugu or south Indian version, with the commentary of vema-bhupala, printed at the Hindu Bhasa Sanjivani Press, Madras, in 1871; but Richard Simon critically edited this text (without the commentary, from which only extracts are noted) by utilising this Indian edition and three MSS of Ramanandanatha, which closely follows vema's text. The Devanagari or Western version, with Arjunavarmadeva's commentary, was next made available in the Nirnay Sagar Press edition byDurgaprasad and K.P.Pandurang parab, published at Bombay in 1889. These three are the important commentaries on the Amaru-sataka available in print, as well as in MSS, which have important textual differences and represent as we shallsee, three important recesions of the text, namely, western (Arjunavarman), southern (vema-Bhupala) and Eastern (Ravicandra). Other commentaries have not yet beenpublished. Of the commentators some information is available. Arjunavarmadeva's known dates are 1210-d1215 A.D. A King of the paramara dynasty, he was the son of subhatavarman and pupil of Madana surnamed Balasarasvati. He refers to hispreceptor as asmad-upadhyaya (on st.1.) He also quotes (on st.22) Munja also called Vakpatiraja (Vakpatirajapara-naman) as one of his ancestors (asmatpurvaja). His commentary, availble in some twenty MSS in different libraries, is entitled Rasika-samjivani,of which the third frefatory verse (amaruka-kavitvadamaruka-nadena) is quoted and assigned to Arjuna-deva by Jalhana in his Suktimuktavati (circa 1257 A.D.). The commentary quotes extensively from Alamkara and kavya literature, discusses the appropriateness of some reading and rejects some stanzas directly as interpolated. His commentary, availble in some twenty MSS in different libraries, is entitled Rasika-samjivani, of which the third prefatory verse (amaruka-kavitvadamaruka-nadena) is quoted and assigned to Arjuna-deva by Jalhana in his Suktimuktavali (circa 1257 A.D.). The commentary quotes extensively from Alamkara and kavya literature, discusses the appropriateness of some reading and rejects some stanzas directly as interpolated. vema-bhupala also describes himself at the outset of his commentary as a king and son of the Reddi king Komatindra. He appears to be the same as vema or Peda Komati vema, alias viranarayana of kondavidu, the hero of Abhinava Bhatta Bana's vemabhupala-carita or viranarayana-carita. His dates are circa 1403-1420 A.D. His commentary, called Srngara-dipika, is available in a very large number of MSS (about 90), and shows a good knowledge of the erotic Rasa-sastra. Vema, however, claims that his text has been constituted by bringing together the original and rejecting the interpolated stanzas (mula-slokan samahrtya praksiptan parihrtya ca). Ramanandanatha vagdasa's South Indian commentary entitled saralaksara, appears to be a comparatively modern work, which refers to the well-known scholiast Mallinatha (vyakhyataro bhuvi khyato mallinathadayo budhaih). As it follows very closely the text of vema-bhupala, to whom it refers simply as Bhupala and directly cites in its comment on st.35 (gadhalingana), it is not of much importance for the purpose of textual criticism ; but in one case, with reference to the st. Kva prasthitasi, we have the remark ; ayam `sloko'tra praksipta iti bahavah,-- which probably refers to the remark of Arjunavarman (esa praksepa`sloka' pi vyakhayate)on the stanzas in question! Of Ravicahdra, however, nothing is known except the meagre information supplied by the introductory verse of his commentary, which avowedly interprets the text in the double sense of Srngara and Vairagya. He gives his own name first as Jnanananda Kaladhara and then as Ravicandra, and dexcribes himself as Kavi-kulalamkara-cudamani. The Dacca University Ms gives the name as Khana Ravicandra Kaladhara, the descriptive epithet Kahan being obviously a Muhammadan title ofhonour, which if authentic, pointsto his having been honoured or patronised by some Muhammadan prince. Ravicandra`s date is uncertain; but since he quotes by names Rudra (== Srngara-tilaka, ed. Pischel, i. 48, 33) in his comment on st. 4 and 8, he cannot be earlier than the 12th century. He quotes (on st. 92) A.D. Ravi must, therefore, be placed later than the 13th century. The MSS of his commentary, about 25 of which are entered in different catalogues, are mostly in Bengali characters, but some written in Devanagari and one at least in Sarada are also known to exist. OTHER UNPUBLISHED COMMENTARIES It is surprising that a poem of such wide currency as the Amaru-sataka should claim only a few really noteworthy commentaries. Apart from glosses or comments of unknown or unidentified authorship (the number of which, however,comes up to some forty), the total number of commentaries of known authorship does not exceed fifteen. But most of them appear to be comparatively modern and are , therefore, of not much valve for textual study. Of these the following minor commentaries should be noted here: Rudramadeva-kumara. (2) The Commentary without any name ascribed to Ramarudra Nyayavagisa Bhattacarya. (3) The Nistankitasaya (?) of Kokasambhava. (4) The Bhava-cintamani of Caturbhuja. (5) The Srngara-tarangini of Suryadasa. The provenance of Rudramadeva`s commentary is not known; but since one of its very few available MSS is in Nevari characters, and since its text, in spite of discrepancies, is more allied to that of Ravicandra, it can be tentativel affiliated to the Eastern recension. But since there are also some points in which it agrees with the text of the Western Recension, it is quite possible that the commentary belonged to an area standing adjacent to both Devanagari and Bengali; and Nepal would be such a likely place. This might be one reason why simon would regard it as representing a mixed version. From the dating (1440-41 A.D.) of one ofRudrama`s available MSS it is clear that he belonged undoubtedly to a period earlier than the 15th century A.D., but further approximation is not possible. f Ramarudra our information is extremely uncertain. The only available MS in Bengali characters, which is said to contain his commentary, exists in the India Office (No. 4006/711a); but the commentary in this MS is without the name of the author, and Ramarudra's authorship of it is presumed on rather meagre evidence. As a matter of fact, this India Office MS (fol. 1-66), which we have examined, contains three running commentaries, one after the other, on each of the consecutive stanzas,-- the commentaries being separately numbered, but given without the text commented upon. The third of these commentaries (==Simon's Cy) is an imperfect exemplar (90 stanzas only) of Ravicandra's commentary; but the first (==Simon's CI) and the second (==Simon'sCx) contain no name of the author, although at the end of the MS itself we have a general colophon; ity amaru-satakatika samapta. Simon, however, would identify the second commentary (Cx) with that of Ramarudra as known from Rajendra Lal Mitra's meagrenotice of a Bengali MS, which Mitra found (before1884) at Dhamdaha, district purnea, but which is now untraceable for the purpose of verification. The colophon to Mitra's MS reads: mahamahopadhyaya-ramarudra-nyayavagisa-bhattacarya-viracita amaru-sataka-tippani samapta. The ground of identification, however, is slender. It consists merely of the similarity of the following opening lines cited by Mitra from his MS:atha grantharambhe vighna-vighataya grantha-krd bhagavati-smarana-laksana-mangalam acaran rajanam asir-vadena yojayati--jya-lrstiti/ambikayah kataksas tvampatu/kidrsi--jyadhanur-gunastad akrstir akarsanam taatra baddho yah khatakamukha-panir anguli-racand-visesah/,with the corresponding opening lines of the commentary in question in the India Office MS (fol. 2a): gran tharambhe vighnavighataya grantha-krd bhagavati-smarana-laksana-mangalam acaran ranjanam asir-vadena yojayati--jya-krstiti/ambikayah-parvatyah kataksas tvam patu raksatu/ kataksah kimbhutah--jya-krsti-baddha-khataka-mukha-pani-prstha-prenkhan-na-khamsu-caya-samvalitah/jya-dhanur-gunas tasya akrstir akarsanam jya-krstau baddho yah khataka-mukhah anguli- bandha-racana-visesah. The similarity though partial, is indeed striking; and one can provisionally accept Simon's identification, as Eggeling does; but one wishes that Mitra had given a longer citation or other details which, if similar, would have made the identification absolutely certain. It should be noted in this connexion that the concluding line quoted by Mitra from his MS(kamininam stana-nayanayor ati-moha-janakatvat manoharatvac ca grantha-samapane ubhayam upavarnitam) cannot be traced in the India Office MS. It would seem, therefore, that until a MS of the commentary with Ramarudra's name is actually forthcoming and found substantially agreeing, the question cannot be taken as finally settled. The fact that the MSS are in Bengali characters, as well as the title Nyaya-vagisa Bhattacarya, Presumably points to the author's Bengal origin; but of Ramaruda no tradition remains in Bengal. He was probably an obscure and comparatively modern scholiast, whose authorship itself of the commentary in question is open to considerable doubt. It is necessary to note here that we do not know if the particular versions given by the commentaries of Rudrama and Ramarudra, of which MSS are rare, are followed by any independent MS; for most Bengali MSS appear to prefer the text of Ravicandra, thecurrency of which is shown by the existence of a fairly good number of its MSS. We shall presently see, however,thata the Eastern recension as a whole is less homogenous than the Western and the southern. The commentaries of Kokasambhava, Caturbhuja and suryadasa, in spite of minor discrepancies,belong substantially to the Western recension represented by Arjunavarma-deva. We have no information about Kokasambhava; but Caturbhuja tells us that his work was composed at Kampilya (in modern Farrakhabad district in U.P.) on the banks of the ganges. From the date of one of his MSS, he was identical with the Mahabharata commentator Caturbhuja Misra, who quotes the Medini lexicon and whom Gode would assighto the period 1275-1350 A.D. From the colophon to the MS of suryadasa we learn that it was written for himself (atmartham) at Ajmer in samvat 1764 (==ca.1708 A.D.). It appears to be a modern commentary; and our suryadasa could not have been, as surmised by Durgaprasad, the Daivajna Surya, son of Jnanadhiraja of Parthapura, who lived in the court of Rama of Devagiri and wrote his astronomical work Surya-prakasa in 1539 and his commentary on the Lilavati in 1542 A.D. It is not necessary to take seriously into account this, as well as the still later Bala-bodhini commentary of Nandalala of vikramapura, composed in samvat 1840(==ca. 1784 A.D.), both of which belong undoubtedly to the Western recension of Arjunavarman. RECENSIONS It will be seen that although Amaru's poem is old (certainly older than the 9th century), none of the commentaries go back to a period earlier than the 13th century and none of the manuscripts, so far known, earlier than the 16th century. A study of the text-tradition of the Amaru-sataka, however, would make it clear that whatever may have been its earlier phase, it is found disposed more or less into three distinct recensions determined respectively by the three commentaries of Arjunavarma-deva, Vema-bhupala and Ravicanda. The valve of these commentaries as commentaries is not our concern, but their texual agreements and divergences are important to us, because most MSS accept more or less the text represented by one or other of these commentaries. We can thus distinguish broadly: (1) The Western recension, represented principally by Arjunavarma-deva and secondarily by such later scholiasts as Kokasambhava, Caturbhuja and Suryadasa. (2) The southern recension, represented principally by vem-bhupala and secondarily by Ramanandanatha. (3) The Eastern recension, represented principally by Ravicandra and secondarily by Rudramadeva and Ramarudra. The scripts, no doubt, play some part in localising the recensions, but they are not the sole criterion of demarkation, nor is the Devanafiri the medium of contamination, as the case is, for instance, with Mahabharata MSS. One fragmentary MS of Ravicandra, noticed by stein in his Jammu Catalogue, is written presumably in Sarada characters, and another in Devanagari has been utilised by simon (p.8); two MSS of Vema-bhupala used by simon (pp.4,6) are in Devanagari;one MS of Arjunavarma-deva, used by Durgaprasad, is described as kasmira-likhita, apparently in sarada; of the five MSS of Rudramadevi which we have used, four are in Devanagari, while the one in the British Museum, used by us and also simon (pp.12-3), is in Nevari. Simon, however, distinguishes a fourth recension, which he characterises as gemischte or mixed. Within its scope he would include the versions of Rudramadeva and Ramarudra; but,curiously enough, he also includes one inferior MS of Ravicandra's text inBengali characters, as well as two Devanagari and four Bengali MSS without any commentary. It is thus not a recension by itself;but (with the exception of MSS relating to Ravicandra and Rudrama which have their own value and which may, therefore, be left aside) it is a strange miscellaneous grouping of some Bengali and Devanagari MSS, which are what have been characterised generally by Sukthankar elsewhere as "misch-codices", i.e., conflated MSS in whichdifferent streams of independent tradition are intermingled. There is no point, therefore, in distingushing such a fourth recension allied to both Eastern and Western recensions. Before taking up the textual problem in detail, with respect to the textual differences of the three recensions and to the subsidiary testimonia, it is necessary to give here an index of stanzas found ascribed to Amaru not only by the various commentaries, but also by the older Sanskrit Anthologies and Alamkara-texts. INDEX OF STANZAS ASCRIBED TO AMARU The following abbrevations are employed: for the recensions and versions (as in the editions or MSS mentioned above): Western {Arj==Arjunavarman Recension {Koka==Kokasambhava {Catur==Caturbhuja {Surya==Suryadasa Southern {Vema==Vemabhupala Recension {Raman==Ramanandanatha Eastern {Ravi==Ravicandra Recension {Rudr==Rudramadeva [Ram==Ramarudra For the Anthologies: Kvs==Kavindra-vacana-samuccaya (ca.1000 A.D.),ed. F. W. Thomas. Bibl. Ind. Calcutta 1912. Skm==sadukti-Karnamrta of Sridharadasa (ca. 1205 A.D.),ed. Ramavatara Sarma and Haradatta Sarma. Lahore 1993. (Not a very well-edited text. We have also consulted the Calcutta Sanskrit College MS of the work from which some differences are noted.) Sml==Sukti=muktavali of Jalhana (ca.1257 A.D.), ed. Ember Krishnamacarya. Gaekwad's Orient. Series Baroda 1928. (As R.G. Bhandarkar pointed out in his Report1887-91, the work exists in two recensions, but the printed text makes no differentiation.) SmI D and P==MS Dand P of the SmI as indexed in Bhandarkar's Report pp.xxi-xxii. Srh== Sukti- ratna- hara of Surya Kalingaraya (1st half of the 14th century A.D.), ed. Sambasiva sastri. Trivandrum Skt. Ser., Trivandrum 1939. Sp==Sarngadhara-paddhati (ca. 1363 A.D.),ed. P. Peterson. Bombay 1888. Sbh==Subhasitavali of vallabhadeva (though compiled before 1160 A.D., the present text not earlier than the 15th century),ed. Peterson and Durgaprasad. Bombay 1886. Pdv==Padyavali of Rupa Gosvamin (ca. middle of the 16th century A.D.), ed. S.K.De. Dacca University: Dacca 1934. For Alamkara works: Vm==Kavyalamkara-sutra-vrtti of vamana (ca.1st half of the 9th century A.D.), ed. C. Capeller. Jena 1875. Dhv==Dhvanyaloka (ca.2nd half of the 9th century). Nirnay sagar press, 2nd ed., Bombay 1911. Abh on Dhv== Abhinavagupta's commentary (ca. end of the 10th century) on Dhvanyaloka, as in ed. above. Km==Kavya-mimamsa (ca. beginning of the 10th century), ed. Gaekwad's Orient,Ser., Baroda 1916. Vkj==Vakrokti-jivita of Kuntaka (ca. 2nd half of the 10th century), ed. S.K De. Calcutta Oritent.Ser.,2nd. ed., Calcutta 1923. Pr on Ud==Pdratiharenduraja's commentary (ca. 1st half of the 10th century) on Udbhata's Kavyalamkara, ed. M.r. Telang. Nir. Sag. press, Bombay 1905. Dr==Dasarupaka of Dhananjaya and Dhanika (ca.end of the 10th century),ed. V.L. pansikar. Nirnay Sagar Press, 2nd ed., Bombay1917. Av==Aucitya-vicara of Ksemendra (ca. 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 11th century), as in Kavyamala Gucchaka i, pp. 115-60, Bombay 1886. Kkbh==Kavi-kanthabharana of Ksemendra (date as above), as in Kavyamala Gucchaka iv, pp. 122-39, Bombay 1887. Vv==Vyakti-viveka of Mahimabhatta (ca. end of the 11th century),ed. T.Ganapati Sastri, Trivandrum 1909. Nami on Rdt==Nami-sadhu's commentary (ca. 1069 A.D.) on Rudrata's Kavyalamkara, ed. Nir. Sag. Press, Bombay 1909 Skbh==Sarasvati-Kanthabharana of Bhoja (ca 1010-55 A.D.), ed. Nir. Sagpress, Bombay 1925. Kpr==Kavya-prakasa of Mammata (ca. end of the 11th century), ed. Jhalakikar, Bombay 1917. Srt==Srngara-tilaka of Rudrabhatta (ca. 12th century), ed. Pischel, Kiel 1886. Hema==Hemacandra's Kavyanusasana with his own commentary (1st half the 12th century), ed. Nir. Sag. press, Bombay 1901. Ruyyaka==Ruyyaka's Alamkara-sarvasva (ca. middle of the 12th century), ed. Nir. Sag. Press, Bombay 1893. Jayaratha==Jayaratha's comm. on the above work (ca. 1st. half of the 13th century), included in the above ed. Sd==Sahitya-darpana of Visvanatha (ca. 1st. half of the 14th century), ed. Nir. Sag. press, 3rd. Ed., Bombay 1915. Rasarnava==Rasarnava-sudhakara of Singa Bhupala (ca. 1330 A.D.), ed. Trivandrum Skt. Series, Trivandrum 1916. [References to a few Kavya works etc., will be found, given in thier proper places without any abbreviation] For modern Anthologies: H==J. Haeberlin's Kavya-samgraha, Calcutta 1847. (Gives Amaru-sataka on pp. 125-42; but it is only a verbatim reprint of Ravicandra's text as in the Calcutta edition 1808, and therefore of no independent textual importance). J==Jivananda Vidyasagara's Kavya-samgraha, vol. ii, Calcutta 1888. (Gives Amaru-sataka on pp.1-92;but this is nothing more than a reproduction of the above text, with the compiler's own commentary.) (Stanzas in Alphabetical order with indication of Metre) 1. Angam candana-pandu pallava-mrdus tambula-tamro'dharah Ravi 59 (Rudr 69, 74, 72 ; Ram 73)==HJ 59. [Sardula-vikridita] 2. anganam ati-tanavam kuta idam kampas ca kasmat kuto Arj 50 (Catur 50 ; Koka 50 ; Surya 50)==Vema 45 (Raman 45)==Ravi 45 (Rudr 51, 53,51; Ram 53)== HJ 45. Sbh 1584 (anon). [Sardula] 3. angani candana-rajah-paridhusarani Bengali MSS as in Simon IICw 90(134) and Iv R 92 (144). Skbh v ad 167(154) and comm.p. 198 (anon). [Vasantatilaka] 4. angulyagra-nakhena baspa-salilam viksipya viksipya kim Arj 5 (Catur 5; Koka 5; Surya 5)==Vema 6 (Raman 6)==Ravi 80 (Rudr5)==HJ 80. Sml P (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1177 (anon)==Dr iv. ad 29b (anon)==Rasarnava ii, p. 181 (anon). [Sardula] 5. acchinnam nayanambu bandhusu krtam cinta gurusv arpita Vema 78 (Raman 78). Skm. ii. 32.2(anon)==Sml p. 161 (Amarukasya) ==Sp 3486 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1467 (Amarukasya)==Pdv 364 (Rudrasya) ==Dr iv ad 29 (anon). [Sardula] 6. ajnanena paranmukhim paribhavad aslisya mam duhkhitam Arj 17 (Catur 17; Koka 17; Surya 17)==Ravi14 (Rudr 18, 20, 18; Ram 14)==HJ 14. [Sardula] 7. adyapi tam kanaka-kundala-ghrsta-gandam Sp 3467 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1291 (Bilhanasya)==Caura-pancasika ed. Bohlen (Berlin 1833) 12; ed. Solf (Kiel 1886) 35==Skbh i ad 152 (194) (anon). [vasantatilaka] 8. adyarabhya yadi priye punar aham manasya vanyasya va Arj 93 (Catur 98; Koka 91; Surya 92)==Vema 72 (Raman 72)==Rudr Br. Mus. Om., 109, 107. Sp 3541 (anon)==1159 (unassigned). [Sardula] 9. analpa-(v.l.ananta)-cinta-bhara-moha-niscala Arj 65 (Catur 70; Koka 65; Surya65)==76,80,78. [Vamsasthavila] 10. analocya premnah parinatim anadrtya suhrdas Arj 80 (Catur 85; Koka79; surya79)==Vema 84 (Raman 84)==Ravi 76 (Rudr 91, 96, 94; Ram 92)==HJ 76. Kvs 372 (Vikatanitambayah) ==Skm ii. 42.1 (unassigned; but Rajasekharasya in Skt. Coll. Ms and Serampore Ms)==Sml p. 197 (vakkutasya or vagbhatasya)==Pdv 229 (Amaroh). [Sikharini] 11. anyonya-grathitarunanguli-namat-pani-dvayasyopari Sbh 1099 (Amarukasya). [sardula] 12. amusmai (v.l.tad asmai) cauraya svarasa-hata-(v.l.pratiniyata.) mrtyu pratibiye Skm v. 29.4 (Amaroh; but missing in Skt. Coll, MS)==Sbh 1979 (sri. Harsadeva-Caurayoh)==Rasarnava ii, p. 196==Simhasanadvatrimsika (as a supurious stanzas noted in Edgertaon's Vikrama-carita, Appendix p. 354)==Bhoja-prabandha ed. N.S.P., Bombay 1921, No. 52, p. 26 (assigned to Bhoja of Dhara). [Sikharini] 13. alass-valitiah premardradrair muhur mukulikrtaih Arj 4 (Catur 4; Koka 4; Surya 4)==VEma 5 (Raman 5)==Ravi 4 (Rudr 4; Ram 4)==HJ 4. Skm ii. 37.3 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 138 (Amarukasya) ==Sp 3416 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1098 (anon). [Harini] 14. asad-vrtto nayam na ca khalu gunair esa rahitah Ram 61 [see Simon IV Cx 61 (139)]. Kvs 371 (unassigned)==Skm ii. 48.2 (anon)==Sml p.197 (unassigned)==Sp 3552 (anon)==Sbh 1607 (Amarukasya). [Sikharini] 15. aham tenahuta kim api kathayamiti vijane Arj 98 (Catur 103; Koka 96 ; Surya 97)==Vema 66 (Raman 66)==Rudr (Br. Mus. MS. om., 114, 112). Sml p (Amarukasya). [Sikharini] 16. adrsti-prasarat priasya padavim udviksya nirvinnaya Arj 76 (Catur 81; Koka 75; Surya 75)==Vema91 (Raman91)==Ravi 74 (Rudr 87,92,90; Ram 89)==HJ 74. Kvs 441 (Siddhokasya)==Skm ii. 58.5 (Siddhokasya)==Sbh 1056 (Amarukasya)==Dr ii ad 27a (Amarusatake). [Sardula] 17. ayasta kalaham pureva kurute na sramsane vasaso Vema 63 (Raman 63). Dr ii ad 19 (anon)==Hema p. 304 (anon). [Sardula] 18. ayate dayite manoratha-satair nitva kathamcid vasaso Arj 77 (Catur 82; Koka 76; Surya 76)==Vema 86 (Raman 86)==Ravi 75 (Rudr 88,93,91; Ram 90)==HJ 75. Sml p. 277 (Adbhutapunyasya)== Sp 3680 (Adbhutapunyasya)==Sbh 2076 (Adbhutaphullasya)==Rasarnava ii,p. 132 (anon). [Sardula] 19. alambyangana-vapika-parisare cuta-srume manjarim Arj 78 (Catur 83; Koka77; Surya77)==Vema 83 (Raman83)==Rudr 89,94,92==Ram 91. [Sardula] 20. alokayati payodharam Sbh 1743 (Amarukasya). [Arya] 21. alolam alakavalim vilulitam bibhrac calat-kundalam Arj 3 (Catur 3; Koka 3; Surya 3)==Vema3 (Raman3)==Ravi 3 (Rudr 3; Ram 3)==HJ 3. Skm ii. 134.1 (Amaroh)==Sp 3702 (Amarukasya) ==Sbh 1304 (anon)==Av ad 39, p 159 (Amarukasya)==Hema p. 315 (anon). [Sardula] 22. asankya pranatim patanta-pihitau padau karoty adarad Arj 47 (Catur 47; Koka 47; Surya 47)==Vema 42 (Raman 42)==Ravi42 (Rudr 48, 50,48; Ram 50)==HJ 42. Skm ii. 44.3 (Amaroh)==Sml p.195 (Bhimasya)==Sp 3537 (Bhimasya)==Sbh 1590 (Bhimasaya). [Sardula] 23. aslista rabhasad viliyata ivakrantapy anangrna ya Sbh 2241 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 24. astam visvasanam sakhisu viditabhipraya-sare jane Arj 63 (Catur 68; Koka 63; Surya 62)==Vema 57 (Raman 57)==Rudr 74, 78,76. Sbh 1148 (anon). [Sardula] 25. iti priye prcchati mana-vihvala (This st. goes with the st. analpa-cintabhara-, No. 9 above) Arj 66 (Catur 71; Koka 66; Surya 66)==Rudr 76, 81, 79. [VAmsasthavila] 26. idam krsnam krsnam priyatama nanu svetam atha kim Arj 94 (Catur 99; Koka 92; Surya 93)==Rudr Br. Mus. MS om. 110, 108. Sml p. 293 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3544 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1138 (anon). [Sikharini] 27. iyam asau taralayata-locana Arjuna rejects as interpolated (Catur 58; but Koka and Surya omit); Vema and Raman omit. Ravi 51 (Rudr 60,62,60;Ram 65)==HJ 51. [Drutavilambita] 28. iha nisi nivida-nirantara- Skm ii.64. 5 (Amaroh). [Arya] 29. unmilanti nakhair lunihi vahati ksaumancalenavrnu Skm ii. 30.4 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 158 (anon)==Sp 3489 (Satkavimisrasya) ==Pdv 360 (Sambhoh)==Sdx ad 79 (anon). [Sarula] 30. urasi nihitas taro harah krta jaghane ghane Arj 31 (Catur 31; Koka 31; Surya31)==Vema 29 (Raman 29)==Ravi 28 (Rudr 31,33,31; Ram 29)==HJ 28. Skm ii. 62.3 (Amaroh)==Sp 3613 (Argatasya)==Sbh 1947 (Argatasya)==Dr. ii ad 27b (Amarusatake). [Harini] 31. urudvayam mrga-drsah kadalasya kandau Ravi 95 (Ram 106)==HJ 95. [Vasantatilaka] 32. ekatrasana-samsthih parihrta pratyudgamad duratas Arj 18 (Catur 18; Koka 18; Surya 18)==Vema 17 (Raman 17)==Ravi 15 (Rudr 19,21,19)==HJ 15 Kvs 352 (Sri-Harsasya)==Skm ii.44.2 (Amaroh)==sml p. 194 (Amarukasya or pulindasya)==Sp 3534 (anon) ==Sbh 1583 (pulinasya)==Dr ii ad 19 (Amaru-satake)==Skbh v ad 171 (437)(anon)==Hema p. 304 (anon ==Rasarnava ii,p. 125 (anon)==Sd iii ad 63a (anon). [Sardula] 33. ekasmin sayane paranmukhataya vitottaram tamyator Arj 23 (Catur 23; Koka 23; Surya 23)==Vema 21 (Raman 21)==Ravi 19 (Rudr 23,25,23; Ram 21)==HJ 19. Kvs 380 (anon)==Skm ii.50.3 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 285 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3715 (Amarukasya)== Sbh 2112 (anon)==Hema p. 70 (anon)==Jayaratha p. 14 (anon)==Sd iii ad 199a (anon). [Sardula] 34. ekasmin sayane vipaksa-ramani-nama-grahe mugdhaya Arj 22 (Catur 22; Koka 22; Surya22)==Vema 23 (Raman 23)==Ravi 83 (Rudr 25, 27, 25)==HJ 83. Sml p. 285 (Amarukasya)==Aabh on Dhv ad i. 4, p. 24 (anon)==Kpr iv,p. 125 (anon)==Ruyyaka,p. 191 (anon). [Sardula] esyad utsukam. See durad utsukam. 35. kathina-hrdaye munca bhrantim vyalika-kathasritam Arj 53 (Catur 53; Koka 53; Surya 53)==Vema 94 (Raman 94)==Ravi 47 (Rudr 54,56,54; Ram 56)==HJ 47. Sml p. 201 (Amarukasya)== Sbh 1620 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 36. katham api krta-pratyavrttau priye skhalitottare Arj 75 (Catur 80; Koka74; Surya74)==Vema 76 (raman 76)==Ravi 73 (Rudr 86,91,89;Ram 88)==HJ 73. Skm ii.43.4 (anon)== pr on Ud p. 76 (Amarukasya)==Abh on Dhv iii. 7,p. 142 (anon). [Harini] 37. katham api sakhi krida-kopad vrajeti mayodite Arj 15 (Catur 15,17,15; Ram 12)==HJ 12. Sml p. 293 (Amarukasya)== Sp 3546 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1143 (anon). [Harini] 38. kanaka-kundala-mandita-bhasine Skm v.29.3 (Amaroh). [Drutavilambita] 39. kapole patrali kara-tala-nirodhena mrdita Arj 81 (Catur86; Koka 80; Surya 89)==Vema 85 (Raman 85)==Ravi 87 (Rudr 92, 97, 95; Ram 93)==HJ 87. Kvs 377 (an0n)==Skm ii.49.5 (anon)==Sbh 1627(anon)==Dhv ii ad 17,p. 86(anon)==Vkj p. 126 (anon) ==Skbh v ad 175 (489) (anon). [Sikharini] 40. kara-kisalayam dhutva dhutva vimargati vasasi Arj 90 (Catur 95; Koka 88; Surya 89)==Vema 89 (Raman 89)== Rudr Br. Mus om, 106, 104. Kvs 315 (anon)==Skm ii.136.2 (anon) ==Sml p. 282 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3706 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2105 (Anon) ==Vm ad v. 2.8 (1st Pada only ;anon)==Hema P.314 (anon). [Harini] 41. kare yan na krtam sakhi-jana-vaco yan nadrta bandhu-vak Kvs 415 (anon)== Skm ii. 40.1 (Amaroh). [Sardula] 42. kancya gadhataravabaddha-vasana-pranta kim artham punar Arj 21 (Catur 21; Koka 21; Surya 21)==Vema 20 (Raman 20)==Ravi 18 (Rudr 22,24, 22)==HJ 18. Skm ii. 124.4 (Anaroh)==Sml p.275 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2081(anon). [Sardula] 43. kanta-mukham surata-keli-vimarda-kheda. Skm ii. 100.4 (anon)==Sp 3466 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1289 (unassigned) [Vasantatilaka] 44. kante katy api vasarani gamaya tvam milayitva drsau Ravi 25 (Ram 26)==HJ 25. Skm ii. 52.1 (Amaroh; but Virasya and than Amaroh in Skt. Coll. MS). [Sardula] 45. kante kathamcid gadita-prayane Sml p. 131 (anon ; but Sml D, fol. 61b, assigns it to Amaru). [Upajati] 46. kante talpam upagate vigalita nivi svayam bandhanat Arj 101 (Catur 106; Koka 99; Surya 100)==Vema 97 (Raman 97). Kvs 296 (Vikatanitambayah)==Skm ii. 140.1 (Vikatanitambayah) ==Sml p. 299 (anon)==Sp 3747 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2147 (Amarukasya) ==Dr ii ad 18 (an0n)==Km p. 67 (anon)== Skbh v ad 153(44) (anon)==Hema p. 94 (anon)==Vetala-p. (ed. Uhle, Leipzing 1881) p. 49 (anon). [Sardula] 47. kante sagasi sapite priya-sakhi-vesam vidhayagate Arj 46 (Catur 46; Koka46; Surya46)==Vema 41 (Raman 41)==Ravi 41 (Rudr 47,49,47; Ram 49)==HJ 41. Sml p. 299 (Amarukasya)== Sbh 2146 (anon). [Sardula] 48. kala-praptam maharatnam Sbh 892 (Amarukasya). [Sloka or Anustubh] 49. kim kurumah kasya va brumo Bengali Ms as in Simon IV R 90 (144); also Ravi 87 in India Office MS 4005/711b,fol. 26a. [Sloka or Anustubh] kimcit-prapta-nakhena. See angulyagra-nakhena. 50. kimcin mudrita-pamsavah sikhi-ganair utpaksmam alokita Rudr 59,61,59==Ram 31. Skm ii.161.4 (anon)==Sml p. 221 (anon) ==Sp 3872 (anon)==Sbh 1769 (anon). [Sardula] 51. kim bale mugdhateyam prakrtir iyam atho rudrata kim nu kopah Sbh 1380 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 52. kim iha kavari yadrk tadrk drsau kim anjnaane Kvs 444 (unassigned)==Skm ii.49.2 (Amaroh; after which Abhinandasya in Skt. Coll. MS.)==Skbh iv ad 76 (193)(anon). [Harini] krtaka-madhuracare (Sbh10472). Same as No.72 below. 53. krto durad eva smita-madhuram abhyudgama-vidhih Arj 14(Catur 14 ; Koka 14; Surya14)==Vema 56(Raman 56)==Ravi 82 (Rudr 14, 16,14)==HJ 82. [Sikharini] 54. kesaih kesara-malikam api ciram ya bibhrati khidyate Simon IV M 97 (144). Sp 3458 (anon)==Sbh 1345 (unassigned). [Sardula] 55. kopas tvaya hrdi krto yadi pankajaksi Ravi 94 (Ram 104)==HJ 94. Kvs 384 (Satanandasya)==Srngaratilaka (ascribed to Kalidasa), ed. Jivananda's Kavya-samgraha i, Calcutta 1888, No.20. [Vasantatilaka] 56. kopat kimcid upanato'pi rabhasad akrsya kesesv alam Simon IV M 56(142). Skm ii.82.4 (Laksmana-senasya)==Sml p. 295 (Rudrasya)==Sp 3567 (Rudrasaya)==Rudra's Srt i. 35 (apparently an imitation of No. 57 kopat komala below). [Sardula] 57. kopat komala-lola-bahu-latika-pasena baddhva drdham Arj 9 (Catur 9; Koka 9; Surya 9)==Vema 10(Raman 10)==Ravi 8 (Rudr 9,10,9; Ram 8)==HJ 8. Skm ii.82.2 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 295 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1351 (anon)==Dhv ii ad 23, p. 93 (anon)==Dr ii ad 19 (Amaru-satake)==Hema p.21 (anon). [Sardula] 58. kopo yatra bhrukuti-racana nigraho yatra maunam Arj 38 (Catur 38; Koka 38; Surya 38)==Vema 33 (Raman33)==Ravi 34 (Rudr 39,41,39)==HJ 34. Kvs 361 (Pradyumnasya)==Skm ii. 47.4 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 199 (Vamanasya; again p. 294 anon)==Sp 3562 (Vamanasya)==Sbh 1630 (anon). [Mandakranta] 59. kvacit tambulaktah kvacid aguru-pankanka-malinah Vema 65 (Raman 65). Kvs 327 (anon)==Sml p. 281 (anon)==Sp 3700 (anon)== Sbh 2131 (anon)==Dr ii ad 18 (anon)==Sd iii ad 60 (anon). [Sikharini] 60. kva prasthitasi karabhoru ghane nisithe Arj 71, but suspected as interpolated (Catur 76; Koka om.; Surya 71)==Vema 68 (Raman 68)==Ravi 69 (Rudr 82,87,85; Ram 84) ==HJ 69. Kvs 509 (unassigned)==Sp 3610 (Govindasvamino Vikatanitambayas as ) ==Sbh 1946 (Amarukasya)==Skbh ii ad 144 (342) (anon) ==Vetala-p., ed. Uhle,p. 27 (anon). [Vasantatilaka] ksiptoccair viksipantah. See nitvoccair viksipantah 61. ksipto hastavalagnah prasabham abhihato 'pyadadano'msukantam Arj 2 (catur 2; Koka 2; Surya2)==Vema 2 (Raman2)==Ravi 2 (Rudr 2; Ram 2)==HJ 2. Skm i. 16.1 (Amaroh)==Dhv ii ad 5, p. 73 (anon)==Dr iv ad 28 (Amaru-satake)==Vkj pp. 37,118 (part of a pada),p.163(entire st.) (anon)==Vv p. 34 (anon)==Skbh i ad 146 (188);v ad 175 (498) (anon) ==Kpr vii, p. 457 (anon)==Hema p. 115 (anon)==Sd vii ad 31a (anon). [Sraghara] 62. ksinamsuh sasa-lanchanah sasimukhi ksino na kopas tava Bengali MS as in simon IV 104 (145). Sml p.284 (anon)==Sp 3714 (anon). [Sardula] 63. gacchety unnataya bhruvaiva gaditam mandam valantya taya Sbh 2079 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 64. gate premabandhe pranaya-bahumane vigalite Arj 43 (Catur 43; Koka 43; Surya 43)==Vema 38 (Raman 38)==Ravi 38 (Rudr 44,46,44; Ram 45)==HJ 38. Kvs 410 (unassigned)==Skm ii.179.3 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 293 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3545 (Amarukasya) ==Sbh 1141 (Vijjakayah)==Rasarnava ii,p. 204 (anon). [Sikharini] 65. gantavyam yadi nama niscitam aho gantasi keyam tvara Av ad 18,p. 133 and Kkbh ad ii. 1 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1059 (anon) ==Hema, comm., p. 9 (anon). [Sardula] 36(Rudr 41, 43,41; Ram 43)==HJ 36. Sp 3683 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2114 (anon)==Kpr vii, p. 426 (anon)==Hema p. 140 (anon)==Ruyyaka p. 189 (anon)==Rasarnava ii. p. 151 (anon)== Sd vii ad 27a (anon)== Vetala-p. ed. Uhle,p. 10 (anon). [Sardula] 67. gadhaslesa-(v.l. pasyaslesa-)visirna-candana-rajah-punja-prakarsad iyam Arj 74 (Catur 79; Koka 73; Surya 74)==Vema 77 (Raman77)==Ravi 72 (Rudr 85, 90,88; Ram 87)==HJ 72. Skm ii.135.3 (Bilhanasya; but Amaroh and Kasmira-Silhanasya in Skt. Coll. MS; only the last name in Serampore Coll. MS)==Sml p. 280 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2133 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 68. grame'smin pathikaya pantha vasatir naivadhuna diyate Rudr 15 (only in BORI MS No.457; but there is no comm.on this st.). Skm ii.87.5 (anon)==Sp 3893 (anon)==Sbh 1771 (anon)==Vm i ad 2.13 (anon)==Vv p. 123 (anon). [Sardula] 69. catula-priti-prasakte manasi paricaye cintyamanabhyupaye Arj 100 (Catur 105; Koka 98; Surya 99)==Vema 88 (Raman 88) ==Rudr Br. Mus.MS om., 116 114. Sml p. 272 (anon)==Sbh2084(anon). [Sragdhara] 70. catula-nayane sunya drstih krta khalu kena te Sbh 1097 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 71. capala-hrdaye kim svatantryat tatha grham agatas Arj 56 (Catur 56; Koka 57; Surya 56)==Vema 48 (Raman 48)==Ravi 96 (Rudr 57,59,57; Ram 59)==HJ 96. Sbh 1176 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 72. carana-patanam sakhyalapa manohara-catavah Arj 95 (Catur 20; Koka 20; Surya 20)==Vema 19. (Raman 19)== Ravi 17 (Rudr 21,23,21)==HJ 17. Skm ii.85.2 (Amaroh)==Sbh 1047 (Amarukasya)==Sd vii ad 227 (anon). [Harini] 73. carana-patanam sakhyalapa manohara-catavah Arj 95 (Catur 100; Koka 93; Surya 94)==Vema 96 (Raman 96)== Rudr Br.Mus. MS om.,111,109. Subh 1137 (Pundrakasya). [Harini] 74. calatu (v.l.valatu)tarala dhrsta drstih khala sakhi mekhala Kvs 349 (Amarukasya)==Skm ii.46.1 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 194 (unassigned); ==Sbh 1575 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 75. cinta-moha-viniscalena manasa maunena padanatah Arj 87 (Catur 92; Koka om.; Surya 86)==Vema 64 (Raman 64)== Ravi 90 (Rudr 98,103, 101; Ram 99)==HJ 90. [Sardula] 76. cira-virahinor utkantharti-slathikrta-gatrayor Arj 44(Catur missing ; Koka 44; Surya 44)==Vema 39 (Raman 39)== Ravi 39 (Rudr45,47,45; Ram 48)==HJ 39. Sml p.279 (Amarukasya) ==Sp 3682 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2063 (anon). [Harini] 77. jata notkalika stanau na lulitau gatram na romancitam Arj 84 (Catur 89; Koka 83; Surya 83)==Ravi 78 (Rudr 95,100,98; Ram 95)==HJ 78. [Sardula] 78. jya-krsti-baddha-khataka-mukha-pani-prstha- Arj 1 (Catur 1; Koka 1; Surya 1)==Vema 1 (Raman 1)==Ravi 1 (Rudr 1; Ram 1). Skm i. 25.3 (Amaroh). [Vasantatilaka] 79. tatas cabhijnaya sphurad-aruna-ganda-sthala-ruca (Goes with st. puras tanvya, No. 119 below). Arj 52 (Catur 53; Koka 52; Surya 52)==Rudr 53,55,53==Ram 55. Skm ii. 23.5 (Amaroh)== Sbh 1324 (Durvahakasya)==Dr iv ad 17 (Amarusatake). [Sikharini] 80. tathabhud (v.l. purabhud) asmakam prathamamavibhinna tanur iyam Arj 69 (Catur 74; Koka 69; Surya 69)==Vema 81 (Raman 81)==Ravi 66 (Rudr 79,84,82; Ram 81)==HJ 66. Kvs 359 (Bhavakadevyah)==Skm ii. 47.2(Anaroh)==Sml p.198(Amarukasya)==Sp 3558 (Amarukasya)== Sbh 1622 (anon)==Hema p. 305 (anon). [Sikharini] tad asmai cauraya. See amusmai cauraya 81. tad-vaktrabhimukham mukham vinamitam drstih krta padayos Arj 11 (Catur 11; Koka 11; Surya 11)==Vema 12 (Raman 12)== Ravi 81 (Rudr 11,12,11)==HJ 81. Kvs 353 (unassigned)==Skm ii. 46.4 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 194 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3535 (Amarukasya)== Sbh 1581 (anon)==Hema,comm.p.101 (anon). [Sardula] 82. tanvangya guru-samnidhau nayanajam yad vari samstambhitam Arj 96 (Catur 101; Koka 94; Surya 95)==Ravi 91 (Rudr Br. Mus. MS om.,112,110; Ram 100)==HJ 91.Sml p.135 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3408 (anon)==Sbh 1091 (anon). [Sardula] 83. tanvi sarat-tripathaga puline kapolau Ravi 99==Ram 105==HJ 99. [Vasantatilaka] 84. tapte mahaviraha-vahni-sikhavalibhir Arj 86 (Catur 91; Koka 85; Surya 85)==Ravi 89 (Rudr 97,102,100; Ram 98)==HJ 89.Sp 3455(Chamachamikaratnasya)==Sbh 1279 (ditto; ==Vv p.101 (anon). [Vasantatilaka] 85. tasyah sandra-vilepana-stana-tata-praselsa-mudrankitam Arj 26 (Catur 26; Koka 26; Surya 26)==Vema 24 (Raman 24)== Ravi 22 (Rudr 27,29,27; Ram 22)==HJ 22. Sbh 2109 (anon)==Kpr iv,p.124 (anon). [Sardula] 86. tais tais catubhir ajnaya kila taya rati-vyatyaye Sml p.150 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1367 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 87. tvam mugdhaksi vinaiva kanculikaya dhatse manoharinim Arj 27 (Catur 27; Koka 27; Surya 27)==Vema 25 (Raman 25)== Ravi 23 (Rudr 28,30,28; Ram 24)==HJ 23. Kpr iv,p. 101 (anon). [Sardula] 88. datto'syah pranayas tvayaiva bhavata seyam ciram lalita Arj 6 (Catur 6; Koka 6; Surya 6)==Vema 7 (Raman 7)==Ravi 5 (Rudr 6; Ram 5)==HJ 5. [Sardula] 89. dampatyor nisi jalpator grha-sukenakarnitam yad vacah Arj 16 (Catur 16; Koka 16; Surya 16)==Vema 15 (Raman 15)==Ravi 13 (Rudr 16,18,16; Ram 13)==HJ 13.Kvs 334(anon)==Skm ii. 141.5 (Amaroh)==Sp 3743(anon)==Sbh 2214 (anon). [Sardula] 90. dahati virahesv anganirsyam karoti samagame Kvs 447 (unassigned)==Skm ii.40.5 (Amaroh). [Harini] 91. dase krtagasi bhaved ucitah prabhunam Simon IV M 54(141). Abkout this stanza Arj says (on st. 22): asmat-purvajasya Vakpatirajapara-namno Munja-devasya. Skm ii 83.5 G(Satyabodhasya)==Sml p. 199 (Sri-Munjasya)--Sp 3657 (anon) ==Ruyyaka p. 37(anon)==Sd x ad 33a (anon). [Vasantatilaka] 92. dirgha vandana-malika viracita drstyaiva nendivaraih Arj 45 (Catur 45; Koka 45; Surya 45)==Vema 40 (Raman 40)==Ravi 40 (Rudr 46,48,46; Ram 47)==HJ 40. Sml p. 192 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 93. durvarah smara-marganah priyatamo dure mano'pyutsukam Simon IV M 52 (140). Ssuryadasa on Amaru 62 quotes this st. anonymously as an illustration. Sml p. 143 (Bhatta-Mayura-Samkarasya!) ==Sp 3753 (Mayurasunoh Sankukasya)==Sbh 1156 (Bhatta-Sankukasya) ==Kpr x,p.686 (anon)==Hema p.285 (anon)==ruyyaka p.162 (anon) ==Vetala-p., ed. Uhle,p.54. [Sardula] 94. durad (v.l. esyad) utsukam agate vivalitam sambhasini spharitam Arj 49 (Catur 49; Koka 49; Surya 49)==Vema 44 (Raman 44)==Ravi 44 (Rudr 50,52,50; Ram 52)==HJ 44. Kvs 354 (Ratipalasya)==Skm ii.50.4 (Amaroh)==Sml p.194 (unassigned)==Sp 3539 (anon)==Km p.47 (anon)==Skbh v ad 138(16) (anon)==Kpr iv,p.97 (anon)==Hema p.67 (anon). [Sardula] 95. drstah katara-netraya cirataram baddhvanjalim yacitah Arj 85 (Catur 90; Koka 84; Surya 84)==Vema 70 (Raman 70)==Ravi 7 (Rudr 96,101,99; Ram 96)==HJ 79. Skm ii.51.1(anon)==Sml p.130 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3386 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 96. drstvaikasana-samsthite priyatame pascad upety adarad Arj 19 (Catur 19; Koka 19; Surya 19)==Vema 18 (Raman 18)==Ravi 16 (Rudr 20,22,20)==HJ 16. Skm ii. 82.1 (Amaroh)==Sp 3575 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2069 (Amarukasya)==Vm 2.4 (anon)==Dr ii ad 20a, 52 (Amaru-satake)==Km p.47 (anon)==Skbhi ad 78(99) (anon) ==Hema p.70 (anon)==Rasarnava. i,p.27 (anon)==Sd iii ad 64==(anon). [Sardula] 97. devena prathamam jito'si sasabhrl-lekhabhrtanantaram Ram 85 (see Simon VI Cx 85(140). Kvs 414 (Sri-rajyapalasya)==Skm ii.103.2 (Vidyayah). [Sardula] 98. desair antarita satais ca saritam urvibhrtam kananair Arj 99 (Catur 104; Koka 97; Surya 98)==Vema 92 (Raman 92)==Ravi 93 (Rudr Br. Mus. MS om., 115,113; Ram 102)==HJ 93. Skm ii.86.1 (Sri-Harsasya), corrected to Amaroh; Sri-Harsasya with Amaroh sup. lin. in Skt Coll. MS; only Amaroh in Serampore Coll. MS)==Sml p.147 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3445 (anon)==Sbh 1768 (Narasimhasya)==Dr iv ad 65 (Amaru-Satake). [Sardula] 99. dhanyasi ya kathayasi priya-samgame'pi Ram 46 (see Simon IV Cx 46(139). Quoted by Arj on Amaru 101 anonymously as an illustration. Kvs 298 (Vidyayah)==Skm ii.140.2 (Vidyayah)==Sml p.299 (Vijjakayah)==Sp 3746 (Vijjakayah)==Sbh 2142 (anon)==Km p. 67 (anon)==Kpr iv,p.136 (anon)==Mammata's Sabda-vyapara (ed. N.S.P. Bombay 1916)p.4(anon)==Sd iii ad 60 (anon). [Vasantatilaka] 100. dhanyas tah sakhi yositah priyatame sarvanga-lagne'pi yah Simon IV M 53(141). Sp 3748 (unassigned)==Srt 1.75. (An imitation of No.46 above. Cf also No. 99 above). [Sardula]. 101. dhavati ceto na tanur Skm ii.66.3 (Amaroh). [Arya] 102. dhiram vari-dharasya vari kiratah srutva nisithe dhvanim Arj 13 (Catur 13; Koka 13; Surya 13)==Ravi 11(Rudr 13,14,13 Ram 11)==HJ 11. Skm ii.88.5 (Anaroh). [Sardula] 103. na jane sammukhayate Arj 64 (Catur 69; Koka 64; Surya)==Ravi 63(Rudr 75,79,77 Ram 78)==HJ 63. Skm ii. 97.5 (Amaroh)==Sp 3522 (anon)==Sbh 2038 (anon)==Pdv 234 (anon)==Dr ii ad 17 (anon). [Sloka or Anustubh 104. nabhasi jalada-laksmim sasraya viksya drstya Vema 49 (Raman 49)==Ravi 50 (Ram 64)==HJ 50. Sbh 1295 (anon). [Malini] 105. nantah-pravesam arunad vimukhi na casid Vema 99 (Raman 99). [Vasantatilaka] 106. napeto' nunayena yah priya-suhrd-vakyair na yah samhrto Arj 42 (Catur 42; Koka 42; Surya 42)==Vema 37 (Raman 37) ==Rudr 43,45,43. [Sardula] 107. naryo mugdha-satha (v.l. naryas tanvi hathad) haranti ramanam tisthanti no varitah Arj 8 (Catur 8; Koka 8; Surya 8)==Vema 9 (Raman 9)==Ravi 7 (Rudr 8,9,8; Ram 7)==HJ7. [Sardula] 108. nihsesa-cyuta-candanam stana-tatam nirmrsta-rago'dharo Vema 61 (Raman 61). Skm ii.113.1 (Suvibhokasya)==Sml p.166(anon) ==Sp 3508 (anon)==Sbh 1423 (anon)==Skbh iv ad 87(236) (anon) ==Kpr i,p.20(anon)==Hema p.35 (anon)==Jayaratha p.13(anon)== Sd ii ad 16 (anon). [Sardula] 109. nihsvasa vadanam dahanthi hrdayam nirmulam unmulyate Arj 92 (Catur 97; Koka 90; Surya 91)==Vema 98 (Raman 98)== Rudr Br. Mus. MS 0m., 108, 106. Skm ii. 41.2(anon)==Sp 3543 (anon)==Sbh 1157 (unassigned)==Pdv 237 (Amaroh)==Dr ii ad 26a (anon)==Hema p.306 (anon). [Sardula] 110. nitvoccair (v.l. ksiptoccair) viksipantah krta-tuhinakana-sara-sangan paragan Ravi 54 (Rudr 64,66,64; Ram 68)==HJ 54. Sml p.235 (Amarukasya). [Sragdhara] 111. patalagne patyau namayati mukham jata-vinaya Arj 41 (Catur 41; Koka 41; Surya 41)==Vema 36 (Raman 36)== Ravi 37 (Rudr 42, 44, 42; Ram 44)==HJ 37. Skm ii.8.2; ii. 131.3 (Amaroh; in the second citation anon in Skt. Coll. MS)==Sp 3673 (Amarukasya)==Sml p.275 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2056 (Amarukasya)== Dr iv ad 24 (Amaru-satake)==Rasarnava ii,p.123 (anon). [Sikharini] 112. patram na sravane'sti baspa-gurunor no netrayoh kajjalam Sml p.145 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1185 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 113. paraci kopena sphuta-kapata-nidra-mukulita Vema 90 (Raman 90). [Sikharini] 114. parimlane mane mukha-sasini tasyah kara-dhrte Arj 25 (Catur 25; Koka 25; Surya 25)==Vema 55 (Raman 55)==Rav 21 (Rudr 26,28,26; Ram 23)==HJ 21. Skm ii. 179.2 (Amaroh) ==Sml p.204 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1608 (anon). [Sikharini] 115. pasyamo mayi kim prapadyata iti sthairyam mayalambitam Arj 24 (Catur 24; Koka 24; Surya 24)==Vema 22 (Raman 22) ==Ravi 20 (Rudr 24,26,24; Ram 19)==HJ 20. Skm ii.179.1 (Amaroh)==Sbh 1375 (unassigned). [Sardula] pasyaslesa-visirna-candana-. See gadhaslesa-. 116. padasakte suciram iha te vamata kaiva kante Arj 68 (Catur 73; Koka 68; Surya 68)==Vema 75 (Raman 75)== Ravi 65 (Rudr 78,83,81; Ram 80)==HJ 65. Sml p.197 (Amarukasya) ==Sbh 1605 (anon). [Mandakranta] 117. pitas tusara-kirano madhunaiva sardham Ravi 49 (Rudr Br. Mus. MS om., 67,65; Ram 63)==HJ 49. Skm ii.123.4 (Ratnakarasya)==Sp 3648 (Ratnakarasya)==Sbh 2022 (Ratnakarasya)==Ratnakara's Hara-vijaya xxvi. 62. [Vasantatilaka] 118. pito yatah prabhrti kama-pipasitena Arj rejects expressly as interpolated and omits; Vema and Raman also omit. Catur 61 (but Koka and Surya omit)==Ravi 68 (Rudr 80, 85,83; Ram)==HJ 68. Sbh 1285(anon). [Vasantatilaka] 119. puras tanvya gotra-skhalana-cakito'ham nata-mukhah Arj 51 (Catur 51; Koka 51; Surya 51)==Ravi 46 (Rudr 52,54 52; Ram 54)==HJ 46. Skm ii.43.1 (Amaroh)==Sml p.152 (Dimbhokasya) ==Sbh 1323 (unassigned)==Dr iv ad 17 (Amaru-satake). [Sikharini] purabhud asmakam. See tathabhud asmakam. 120. puspodbhedam avapya keli-sayanad durasthaya cumbane Vema 67 (Raman 67). [Sardula] 121. pranaya-visadam vaktre drstim dadati visankita Kvs 517 (Sri-Harsasya)==Sml p. 256 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2058 (Sri-Harsa-devasya)==Dr i ad 39a (Ratnavalyah)==Harsa's Ratnavali iii. 9. [Harini] 122. prayaccaharam me yadi tava rahovrttam akhilam Rudr 17,19,17. Kvs 335 (anon)==Skm ii.141.1 (Dimbhokasya)== Sml p.276 (anon). An imitation of No.89 above. [Sikharini] 123. prasthanam valayaih krtam priya-sakhair asrair ajasram gatam Arj 35 (Catur 35; Koka 35; Surya 35)==Vema 31 (Raman 31)==Ravi 31 (Rudr 36,38,36; Ram 34)==HJ 31. Skm ii. 54.1 (unassigned; but Kasyacit in Skt. Coll. and Serampore MSS0==Sml p.132 (unassigned) ==Sp 3424 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1151 (anon)==Pdv 314 (Amaroh) ==Kpr iv, p.105 (anon)==Sd iii ad 208b (anon)==Rasamanjari (of Bhanudatta),ed. Ben.Skt.Series,Benares 1904,no.83. [Sardula] 124. prahara-viratau madhye vahnas tato'pi pare'the va Arj 12 (Catur; Koka 12; Surya 12)==Vema 13 Raman 13)== Ravi 9 (Rudr 12,13,12; Ram 10)==HJ 9. Kvs 268 (Jhalajjhalsya) ==Skm ii. 90.1 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 130 (Jhalajjhala-vasudevasya) ==Sp 3389 (Galajjala-vasudevasya)==Sbh 1048 (Jhalajjhalika- vasudevasya)==Dr iv ad 65 (Amaru-satake). [Harini] pranesa-pranayaparadha- See sa patyuh prathamapa- 125. pratah pratar upagatena janita nirnidrata caksusor Arj 33 (Catur 33; Koka 33; Surya 33)==Vema 30 (Raman 30)== Ravi 29 (Rudr 34,36,34; Ram 32)==HJ 29. Sml p.201 (Amarukasya) ==Sbh 1621 (anon). [Sardula] 126. prasade sa disi disi ca sa prsthattah sa purah sa Arj 102 (Catur 107; Koka 100: Surya 101). Ruyyaka p.137 (anon)==Vetala-p., ed. Uhle, p. 153 (anon). [Mandakranta] 127. priya-krta-pata-steya-krida-vidambana-vihvalam Vema 100 (Raman 100). Sml p.283(anon)==Sp 3708 (anon). [Harini] 128. bale natha vimunca manini rusam rosan maya kim krtam Arj 57 (Catur 62; Koka 58; Surya 57)==Vema 50 (Raman 50)==Ravi 53 (Rudr 63,65,63; Ram 67)==HJ 53. Kvs 366 (Kumarabhattasya) ==Skm ii.44.1 (Amaroh)==Sml p.198 (Sri-Kumaradasasya)==Sp 3554 (Kumaradasasya)==Sbh 1614 (Bhatta-Kumarasya)==Dr ii ad 17 (Amaru-Satake)==Skbh i ad 117(157), ii ad 144(335) (anon)==Hema p. 149 (anon)==Sd iii ad 62a (anon). [Sardula] 129. bhavatu viditam vyarthalapair alam priya gamyatam Arj 30 (Catur 30; Koka 30; Surya 30)==Vema 28(Raman 28)==Ravi 27 (Rudr 32,34,32; Ram 28)==HJ 27. Kvs 370 (Dharmakirteh)==Sbh 1617 (Bhadanta-Dharmakirteh)==pdv 223 (Amaroh)==Jayaratha p.5 (anon)==Rasarnava ii, p. 187(anon). [Harini] 130. bhru-bhange (v.l. bhru-bhede)racite'pi drstir adhikam sotkantham udviksate Arj 28 (Catur 28; Koka 28; Surya 28)==Vema 26 (Raman 26)== Ravi 24 (Rudr 29,31,29; Ram 25)==HJ 24. Skm ii. 46.2 (Amaroh) ==Sml p.195 (Bhadantarogyasya)==Sp 3540 (Bhadanta- varmanah)== Sbh 1580 (Bhadantarogyasya)==Sd iii ad 199a (anon). [Sardula] 131. bhru-bhedo gunita's ciram nayanayor abhyastam amilanam Arj 97 (Catur 102; Koka 95: Surya 96)==Vema 95 (Raman 95)==Ravi 92 (Rudur Br.Mus. MS om., 113,111; Ram 101)==HJ 92. Kvs 358 (Dharmakirteh)==Skm ii.46.3 (Dharmakirateh; after which Amaroh in Skt.Coll.MS)==Sml p.194 (unassigned)==Sbh 1578 (Amarukasya) ==Pdv 231 (Amaroh)==Nami on Rdt iv 46 (anon). [Sardula] 132. mandam mudrita-pamsavah paripataj-jamkari-jhanjha-marud Arj expressly rejects as interpolated and omits; Vema and Raman also omit. Catur 57 (but Koka and Surya omit)==Ravi 48 (Rudr 58, 60, 58; Ram 60)==HJ 48.Sml p.221 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3871 (anon). [Sardula] 133. malaya-marutam vrata yata vikasita-mallika_ Arj 32 (Catur 32; Koka 32; Surya 32)==Ravi 84 (Rudr 33,35,33; Ram 30)==HJ 84. [Harini] 134. ma garvam udvaha kapola-tale cakasti Simon IV M 55 (41). Skm ii.140.5 (Kesatasya)==Sml p.299(anon)==Pdv 302 (Damodarasya)==Dr ii ad 24 (anon)==Skbh v ad 143(28),172(477) (anon)==Hema, comm., p.102 (anon)==Rasarnava ii,p.134 (anon)== Sd iii ad 105 (anon). [Vasantatilaka] 135. mugdhe mugdhatayaiva netum akhilah kalah kim arabhyate Arj 70 (Catur 75; Koka 70; Surya 70)==Vema 82 (Raman 82)==Ravi 67 (Rudr 81, 86, 84; Ram 82)==HJ 67. Sbh 1161 (Amarukasya)==Kpr iv, p.152 (anon). [Sardula] 136. mlanam pandu krsam vilasa-vidhuram lambalakam salasam Arj 88 (Catur 93; Koka 86; Surya 87)== Vema 62 (Raman 62)==Rudr 99, 104, 102. [Sardula] 137. yada tvam candro'bhur avikala-kala-pesala-vapus Simon IV M 93 (143). Kvs 360 (Acalasimhasya)==Skm ii. 47.5 (Acalasya)==Sml p.201 (Acalasya)==Sp 3567 (Acalasya). [Sikharini] yasasid asmakam. See tathabhud asmakam. 138. yadi vinihita sunya drstih kimu sthira-kautuka Bengali MS as in Simon IV J 81(145). Kvs 351 (Amarukasya)==Skm ii.49.4 (Amaroh)==Sbh 1625 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 139. yad gamyam guru-gauravasya suhrdo yasmiml labhante'ntaram Kvs 357 (unassigned)==Sml p.203 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3567 (anon)== Sbh 1626 (anon). [Sardula] 140. yad ratrau rahasi vyapeta-vinayam vrtto rasah kaminor Simon IV M 94 (143). Kvs 332 (unassigned)==Sml p.290 (Amarukasya ==Sp 3741 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2212 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 141. yatah kim na milanti sundari punas cinta tvaya mat-krte Arj 10 (Catur 10; Koka 10; Surya 10)==Vema 11 (Raman 11)==Ravi 10 (Rudr 10,11,10; Ram 9)==HJ 10. Sml p. 151 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3465 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1342 (Amarukasya)==Kpr x,p. 619 (anon) [Sardula] 142. yate gotra-viprayaye sruti-patham sayyagatayas ciram Sbh 2108 (Amarukasya)==Pr on Ud p. 82 (anon). [Sardula] 143. yavanty eva ( yavanti) padany alika-vacanair ali-janaih pathita Arj 48 (Catur 48; Koka 48; Surya 48)==Vema 43 (Raman 43)==Rav 43 (Rudr 49,51,49; Ram 51)==HJ 43. Sml p.205 (Bhattendurajasya) ==Sp 3580 (Bhattendurajasya)==Sbh 2070 (anon). [Sardula] ya viksyangana-vatika-parisare. See alambyangana-vapika. 144. yasyamiti samudyatasaya gaditam visrabdham akarnitam Arj 79 (Catur 84; Koka 78; Surya 78)==Rudr 90,95,93. Sml.p.142 (anon)==Sp 3435 (anon)==Sbh 1153 (anon)==Pdv 319 (Rudrasya) [Sardula] 145. ratrau vari-bharalasambuda-ravodvignena jatasruna Arj 54(Catur 54; Koka 55; Surya 54)==Vema 46 (Raman 46)==Ravi 97 (Rudr 55,57,54; Ram 57)==HJ 97. Sml p.225 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3891 (anon); but, according to Aufrecht in Z D M G,xxvii, 1873,p.8, Amarukasya in one of the MSS==Sbh 1774 (Argatasya). [Sardula] 146. ramanam ramaniya-vaktra-sasinah svedoda-bindu-pluto Ravi 58 (Rudr 68, 73, 71; Ram 72)==HJ 58. Skm i. 92.4 (Amaroh)== Sml p.292==(anon)==Sp 3732(anon). [Sardula] 147. rohantau prathamam mamorasi tava praptau vivrddhim stanau Vema 87 (Raman 87). [Sardula] 148. lagna namsuka-pallave bhuja-lata no dvara-dese'rpita Arj 62 (Catur 67; Koka 62; Surya 61)==Vema 53 (Raman 53)==Ravi 62 (Rudr 73, 77,75; Ram 77)==HJ 62. Skm ii.90.2 (Amaroh)==Sml p.130 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3388 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1057 (anon). [Sardula] 149. lalana-lola-dhammilla_ Rudr Br. Mus.MS om.,68,66. [Sloka or Anustubh] 150. lalitam urasa taranti Sml p.246 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3847 (Amarukasya). [Arya] 151. laksa-laksma lalata-pattam abhitah keyura-mudra gale Arj 60 (Catur 65; Koka 60; Surya 59)==Vema 71 (Raman 71)==Ravi 88 (Rudr only Br. Mus. MS 71; Ram 97)==HJ 88. Skm ii. 24.4 (Amaroh)==Sml p.288 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3740 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2215 (Daksinatyasya Kasyapi)==Dr ii ad 7b (Amaru-satake)==Hema p.300 (anon). [Sardula] 152. likhann aste bhumim bahir avanatah prana-dayito Arj 7 (Catur 7; Koka 7; Surya 7)==Vema 8 (Raman 8)==Ravi 6 (Rudr 7; Ram 6)==HJ 6. Skm ii. 48.3 (Amaroh)==Sml p. 196(unassigned)== Sp 3551 (Amarukasya)==Kpr iv, p. 173 (anon)==Hema p.54(anon)== Rasarnava ii,p. 186 (anon). [Sikharini] 153. lila-tamarasahato'nya-vanita-nihsanka-dastadharah Arj 72 (Catur 77; Koka 71; Surya 72)==Vema 80 (Raman 80)==Ravi 70 (Rudr 83,88,86; Ram 86)==HJ 70. Sml p. 246 (Amarukasya)==Kpr vii,p.278 (anon)==Hema p. 160 (anon)==Rasarnava ii,p.186 (anon) [Sardula] 154. lola-bhru-lataya vipaksa-digupanyase'vashutam sirah Arj 83 (Catur 88; Koka 82; Surya 82)==Vema 69 (Raman 69)==Rudr 94,99,97. Sbh 2067 (anon). [Sardula] 155. lolair (v.l.vantair) locana-varibhih sa-sapathaih pada-pranamaih priyair Arj 61 (Catur 66; Koka 61; Surya 60)==Vema 52 (Raman 52)==Ravi 61 (Rudr 72,76,74; Ram 76)==HJ 61. Skm ii.52.5 (anon)==Sml p.131 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3395 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1060 (anon). [Sardula] 156. varam asau divaso na punar nisa Ravi 60 (Rudr 70,75,73; Ram 75)==HJ 60. Sp 3426 (anon)==Sbh 1114 (anon). [Drutavilambita] va;atu tarala dhrsta. See calatu tarala dhrsta. 157. vanti kahlara-subhagah Rudr Br. Mus. MS om., 69,67. Sp 3916 (valmiki-muneh)==Sbh 1793 (anon). [Sloka or Anustubh] vantair locana. See lolair locana. 158. viraha-visamah kamo vamas tanum kurute tanum Arj 67(Catur 72; Koka 67; Surya 67)==Vema 54 (Raman 54)==Ravi 64 (Rudr 77,82,80; Ram 79)==HJ 64. Skm ii.85.3 (Amaroh)==Sp 3572 (Sila-bhattarikayah)==Sbh 1633 (Sila-bhattarikayah). [Harini]. vyalolam alakavalim. See alolam alakavalim. 159. vyavrttya sithilikaroti vasanam jagraty api vridaya Skm ii.84.5 (Amaroh). [Sardula] 160. Sathanyasyah kanci-mani-ranitam akarnya sahasa Vema 73 (Raman 73). Quoted by Arj anonymously (on st. 22) as an illustration. Kvs 362 (Hingokasya)==Pdv 263 (anon)==Dr ii ad 7b (anon)==Sb iii ad 37 (anon). [Sikharini] 161. sunyam vasa-grham vilokya sayanad utthaya kimcic chanaih Arj 82 (Catur 87; Koka 81; Surya 81)==Vema 74 (Raman 74)==Ravi 77 (Rudr 93, 8 and 98 repeated, 96; Ram 94)==HJ 77. Skm ii. 126. 4 (Amaroh)==Sbh 2113 (anon)==Dhv iv ad 2,p.235 (anon)==Kpr iv p. 100(anon)==Hema p.16 (anon)==Sd i ad 3a (anon). [Sardula] 162. Srutvakasman nisithe nava-ghana-rasitam vislathangya patitva Arj expressly rejects as interpolated and omits; Koka and Surya omit. Vema and Raman also omit. Catur 60==Ravi 55 (Rudr 65,70, 68; Ram 69)==HJ 55. [Sragdhara] 163. srutva namapi yasya (v.l. nama priyasya)sphuta-ghana-pulakam jayate- ngam samantad Arj 59, but suspects it as interpolated (Catur 64; but Koka and Surya omit)==Vema 58 (Raman 58)==Ravi 57 (Rudr 67,72,70; Ram 71)== HJ 57. [Sragdhara] 164. Slistah kanthe kim iti na maya mudhaya prana-nathas Arj 58 (Catur 63; Koka 59; Surya 58)==Vema 51 (Raman 51)==Ravi 56 (Rudr 66,71,69; Ram 70)==HJ 56. Skm ii.179.4 (Amaroh)==Sbh 2143 (anon). [Mandakranta] 165. sloko'yam harisabhidhana-kavina devasya tasyagrato Skm v.29.5 (Amaroh;but the st. is missing in Skt.Coll.MS,though given by Serampore Coll.MS). [Sardula] 166. sakhi sa subhago manda-sneho mayiti na me vyatha Kvs 407 (unassigned)==Skm ii.41.1 (Amaroh)==Sbh 1118 (anon). [Harini] 167. sakhe satyam satyam viraha-dahanah ko'pi hrdaye Simon IV M 96 (143). Sbh 1331 (Bhatta-Vrttikarasya). [Sikharini] 168. sakhyas tani vacamsi yani bahuso'dhitani yusman-mukhad Sml p.298 (Jivanagasya)==Sbh 2145 (Amarukasya). [Sardula] 169. sati pradipe saty agnau Sbh 1235 (Amarukasya)==Bhartrhari's Sataka, ed. Kosambi,No.130. [Sloka or Anustubh] 170. santy evatra grhe grhe yuvatayas tah prccha gatvadhuna Arj 91 (Catur 96; Koka 89; Surya 90)==Vema 59 (Raman 59)==Rudr Br. Mus. MS om., 107,105. Sml p. 196 (unassigned in the printed text; but Sml P assigns to Amaru). [Sardula] 171. samdastadhara-pallava sacakitam hastagram adhunvati Arj 36 (Catur 36; Koka 36; Surya 36)==Vema 4 (Raman 4)==Ravi 32 (Rudr 37,39,37; Ram 36)==Hj 32. Skm ii.126.5 (Amaroh)== Sml p.277 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3668 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1303 (anon). [Sardula] 172. sa patyuh prathamaparadha-samaye sakhyopadesam vina Arj 29 (Catur 29; Koka 29; Surya 29). Sbh 1586 (Lilacandrasya)==Km p.47(anon)==Kpr iv, p.104 (anon0==Sd iii ad 58 (anon). [Sardula] 173. sa bala vayam apragalbha-manasah sa stri vayam katarah Arj 34 (Catur 34; Koka 34; Surya 34)==Ravi 30 (Rudr 35,37,35; Ram 33)==HJ 30. Kvs 229 (Dharmakirteh)==Skm ii.80.2 (Amaroh)== Srh p. 258 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 1346 (unassigned)==Vm ad iv. 3.12 (anon)==Skbh iii ad 17 (43) (anon)==Ruyyaka p. 130 (anon)==Sd x ad 69 (anon). [Sardula] sa yavanti padany alika. See yavanty eva padany alika. 174. sa yauvana-madonmatta Sbh 1212 (Amarikasya). [Sloka or Anustubh] 175. salaktakam satadaladhika-kanti-ramyam Arj expressly rejects as interpolated and omits; Koka and Surya omit. Vema and Raman also omit. Catur 59==Ravi 86 (Rudr 61, 63,61; Ram 103)==HJ 86. [Vasantatilaka] 176. salaktakena nava-pallava-komalena Vema 101 (Raman 101)==Ravi 52 (Rudr 62,64,62; Ram 66)==Hj 52. Skm ii.80.3(Amaroh)==Sml p.295 (Amarukasya). [Vasantatilaka] sa viksyangana-vapika. See ya viksyangana-vapika. 177. sutanu jahihi maunam pasya padanatam mam Arj 39 (Catur 39; Koka 39; Surya 39)==Vema 34 (Raman 34)==Ravi 35 (Rudr 40,42,40; Ram 42)==HJ 35. Kvs 391 (anon)==Skm ii.50.5 (Amaroh)==Sml.p. 203 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3577 (anon)==Sbh 1600 (anon)==Sd ii ad 227 (anon). [Malini] 178. supto'yam sakhi supyatam iti gatah sakhyas tato'nantaram Arj 37 (Catur 37; Koka 37; Surya 37)==Vema 32 (Raman 32)==Ravi 33 (Rudr 38,40,38; Ram 37)==HJ 33.Sml p.299 (amarukasya). [Sardula] 179. surata-viratau vridavesa-srama-slatha-hastaya Sml p. 282 (Amarukasya)==Sp 3707 (Amarukasya)==Sbh 2106 (Amarukasya). [Harini] 180. saivaham pramada nrnam adhigatav etau ca tau nupurau Arj 89 (Catur 94; Koka 87; Surya 88)==Rudr Br. Mus.MS om., 105, 103. [Sardula] 181. sphutatu hrdayam kamam karotu tanum tanum Arj 73 (Catur 78; Koka 72; Surya 73)==Vema 79 (Raman 79)==Ravi 71 (Rudr 84,89,87; Ram 62)==HJ 71. Kvs 379 (anon)==Skm ii. 46.5(anon;but Amaroh in Skt. Coll. MS)==Vv p. 194 (unassigned)== Sbh 1574 (Arbhakasya). [Harini] 182. smara-rasa-nadi-purenodhah punar guru-setubhir Vema 60 (Raman 60). Sbh 2057 (Narasimhasya)==Dhv iii ad 4 (anon); Abh on Dhv p. 133 (anon0==Vvp. 135 (anon)==Dr ii ad 16b (anon)==Hema p.72 (anon). [Harini] 183. smartavya vayam indu-sundara-mukhi prastavato'pi tvaya Ram 35. See Simon IV m 57 (142). Sml p.131(anon)==Sp 3392 (anon). [Sardula] smrtva namapi yasya. See srutva namapi yasya. 184. svam drstva karaja-ksatam madhu-mada-ksibavicaryersyaya Arj 55 (Catur 55; Koka 56; Surya 55)==Vema 47 (Raman 47)== Ravi 85 (Rudr 56,58,56; Ram 58)==HJ85. [Sardula] 185. svinnam kena mukham divakara-karais te ragini locane Vema 93 (Raman 93). [Sardula] 186. harihara-caranaravindam eke Simon IV M 4 (140). [puspitagra] 187. haro jalardra-vasanam nalini-dalani Ravi 98 (Ram 74)==HJ 98. Sbh 1087 (Bana-kaveh)==Av ad 14,p. 121 (Bhatta-Banasya). [Vasantatilaka] 188. haro'yam harinaksinam Ravi 100==HJ 100. Kvs 227 (Dharmakirteh)==Sd x ad 83b (anon). [Sloka or Anustubh] THE TEXT-PROBLEM We are now in a position to deal with the text-problem in some detail. In the Index-list given above we have a total of 188 stanzas,but it is highly improbable that such a large number could have originally belonged to the Amaru-sataka. Both Vema-bhupala and Ramananda speak of the work as Sata-sloki and give 101 stanzas; Ravicandra and Rudramadeva keep strictly within the limit of one hundred; Arjunavarman gives 102 stanzas, and following him Koka has 100, while Suryadasa and Nandalala have 101 stanzas respectively. Even the more expansive texts of Caturbhuja and Ramaruda do not go beyond 107 stanzas,the largest number given by any MS being 115. Simon's analysis (p.42) of the number of stanzas in his four recensions is as follows; I Vema --101; II Ravi--95 (in two MSS) or 100;III Arjunavarmam--100(in two MSS)or 102; IV Mixed--the versions or MSS vary from90 to 115. It would seem,therefore, that the Amaru MSS are not of such inclusive type as,for instance, the Bhartrhari MSS are . On the contrary, both by inclusion and exclusion they attempt to keep the balance even,as far as possible, up to the number of one hundred. There is indeed a general anxiety to conform to the limit imposed by the name Sataka; and we can presume that the original tradition was to this effect. Various conjectures have been made about the original form of the text. Th. Aufrecht believes the the earliest form of this Sataka consisted of a hundred stanzas all composed in the Sardulavikridita metre, apparently on the analogy of the one-metre Satakas of Bana and Mayura. It is true that this metre occursmore frequently than any other,but Simon's metrical analysis (p.46)of stanzas inthe existing recensions shows that the largest number of Sardulavikridita stanzas is only 61 to be found in the recensions of Vema and Arjuna. Simon himself, on what he calls "practical grounds", bases his text; but H. Weller would place superior value on the recension of the earliest commentator Arjunavarman. As therecensions have large differences,as well as agreements,it is obvious that the original cannot be found exclusively in any one of them. By accepting any particular recension, therefore,one would be authentcating just such arbitrary prefernce as it is the express object of textual criticism to avoid; for the very divergences indicate that each of the recensions or versions obviously contains probable as well as improbable stanzas. In such a case, to proceed byway of mere hypothesis or practical grounds is futile; for the purpose of reconstitution one must study the text-tradition itself. A CRITICAL SURVEY OF THE THREE RECENSIONS As there is no absolute intrinsic criterion (except the highly uncertainmeasure of literary and linguistic consideration), we will have to give primary consideration to the material actually available,namely, the text-tradition represented by the threerecensions, in order to distinguish the probable from the improbable stanzas. We will have also to take into account the secondary evidence furnished by the citations in older Anthologies and Alamkara works; but for the purpose of textual criticism thay are of much less value, unless they are corroborated by independent evidence. Besides, Kosambi is right in stating that the Anthologies will have to be critically edited before real use can be made of them for this purpose. It will be seen from our brief digest of important variants, which is given below with our tentative text, that there are in this respect divergences as well as agreements, between the three recensions. But since mere coincidence or discrepancy of readings of words and phrases may sometimes be concordant or discordant choice of stanzas for the purpose of finding out the shape of the original text. As actual contamination between the recensions, except in the case of obvious "mish-codices", cannot beestablished in this respect, such concordanceor discordance as may be found becomes prima facie evidence of probative value. Confining ourselves chiefly to this consideration,a comparative study of the three recensions would shew at once that the stanzas common to them would be, on the most generous level of inclusion, about 75. Of these we can be reasonably certain; our evidence is not conclusive with regard to the rest. Thus, Arjunavarman omits the following 14 stanzas given by Vema: 1. nabhasi jalada-laksmim .. omitted also by Rudrama but included by Ravi and Rama. 2. smara-rasa-nadi- ..} 3. nihsesa-cyuta candanam ..} 4. ayasta kalaham .. ..} 5. kvacit tambulaktah ..} 6. puspodbhedam avapya ..} omitted also by Ravi, Rudrama and 7. sathanyasyah ..} Rama. 8. acchinnam nayanambu ..} 9. rohantau prathamam ..} 10. paraci kopena ..} 11. svinnam kena mukham ..} 12. nantah-pravesam ..} 13. priya-krta-pata-steya- ..} 14. salaktakena nava- .. included by Ravi,Rudrama and Rama. On the principle that a stanzas which is excluded by one of the recensions is a suspect, it is highly improbable that these fourteen stanzas could have been genuine. If we turn for confirmation to the secondary testimonia, we find that at least nine of them are not ascribed to Amaru, but cited anonymously or not cited at all. Only the st. salaktakena is given as Amaru's in Skm and Sml, but the well known stnihsesa-cyuta-candanam is not assigned to Amaru anywhere; while smara-rasa-nadi- is ascribed to Narasimha in Sbh, but cited anonymously in other works, and sathanyasyah (which Arjuna himself quotes anonymously as an illustration in his comment on st.22)is attributed to Hingoka in Kvs, but cited anonymously in all works (including Dr). The st. acchinnam nayanambu is assigned to Amaru in Skm, Sml, Sp and Sbh, but is anonymously cited in Dr and ascribed to Rudra in Pdv. In the same way Vema excludes the following 15 stanzas included by Arjuna: 15. dhiram vari-dharasya 16. malaya-marutam vrata 17. sabala vayam apragalbha 18. puras tanvya gotra 19. na jane sammukayate 20. jata notkalika 21. tapte mahaviraha 22. tanvangya guru-samnidhau .. British Museum MS of Rudrama omits. 23. tatas cabijnaya .. .. Ravi omits, but it is included by Rudrama and Ramarudra. 24. analpa-cinta-bhara .. } 25. iti priye prcchati.. .. } 26. yasyamiti samudyatasya .. } Ravi and Rama omit, but they are included 27. saivaham pranada .. } cluded by Rudrama (except Nos. 27 28. idam krsnam krsnam .. } and 28 which Br. Mus. MS of Rudrama omits). 29. prasade sa disi .. .. Omitted by Ravi, Rudrama and Ramarudra. If we turn to the secondary testimonia we find that the attribution, wherever it occurs, is uncertain. Thus, the well known stanza sa bala is given to Amaru in Skm and Srh, but to Dharmakirti in Kvs; yasyamiti is anonymous in Sp and Sbh but assigned to Rudra in Pdv; idam krsnam is cited as Amaru's in Sml and Sp but is anonymous in Sbh ; puras tanvya is ascribed to Amaru in Skm and Dr but is anonymous in Sbh and assigned to Dimbhoka in Sml ; na jane sammukhayate is given as Amaru's in Skm but it is anonymous in other citations; both Sp and Sbh assign tapte mahaviraha-to Chamachamikaratana ; Skm and Dr ascribe tatas cabhijnaya to Amaru, but Sbh assign it to Durvahaka ; Sml cites tanvangya guru-as Amaru's but it is anonymous in Sp and Sbh ; and prasadesa is anonymous in all citations. It is clear, therefore, that there is considerable doubt the genuineness of these stanzas. There are five stanzas, which Arjuna expressly rejects and omits as interpolated, and which are also omitted by Vema, but they are included by Ravi, Rudrama and Ramarudra (i.e., by one of the recensions only). They are; 30. mandam mudrita-pamsavah paripatat 31. iyam asau taralayate-locana 32. salaktakam satadaladhika 33. srutvakasman nisithe 34. pito yatah prabhrti. Of these only mandam mudrita is assigned to Amaru in Sml, but it is anonymous in Sp. It is worthy of note in this connexion that these five stanzas (30-34), which are excluded also by Koka and Surya (following Arjuna),are,strangely enough, included by Caturbhuja. The question naturally arises as to which recension then the version of Caturbhuja really belongs. That his version, as well as that of Koka,does not follow the Southern recension is clear from the fact they do not include any of the stanzas exclusively included by Vema, nor do they omit any stanza exclusively omitted by Vema. The version of Caturbhuja, as well as that of Koka, cannot similarly be affiliated to the Eastern recension represented by Ravi, Rudrama and Ramarudra. For, while Caturbhuja and Koka do not include a large number of stanzas included by Ravi and Rama (our Index list Nos. 31,44,55,83,104,187,188), or by Ravi,Rama and Rudrama (1,110,117,146,156,176), they do not at the same time omit also a large number omitted by Ravi and Rama (8,9,15,24,25,26,40,69,106,109,136,144,154,170,180). These lastfew numbers are mostly included by Rudrama, but Caturbhuja, as well as Koka,does not agree with Rudrama in including our Index-list Nos. 50 (Rama includes), 117 (Br. Mus. MS om.), 122, 149 (Br. Mus. MS om.), 157 (Br. Mus. MS om.), and 175 (one of which Ravi and Rama also include), or on omitting 46, 126,151 (Br. Mus. MS includes), Some of which Ravi and Rama also omit. In these numerous instances both Caturbhuja and Koka follow the lead of Arjunavarman's Western recension, to which indeed their versions belong. The intrusion of the five stanzas mentioned above, therefore, is an anomaly in Caturbhuja, which should be explained as instances of contamination with the Eastern recension. The version of Caturbhuja as such, therefore, is of somewhat inferior value to those of Koka and Surya which represent the Western recension more closely. There are two stanzas, again, which are not free from doubt. They are: 35. Srutva namapi yasya 36. kva prasthitasi. They are included but suspected to have been interpolated by Arjuna; and Caturbhuja and Koka accordingly omit them. Vema includes them without question, but Ramananda, while including them, repeats the suspicion about the second stanza (36) expressed by Arjuna! Ravi, Rudrama and Rama agree in including them. Them first stanza is not cited by any of our testimonia; but with regard to the second, the citations are conflicting in thier ascription. While Sbh assigns it to Amaru, it is anassigned or anonymously cited in most other works, and Sp ascribes it jointly to Govindasvamin and Vikatanitamba. It would seem, therefore, that both textual and subsidiary tradition is uncertain about the genuineness of these two stanzas. Coming to the Eastern recension we find that both by inclusion and exclusion of stanzas, as well as by variation of readings, it cam be definitely distinguished from the Western and Southern recensions. But among themselves the texts of Ravi, Rudrama and Rama have some divergences. It is necessary in this connexion therefore, to consider briefly their interrelation, especially the relation between Ravi and Rama, on the one hand, and Rudrama, on the other. We have already seen that Ravi, Rama and Rudrama agree in omitting or including a large number of stanzas which are included or omitted by Arjuna or Vema. But there are also notable differences where some stanzas are omitted by Ravi and Rama but are included by Rudrama (e.g. Index-list Nos. 8,9,15,24,25,26,40,69,73,106,109,136,144,154,170,180), although it should be noted that the British Museum MS of Rudrama's commentary omits, among these, Index-list Nos. 8,15,26,40,69,73,109,170,180. There are also some more instances. Both Ravi and Rama exclide the following stanzas given by Arjuna and Vema, but they are included by Rudrama, although some of them are given by Br. Mus. MS: 37. napeto'nunayena 38. astam visvasanam 39. alambyangana-vapika .. Rama includes. 40. lola-bhru-lataya 41. mlanam pandu krsam 42. kara-kisalayam .. .. } 43. santy evatra grhe.. .. } 44. nihsvasa vadanam .. } 45. adyarabhya yadi .. .. } British Museum MS of Rudrama omits. 46. carana-patanam sakhya .. } 47. aham tenahuta .. .. } 48. caksuh-priti-prasakte .. } In this connexion there is one stanza 49. kante talpam upagate which is omitted by Ravi and Rama, as well as by Rudrama. On the other hand, Ravi and Rama include the following six stanzas which are omitted by Rudrama, as well as by Arjuna and Vema: 50. kante katy api vasarani (ascribed to Amaru or Virasya in Skm) 51. kopas tvaya hrdi (Srngara-tilaka ascribed to Kalidasa 20; Satanandasya in Kvs) 52. haro jalardra-vasanam (ascribed to Bana by Ksemendra and Sbh) 53. tanvi sarat-tripathaga 54. urudvayam mrga-drsah 55. haro'yam harinaksinam (assigned to Dharmakirti by Kvs) Again, Rudrama includes the following stanzas excluded by Ravi and Rama,as well as by Arjuna and Vema: 56. prayacchaharam me (assigned to Dimbhoka in Skm) 57. kimcin mudrita-pamsavah sikhi-ganair (also included by Rama ; but anon in Sml, Sp and Sbh) 58. lalana -lola-dhammilla ..} } British Museum MS omits. 59. vanti kahlara-subhagah ..} 60. grame'smin pathikaya (included only by BORI MS No.457). In the same way,Rudrama alone excludes laksa-laksma, which is retained by all other commentators; but British Museum MS ofRudrama includes it, although the relevant commentary on this stanza is omitted. This MS, however, is singular in omitting desairantarita and bhru-bhedo gunitas ciram, although they are given by other MSS of Rudrama, as well as by all other versions. It would not be resonable, therefore to doubt the probability of these stanzas, which are excluded, not by one recension, but by one version or one MS only. But over and above the five doubtful stanzas discussed above (30-34), wehave five more stanzas, which Ravi, Rudrama and Rama agree in including as against their omission by Arjuna and Vema : 61. pitas tusara-kirano (Br. Mus. MS omits; occurs in Ratnakara's Haravijaya xxvi. 62, and assigned to Ratnakara in Skm, Sp and Sbh) 62. nitvoccair viksipantah (Amaru's in Sml) 63. ramanam ramaniya (Amaru's in Skm) 64. angam candana-pandu 65.varam asau divaso (anon in Sp and Sbh). The discrepancies considered above between Ravi and Rama, on the one hand, and Rudrama on the other, need notm however, justify the positing of Rudrama's version as a separate recension, for their exclusive agreements are also no less considerable. The fact is that Rudrama's version is electic in its choice as well as order of stanzas ; but at the same time there cannot be much doubt that, on the whole, it is more inclined to the Eastern recension of Ravi and Rama than to the Western or Southern recension of Arjuna or Vema respectively. Apart from the unsatisfactory nature of the respective texts, which are not yet criticallyedited, the discrepancies are explicable by the fact that we do not find the Eastern recension to be such a homogenous group as, generally speaking, the Western and Southern recensions are. The text-tradition in the East appears to have been somewhat erratic. Ramarudra, for instance, omits some stanzas given by all other versions: namely, our Index list Nos. 4,32,34,42,53,58,73 (Rdr. Br. M. MS also omits), 81 and 96. On the other hand, Ramarudra includes the following four stanzas admitted by no other versions : 66. smartavya vayam indu-(anon. in Sml and Sp) 67. dhanyasi ya kathayasi (cited anon. by Arjuna in his comment on st. 101; ascribed to Vidya or Vijjaka in Kvs, Skm, Sml and Sp) 68. asad-vrtto nayam (Amaru's in Sbh, but anon. in Kvs,Skm, Sml and Sp) 69. devena prathamam jito'si (ascribed to Sri-Rajyapala by Kvs and to Vidya in Skm). There are also some other Bengali MSS, mostly "mish-codices", in which are found the folloeing extra stanzas given by no recension or version : 70. kim kurmah kasya va (included by Ravi in one of the IO MSS) 71. yadi vinihita sunya (Amaru's in Kvs, Skm and Sbh) 72. ksinamsuh sasa-lanchanah (anon. in Sml and Sp) 73. angani candana-rajah (anon. in Skbh). It is possible to multiply such apocryphal stanzas from other stray or unsupported MSS of a similar type. For instance, some Devanagari MSS, which are comprised by Simon in his fourth 'mixed' recension, include the follwing extra stanzas : 74. harihara-caranaravindam (in Puspitagra, the solitary instance of an unusual metre in Amaru) 75. dhanyas tah sakhi (Rudra's Srt i. 75) 76. dase krtagasi (Arjuna assigns to Munja Vakpatiraja ; Sml to Sri -Munja ; Skm to Satyabodha) 77. ma garvam udvaha (ascribed to Kesata in Skm and Damodara in Pdv) 78. kopat kimcid upanato'pi (Rudra's Srt i. 35 ; assigned to Rudra in Sml and Sp, and to Laksmanasena in Skm) 79. yada tvam candro'bhur(assigned to Acala or Acalasimha in Kvs, Skm, Sml and Sp) 80. yad ratrau rahasi (Amaru's in Sml,Sp and Sbh, but anon. in Kvs) 81. Sakhe satyam satyam (ascribed to Bhatta Vrttikara by Sbh) 82. kesaih kesara-malikam (anon. in Sp and Sbh) 83. durvarah smara-marganah (assigned to Sankuka in the Anthologies Suryadasa on Amaru 62 cites it anonymously as an illustration). It is clear that all these stanzas given by one recension, one version or one MS only, as well as stanzas by one more recensions, will have to be eliminated as not-probable. In this way we are able to exclude 83 stanzas out of the total of 188 listed above in our Index. THE ATTRIBUTION IN ANTHOLOGIES AND ALAMKARA-WORKS It is possible also to eliminate some more stanzas which are assigned to Amaru by some of the older Anthologies and Alamkara-works. For instance, the following 5 stanzas are found ascribed to Amaru only by Skm; 84.iha nisi nivida-nirantara 85. kanaka-kundala-mandita 86. dhavati ceto na tanuh 87. vyavrttya sithilikaroti 88. sloko'yam harisabhidhana. Similarly Sbh alone assigns 10 stanzas to Amaru: 89. anyonya-grathitanguli 90. alokayati payodharam 91. aslista rabhasad 92. kala-praptam maharatnam 93. kim bale mugdhateyam 94. gacchety unnataya 95. catula-nayane sunya 96. yate gotra-viparyaye 97. sa yauvana-madonmatta 98. sati pradipe saty agnau (==Bhartrhari-sataka, ed. Kosambi, No. 130). Again Sml alone ascribes the following stanzas to Amaru: 99. kante kathamcid gadita-prayane We can similarly eliminate the following 17 stanzas, which are assigned to Amaru by various citations, but which are (like the stanzas 84-99 given above) not found in any recension or version of the Sataka. It is not necessary to consider them in detail, for our Index will show that in some cases they are cited anonymously or ascribed to other authors. They are: 100. amusmai cauraya 101. unmilanti nakhair 102. karne yan na krtam 103. kim iha kavari yadrk tadrk 104. gantavyam yadi nama 105. yad gamyam guru-gauravasya 106. sakhyas tani vacamsi 107. calatu tarala dhrsta 108. tais tais catubhir 109. patram na sravane'sti 110. lalitam urasa 111. surata-viratau 112. sakhi sa subhago 113. pranaya-visadam vaktre (==Ratnavali iii.9) 114. adyapi tam kanaka-kundala (==Caura-pancasika 35) 115. kanta-mukham surata-keli 116. dahati virahesv anganirsyam. With regard to the elimination of these 33 stanzas (84-116) there cannot be much doubt. But there is also a large group of some 20 stanzas (besides some already discussed), which are given by all recensions but which are diversely ascribed by these citations to other outhors. They are : our Index-list Nos. 10,16,18,22,30,32,58,64,80,94,98,124,128,129,130,131,143,145,158,172,181, etc. But since the Anthologies and Akamkara-works are in these cases not agreed among themselves in thier attribution, weneed not seriously consider their testimony against the concurrent evidence of the three recensions regarding Amaru's authorship. The secondary testimonium has not, thus, been very helpful (except negatively) in determining the probable stanzas. THE PROBABLE STANZAS OF AMARU After eliminating these 116 doubtful stanzas from the total of 188 ascribed to Amaru, we are left with a minimum residue of only 72 stanzas. All the recensions of the text agree in including them; and this is as far as a critical study of the text tradition on our available material can carry us. These stanzas are given below. They are tentatively edited, as far as possible, from the variants noted in Simon's edition (Garnered from all the recensions), as well as from the MSS and editions which we have ourselves consulted. only a brief digestof important variants is given in our critical notes with abbreviations noted as follows : V==Vema-bhupala : A==Arjunavarman ; R==Ravicandra; Rdr==Rudramadeva (Rdr 1 refers to BORI MS No.457 of 1891-95; Rdr 2 to BORI MS No. 366 of 1887-91; Rdr 3 to British Museum MS); Rr==Ramarudra; K==Kokasambhava; B==Bengali; W==Western, S==Southern and E==Eastern recension. The underline below any part of the constituted text indicates that the reading of it is less than certain. The question of the order of the stanzas is more difficult, because (as Simon's synoptic Table as well as our Appendix would show) widest possible variations are to be found in the various recensions, version and MSS. As each stanza is self-standing, there is no intrinsic means to determine thier logical order. We find no attempt, again, to arrnge the stanzas systematically by division into topics or sections (paddhatis), as we find, for instance, in the case of the Southern Recension of Bhartrhari's Satakas. only the first three Mangala-stanzas are given in the same order in all recensions and versions. We follow here the sequence which is given in the more easily availble and older commentary of Arjunavarman, and which is not inferior to any other order. The stanzas (25 in number) excluded by one recension only are appended as "Samsayita-slokas" or doubtful stanzas. Some of them are indeed fine specimens; but since they should be excluded by strict principles of textual criticism, the question whetherto include them become the concern now of subjective valuation or literary hypothesis. The same remark applies to some such verses (e.g., Index-list Nos. 65,74,86,112,150,179) assigned only by the Anthologies or Alamkaraworks. Postscript. J.D. M. Derrett (The Date and Provenance of Caturbhja Misrain BSOAS,xviii,pt.2, 1956,pp.367-71) is of opinion that Kampilya (p.16 above) referred to by Caturbhuja is situated on the southern bank of the Tungabhadra (which, we are told, isfrequently called "the Southern Ganges"), and that the author's date is about 1320-26 A.D.