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Written by Stephen 'Tag Loomis, Tom Pepper and Justin Frankel
Copyright Nullsoft Inc. 1998-2004
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type:text/xml HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized Server: Shoutcast DNAS WWW-authenticate: basic realm="Shoutcast Server" Content-type: text/html HTTP/1.0 200 OK content-type:text/html ICY 404 Resource Not Found icy-notice1:
SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/FreeBSD v1.9.8
icy-notice2:The resource requested was not found
ICY 403 Service Forbidden icy-notice1:
SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/FreeBSD v1.9.8
icy-notice2:The resource requested is forbidden
ICY 401 Service Unavailable icy-notice1:
SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/FreeBSD v1.9.8
icy-notice2:The resource requested is currently unavailable
ICY 400 Server Full icy-notice1:
SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/FreeBSD v1.9.8
icy-notice2:This server has reached its user limit
ICY 200 OK icy-notice1:
This stream requires Winamp
icy-notice2:SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/FreeBSD v1.9.8
%%%02X/home/home.html/listen/listen.m3uvideo/nsv[http:%s] REQ:"%s" (%s) /7/7.html/title/title.html/played/played.html/llamacookie/index.html/admin.cgipass=mode=kickdst=viewlog=song=url=bandst=banmsk=ripdst=banip=ripip=ip1=ip2=ip3=ip4=page=Current Song

Invalid resource

updinfokicksrcpublicprivateN/Aresetxmlkickdstunbandstunripdstripip/admin.cgi?mode=viewripbanip/admin.cgi?mode=viewbanBan Entry List:
    single ipsubnet[dest: %d.%d.%d.%d] kicked No Ban Entries
    viewxmlviewlogtail (Tailing)SHOUTcast Log%s
     (relaying)enableddisabledonoffManual Add[dest: %s] Added to Ban List
    %s%s.mp3log file not foundmainSHOUTcast Server

    Admin Page is Busy. Waiting 4 Seconds.

    HTTP/1.0 302 Found Content-type:text/html Location: %s RedirectClick HERE for redirect.HTTP/1.0 200 OK content-type:audio/x-scpls Connection: close [playlist] NumberOfEntries=1 File1=http://%s:%d/;stream.nsv HTTP/1.0 200 OK content-type:audio/x-scpls Connection: close [playlist] NumberOfEntries=1 File1=http://%s:%d/ UnauthorizedSHOUTcast AdministratorHTTP/1.0 200 OK content-type:text/plain Connection: close http://%s:%d %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s%s%sSHOUTcast Administrator%s
     SHOUTcast Song History
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD
    Status | Song History | Listen | Stream URL | Admin Login

    %sSHOUTcast Llama Cookie%s
    Played @Song Title
    SHOUTcast Greets!
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD

    Stephen '`Tag' Loomis
    Tom 'CaptainPooPoo' Pepper
    Justin 'Milton' Frankel
    Steve 'Ginkoba' Gedikian
    David 'Whats the ETA?' Biderman
    Brennan 'Pimpin' Underwood
    Rob 'ROB!! LORD!!' Lord
    Ian 'C' Rogers
    Cristophe 'Frenchie #1' Thibault
    Ryan 'Underoos' Melcher
    Al 'The Mystery Lady'
    Simon 'Back in the day man, I used to...' Gibson
    Chris 'Oh hell what did Tom do now' Amen
    Susan 'Julienne Davis' Becker
    Tom Whore, wherever you are
    Jordan James 'Mmkay' McKay
    YM '`Tag's Bitch' Gleaton
    the letter e
    Ghislain 'Auslandr' Lacroix
    Meggan '`Tag's Angel' LoomisZ
    The GMJ Crew
    Will 'Epic Whore' Evert
    Special greets to everyone who
    ever had to edit an sc_serv.conf file
    SHOUTcast ServerHTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden Content-type:text/html SHOUTcast Server

    403 Forbidden

    U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD

    Current Stream Information
    Server Status: Server is currently up and %s.
    Stream Status: Stream is up at %d kbps with %d of %d listeners (%d unique)
    Listener Peak: %d
    Average Listen Time: %s
    Stream Title: %s
    Content Type: %s
    Stream Genre: %s
    Stream URL: %s
    Stream ICQ: %s
    Stream AIM: %s
    Stream IRC: %s
    Current Song: %s
    Server Status: Server is currently down.
     SHOUTcast Ban List
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD
    listeners | tail logfile | view logfile | ban list | reserve ip list | logout
  1. %s : %s - %s ban - unban
    Ban a Single IP
    Type in the IP address
    Ban an Entire Subnet
    Type in the Subnet:
     SHOUTcast Reserved IP List
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD
    Reserved IP Entry List:
    1. %s - Clear Entry
     SHOUTcast Log File
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD
     SHOUTcast Listeners and Status
    SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/FreeBSD
    [dest: %d.%d.%d.%d] kicked and banned with mask %d No Reserved IP Entries
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK content-type:audio/x-scpls [playlist] NumberOfEntries=1 File1=http://%s:%d/content/%s.mp3

    (Back to main menu)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/<%02d/%02d/%02d@%02d:%02d:%02d> %s<%02d/%02d/%02d@%02d:%02d:%02d> [%s] %d listeners (%d unique) #Fields: c-ip c-dns date time cs-uri-stem c-status cs(User-Agent) sc-bytes x-duration avgbandwidth %s %s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s 200 %s %s %d %d a+%dh %02dm %02ds%dm %02ds#Software: SHOUTcast #Version: 1.9.8 /stream?title=%s%lu%uhttp://www.shoutcast.comYWRtaW46%s[main] pid: %d [main] loaded config from %s %s%sstart=1&port=%d&pass=%s[main] opening source socket [main] opening client socket [main] introfile: %s Event log: [main] relay thread starting activebackup%s%send=1&port=%d[main] dns thread starting ******************************************************************************* ** SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server ** Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Nullsoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ** Use "sc_serv filename.ini" to specify an ini file. ******************************************************************************* [SHOUTcast] DNAS/FreeBSD v1.9.8 (Feb 28 2007) starting up... [main] initializing (usermax:%d portbase:%d)... [main] Auth features requested, disabling yp support [main] auth web thread starting [main] source thread starting [main] error opening client socket! FATAL ERROR! Some other process is using this port! [main] Listener Max Connect of (%d) Minutes, set. [main] auth file thread starting [main] error (%d) contacting auth server [main] failed to alloc memory for log buffer [main] FAILED: MaxUser most be more than 0 [main] failed to alloc (%d) bytes for clients [main] failed to alloc (%d) bytes for real listener count [main] failed to alloc (%d) bytes for admin html page [main] failed to alloc (%d) bytes for song history [main] failed to alloc (%d) bytes for web metrics [main] error initializing winsock. [main] Client Stream thread [%d] starting [main] client main thread starting [main] told auth server we're done [main] error opening source socket! FATAL ERROR! Some other process is using this port! [main] connecting to yp.shoutcast.com to remove myself [no source] icy-metaint:icy-name:icy-url:icy-genre:icy-pub:icy-br:icy-icq:icy-irc:icy-aim:content-type:alwaysnever='StreamTitleStreamUrl[source] relay host gave success (%s) [source] relay from %s established. [source] relay host returned error (%s) [waiting 30s] [source] icy-name:%s ; icy-genre:%s [source] icy-pub:%d ; icy-br:%d ; icy-url:%s [source] icy-irc:%s ; icy-icq:%s ; icy-aim:%s [client: %s] Error opening intro file [source] Read %d bytes from Backup File [source] Read %d bytes from Intro File [dest: %s] Error opening backup file (%s) [source] Unable to alloc memory for Intro Buffer [source] Unable to alloc memory for Backup Buffer [source] source dropped connection. disconnecting. [source] creating relay socket [source] disconnecting from relay host [waiting 30s] GET / HTTP/1.0 Icy-MetaData:1 User-Agent:Shoutcast Server 1.9.8 [source] error connecting to relay host [waiting 30s] [source] no data (%ds timeout). disconnecting. [source] resolving relay host [source] error resolving relay host [waiting 30s] [source] error creating relay socket! FATAL ERROR! [main] Loading rip list (%s) [rip] Line %d of rip list has been ignored(bad IP) [rip] Added %d IP's to Reserve List [main] No rip file found (%s) [rip] Added 1 IP to Reserve List [main] Could not open rip file for writing! (%s) pthread_create[main] SIGTERM; exiting! [main] SIGINT; exiting! [main] SIGKILL; exiting! [main] SIGHUP; Flushing Log Files [main] SIGHUP handled. lost terminal [main] SIGWINCH; Reloaded Config File icy-reset:icy-prebuffer:audio/mpeg[source] connected from %s OK2 icy-caps:11 invalid password [source] listening for connection on port %d [source] invalid password from %s %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%s%s%d%u%d%u%d%s�%d%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%s1.9.8()[],|?;:._+-=*^%$#@!~{}/\ `"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyp.shoutcast.comicy-response:ackicy-id:icy-error:icy-tchfrq:&r=%s:%dicy-backup:[yp_add] error resolving yp.shoutcast.com GET /addsrv?v=1&br=%d&p=%d&m=%d%s&t=%s&g=%s&url=%s&content=%s&irc=%s&icq=%s&aim=%s HTTP/1.0 Host: yp.shoutcast.com Accept: */* [yp_add] yp.shoutcast.com gave error (%s) [yp_add] error connecting to yp.shoutcast.com [yp_add] yp.shoutcast.com gave extended error (%s) [yp_add] error creating socket! [yp_add] yp.shoutcast.com gave invalid id [yp_add] yp.shoutcast.com added me successfully [yp_rem] error resolving yp.shoutcast.com GET /remsrv?id=%ld&p=%d HTTP/1.0 Host: yp.shoutcast.com Accept: */* [yp_rem] yp.shoutcast.com gave error (%s) [yp_rem] error connecting to yp.shoutcast.com [yp_rem] error creating socket! [yp_rem] yp.shoutcast.com removed me! GET /tchsrv?id=%ld&p=%d&li=%d&alt=%ld&ct=%s&cm=%lu&ht=%lu HTTP/1.0 Host: yp.shoutcast.com Accept: */* [yp_tch] yp.shoutcast.com gave error (%s) [yp_tch] yp.shoutcast.com gave extended error (%s) [yp_tch] no server id, calling add_to_yp! [yp_tch] new backup server %s [yp_tch] error resolving yp.shoutcast.com [yp_tch] error connecting to yp.shoutcast.com [yp_tch] error creating socket! [yp_tch] yp.shoutcast.com touched! $FreeBSD: src/lib/csu/i386-elf/crtn.S,v 2005/05/26 09:33:28 dfr Exp $D4q'SHOUTcastP`0(p$XP $yesno /tmp/sc_stats.html./sc_stats_template.html Paudio/mpeg@changemedefault./content/sc_w3c.logsc_serv.ripsc_serv.bansc_serv.conf/tmp/sc_serv.log0123456789ABCDEF  0$xx  
    Listener List
    AddressConnect TimeUnderrunsKick IPBan IPBan SubnetReserve IP
    Stream Status: Stream is up at %d kbps with %d of %d listeners (%d unique)
    Current Song: %s
    Source: %s%s[kick]
    Log file: %s
    Configuration file: %s
    Name lookups are %s
    Intro file is %s
    Backup file is %s
    Auto client disconnects are %s
    Source idle timeouts are %ds
    Incoming interface: %s:%d - Outgoing interface: %s:%d
    Get XML Stats: [Yes]
    Reset XML Stats: [Yes]
    Incoming relay: %s:%d on %s - Outgoing interface: %s:%d
    [dest: %s] removed from ban list [dest: %s] removed from Reserved IP list [dest: %d.%d.%d.%d] Added to Reserve IP List [dest: %s] Added to Reserve IP List
    Reserve space for an IP
    Type in the IP address
    %s%dKickBanBan Reserve