About the Vidyapeetha

Work done in Phase I

Committee Report


Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati is an institute declared by Govt. of India as Deemed University fully funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The University imparts education in sastras and training in pedagogical aspects of Sanskrit teaching. It is also engaged in research and publication activities and published over 95 books which have acclaimed recognition of scholars and general public. In addition to this, the Vidyapeetha is putting sincere efforts to modernise Sanskrit education by the application of modern technological wonders for the dessemination of knowledge contained in treasure trove of Sanskrit literature. In this venture in the year 1996 it has established a modern computer lab with the generous financial grant of UGC to train the students on the modern lines in Computer Applications and Science.

                The Vidyapeetha has a collection of more than 5,000 manuscripts and over 60,000 precious collection of volumes in addition to rare publications like journals, magazines etc. The library has recently been connected to INFLIB-NET under the project of University Grants Commission.

                The Vidyapeetha has been one of the excellent institutes of Sanskrit education throughout India combining traditional and modern methods of learning.

                It is a known fact that the Govt. of India has declared the year 1999-2000 (kaliyugabda 5101) as Sanskrit Year to be observed throughout India with many befitting celebrations and academic programmes to popularise and rejuvenate Sanskrit. In this connection, the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Dept. of Education, the Govt. of India has invited proposals for academic as well as cultural programmes to be organised during the Sanskrit year. In response to the circular sent by the Government the Vidyapeeth has sent an innovative project proposal of SANSK-NET to create a net-work of various centres of traditional learning, oriental research institutes, manuscript collection centres and libraries so that the researchers, indologists get the necessary information without any difficulty.

Phase -I


Name of the participating Centre



Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati (RSVP)



Indian Heritage Group, CDAC, Bangalore



Poorna Prajna Samshodhana Mandiram, Bangalore



Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkore (ASR)



Ahobila Mutt Sanskrit College, Madhurantakam (AMSC)



Chinmaya International Foundation Veliyanad, (CIF)






Assessment of the progress of the project :

                On the proposal of the Vidyapeetha, the University Grants Commission has constituted a committee to assess the work done so far in implimenting the Sansk-net project and also for the continution of the project in the II phase. Accordingly, a high powered committee visited the Vidyapeetha on the 13th September, 2000. The members of the committee were :

1 Justice Sri Ranganatha Misra,

(Chairman, Central Sanskrit Board & Former Chief Justice of India)

New Delhi.

2. Prof. Vachaspati Upadhyaya, Vice-Chancellor

S.L.B.S.R.S.Vidyapeetha, New Delhi-16.

3.Prof. Ram Murthy Sharma, Vice-Chancellor,

Sampoornanda Sanskrit Visva Vidyalaya, Varanasi-2


4. Dr. N. Balakrishnan, Director, S.C.E.R.C., I.I.Sc., Bangalore-12.

5. Dr. Pankaj Mittal, Joint Secretary, U.G.C. New Delhi.

                On the report of the committee the UGC has sanctioned Rs. 41 lacs (Rupees forty one lacs only) for the continuation of the project in the II phase and also for the construction of a separate building housing sofisticated equipments.

                The Vidyapeetha has been thouroughly assessing the progress made by participating          centres. Accordingly the progress review meetings have been conducted on 13-4-2001,                           23-5-2001, 7-7-2001 and 11-10-2001. With the help of experts from C-DAC, time to time       internal assessments of the project have been made to review the progress of the project.

General Comments

General Comments on the progress of the project work :

·      The project was sanctioned in November, 2000 and there after R.S.Vidyapeetha, Tirupati with the technical advisorship of C-DAC ventured in to the area of high technology to present the knowledge contained in Sanskrit through electronic form and also to preserve those precious knowledge for posterity.

·      In this venture for the first time four traditional institutes of Sanskrit education spread in all states of Southern India have been net-worked as participating centres and a good deel of initiative has been seen from those participating centres.